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Posts posted by Aintry

  1. Most add-ons work in all three jet sims. If there are exceptions, a bit of tweaking is usually all that is required to get the add-ons to work in a specific game.


    Formation flying -- best for online, IMHO. You'll see what I mean after you play a few single-player missions in WoE, I think.

  2. Indioblack --


    My guys get attacked by enemy AI all the time; in fact, they frequently get *wiped out* by enemy AI.


    I test out my planesets to see how the planes perform against each other, and generally make sure that things are working properly before I give an install my stamp of approval.


    SF/WOV/WOE are complex programs; seemingly small things can throw them off sometimes. I've had to do a lot of experimentation to get things to work right, especially given all the mods I have installed.


    Too bad things haven't worked out for you.


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