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About xpublius

  1. Thanks all, It does seem related to the screen size, and refresh rate. I ran "Wings over Vietnam," and somehow it changed the graphics settings for "WOI." I tried several graphics resolutions and finally found 1280x800 fixed the problem. Pain in the... Thanks again.
  2. All other games work fine. Definitely not a graphics card matter. I customized the commands, so I want to wait awhile before I unintall. Thanks
  3. NVidia GE force 7600 card. I have plenty of horsepower, so it's not a speed problem. It seems to have something to do with formatting the game to the screen; there is a "Shift" when it goes from the mission planning menu to the game, for example. Thanks It's more like 2 percent, of the top of the sceen swapping ends with the bottom
  4. If this has been covered before, sorry. I searched on it and found nothing. I ran "WOI" for a week or so, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, the top, say, five percent of the screen is cut off and is along the bottom five percent. I've fiddled with the graphics settings, the resolution, the cockpit view width, and no joy. Thanks all
  5. Hey, I have all three sims, and was wondering if they can all be linked together so as to share A/C and terrain. Also, what is the state of the art patch for WOV, WOE, SF:P1? Thanks
  6. Hey, Thanks for your attention and pains. I have cleaned the disk four times with glass cleaner, and the contents of the CD appear on explore. It did seem to uninstall, and I deleted all the other files left behind. Let me tell you this strange thing: When I unintalled it somehow uninstalled my joystick, which I restored in the control panel, so disregard that. The CD/ROM will play video and music, and will run games already installed, but I cannot install anyting new; I've tried a three seperate programs. Somehow I think my ininstall zapped my CD/ROM drivers. Have you seen anything like this before? I was thinking of reinstalling the drivers. Thanks.
  7. I have run other CDs on that drive. I Tried using uninstall, and when I had the issue I hunted down every Strike fighters file I could find, and deleted them. Thanks
  8. I tried a uninstall/Reinstall, and now I cannot reinstall: there is an error which indicates a"An I/O Error Corrupt media." Even though I have been running the game fine between patches. The disk is clean and in good condition. Thanks
  9. I installed V05.15.06, it would not let me install the other patch, which is designed for WOE. The program won't support my thrustmsater joystick Fox 2, and immediately crashes back to desktop after less than a second. Thanks.
  10. http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products.html The Generic Mod enabler. I've never used it; just following the instrcutions of the author of the Middle East wars v11 readme; I am not responsible. Thanks again. Cheers.
  11. Greetings all, I have a copy of SFP:1 from ebay freshly installed. I want to use the modified content, and I was wondering what was the best way to procede. I downloaded the Generic Mod Enabler, and the "Readme" advised to patch up to the latest, as this will be the benchmark. Thanks

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