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The Scandinavian Front Mega Package Part 1

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The Scandinavian Front Mega Package Part 1



The Scandinavian Front (TSF) is a expansion pack type mod for Strike Fighters 2: Europe. It focuses on the efforts of the Scandinavian Air Forces to repel Soviet aggression in the Baltic area. Each part of the mod is self-sustaining and covers a different era, but they can also be merged

Packages released:


The Catalina Affair (1952)

Operation Isbjörn (1956)

The Gulf of Finland Skirmishes (1964)

Operation Mannerheims Sköld (1966)

Midvintermörker (2012)


This package contains all released packages updated and ready to play.

You also need to download Part 2:





First of all, make sure you are using SF2: Europe and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_. Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out.


If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed.


Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game.


Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents.

Unzip the contents of the 7zip files into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites.




Flyable Aircraft


Flygvapnet (Sweden)

A 29B Tunnan

A 32A Lansen

J 26 Mustang

J 28 Vampire

J 29 A/E/F Tunnan

J 30 Mosquito

J 32B Lansen

J 34 Hawker Hunter

J 35 B/D/E/F Draken

S 29 Tunnan

S 31 Spitfire

S 32 Lansen

JAS 39 Gripen


Luftforsvaret (Norway)

F 86K Sabre

F-104G Starfighter

F-5A Freedom Fighter


Ilmavoimat (Finland)


Vampire FB5

Folland Gnat

MiG 21F


Flyvevåbnet (Denmark)


Hawker Hunter F50


All hail Team TSF.




Riga Class Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai

ARA Intrepida (Redesigned as Soviet Patrol Boat) by terceraescuadrilla

F-86K By Bunyap, Skins by Paulopanz

Cavalier by Hinchinbrooke, updated by Wrench

Foch by Hinchinbrooke

MiG-29 Fulcrum-C by The Mirage Factory

SU-27 by Marcfighters

JAS 39C/D Gripen by Gux, Update by CadeteBra

SU-25 Frogfoot by Nato Fighters Team

E-3A by The Mirage Factory

C-130E By Dels, Skins by Paulopanz

SAMs by EricJ

Russian APC by EricJ

Russian Frigate by WhiteBoySamurai

Visby Class Corvette by WhiteBoySamurai

Carguero Cargo ship by BANIDOS Team, 3D Model:SUICIDAL, Skins: TORNO

Campaign by JonathanRL

SweStart.jpg ; Foto: Sergeant Johan Lundahl/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.

SweVictory.jpg; Foto: Sergeant Nicklas Gustafsson/Combat Camera/Försvarsmakten.

Försvarsmakten intro music by Sabaton

Gnat by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)

Mi-8 by Markfighters (Updated by Paulopanz)

MiG 21F Finnish Skin by Paulopanz

Vampire 52 by Pasko

IL-28R by Paulopanz

J 35 Draken FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz

A/J/S 32 Lansen FM Mods and Skins by Paulopanz

Jaktraketkapsel M/57 by Cocas

Danish F-100D by Paulopanz

Norwegian F-104 by hgbn

Norwegian F-5A by Column5/The Mirage Factory

Su-9A by Pasko, updated by Wrench

Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw007

Unified Effects Pack 1.1 by Stary

Ground Effects Collection by SF

Better Widesky for SF2 by Cellisky and Insky_orsin

Alternative Cloud layer 1.0 by SF

P 51B/D by WOLF257

J 26 Skins and decals by Knug & Paulopanz

Vampire by Pasko

J 28B Paint by Knug

J 28B Decals by Paulopanz

Mosquito NF by Wrench

J 30 Skin and decals by Paulopanz

Il-28R/T by Paulopanz

Soviet Torpedos by Lindr2

MiG-15BIS by Pasko & suhsjake

J-29F Tunnan by Wrench

A32A 3D model by Timmy.

Martin Baker Mk GW5 Ejection Seat by Ravenclaw_007.

Swedish RB Missile Set by Ravenclaw_007.

SF2 updates by NeverEnough.

M123 Photoflash Bomb from Bunyaps Weapons package - thanks to whoever made it.

Swedish Weapons by Ravenclaw 007 & Timmy

Cavalier Class Destroyer by Wrench

F-86K (Early Model) by Bunyap, Fubar512

F-86K RNAF skins by Paulopanz

Finnish Air Force Decals by Spinner

Avia S-99 by Monty CZ

Komar Missile boat by Pasko

Yak-25 by Pasko, SF2 and historical corrections adoptation by Paulopanz

SF2 Adoptation of Komar by WhiteBoySamurai.

Sweden terrain by gillg

J-28B Vampire by Paulopanz

J-28B Vampire sounds by Spillone104

J-33 Venom Skin and cockpit by Paulopanz

Tu-4 by Monty CZ, Wrench & LindR

Il-28R by Paulopanz

A-29B, J-29A, J-29E by Paulopanz.

J-28B Vampire (Standalone) by Knug

IL-A50 Mainstay by Veltro2k

PBY-5 / TP 47 Catalina by Veltro2k

Robot 15 Crusie Missile Edit by WhiteBoySamurai


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Good to see it all together... been having fun chasing Russian Spitfires in a Mosquito I am sure there is something wrong there... :drinks:

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I seem to remember myself adding the Spits as a bonus feature, a little standin for Soviet Props ;-)

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Good point as I wish I could remember my login details for the other site so I could download the SAAB Viggen and some of the Russian Prop jobs and do some tinkering...

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I wish that other site could have repayed the effort TSF team members put into upgrading that one, but I digress. We will have our own soon enough.

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- All Skins converted from BMP to JPG. This will make the game flow better and reduce loading time.

- Veltros Catalina & Mainstay restored.

- Mainstay more common in Midvintermörker Campaign

- Su 25 Loadout fixed

- Robot 15 turned into Crusie Missile so it can be shot down.


If you download this to patch your current TSF Installation, you must delete your previous mod folder for your system to benefit from the BMP/JPG conversion.

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Seems like the JPG Conversion was hard on the TP 84.


It currently looks like a bad, broken water painting. Here is a fix if you do not wish to re-download the entire package.



Will patch the main file in moments.

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