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Everything posted by X RAY

  1. Version


    2 sharmouth skins one for the Ecr/Ita and one for the Ids/harm Italian Air force.
  2. Just wonder if someone did 'em for SF-2,I mean the UB-8 Rocket pod without the conical nose,with exposed tubes like ORO-57 for example and the dual 9k-114 dual pods. The SF-1 ones moulded with entire Hind wing tip are wrong for the new Hind,I just need only the 2X tubes for the total 4 AT missiles. Are they available somewhere???? Thanks!!!
  3. File Name: SR-71A UPGRADE PACKAGE File Submitter: X RAY File Submitted: 25 December 2010 File Updated: 26 December 2010 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft THE SR-71A UPGRADE PACK for TW’s SF-2 series sims. READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS 1)DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE SR-71A MODEL Is hosted at A-Team's site ,(This package doesn’t contain any LODS.)If you can't give me a call. 2)INSTALL INTO YOUR FAVOURITE GAME MODS FOLDER (Respecting the folder tree structure for Sounds,Effects,Flight and Objects with its subfolders Aircrafts,Decals and Pilots) 3)PUT THE LODS INTO YOUR SR-71A EARLY AND LATE FOLDERS (Otherwise model won’t appear) 4)FLY! TECHNICAL INFOS: Press P to activate canopies Press R to activate RSO and radar cycle button to operate his cameras (once activated a square appears on top right of your screen,cause pilot's cockpit doesn't have any camera screen) Press S to activate drag chute NOTES: This package contains 2 aircrafts folders the SR-71A Early and the SR-71A Late. The first splits the the Blackbird’s life from the beginning to early 80’s,the second from 1982 to the end of it’s career in 1997-98 including late 90’s airframes reactivations. This was made to let you use the respective style numbers and markings (early whites and late reds) and let the crews wear both early white and late pale orange David Clark S-1030 suits. Most of the skins are standalones aircrafts,USAF EARLY and USAF LATE are decalled to include many planes for AC type. Also included in SR-71A Early are Nam Kadena’s Habus (ICHI BAN,RAPID RABBIT,ROSEMARY’S BABY SAN) made for your SF-2V and SF-2VXP Pack installs. Splitted in these folders are included NASA’s birds too from the early YF-12C to the late plane that made the last historic flight. There's no pictures regarding real RSO screen sight,the .tga included is a mix between Alphasim's and the Call of Duty Black Ops Sr-71 mission image that inspired me drawing it like that. Model also can be used For TW's first gen users(just putting the decals inside the respective skin folders and pilots in Aircraft folder) CREDITS: CPL Engineering for the model Alphasim for the original freeware FS-2004 SR-71A Amokfloo for the 3D pilots Torno for the skin layout Spillone 104 to help me converting the plane sounds an pilot bits Pasko and Ordway for the F-106/102 pit base FastCargo and his Eagle team for the Eagle AB effects that I've used as a base for the Habu's JAT 81500 and Starfighter2 for the FM help ME X-RAY for plane,pit and pilots skins,decals,and to let this upgrade reach the light! SPECIAL CREDIT: This plane and it's skin ICHI BAN are dedicated in my father's memory,Habu was one of his most favourite planes,and he left this world last summer. So this is my X-mas present to all communities. Have a Mach 3+ X-mas and a happy new year! Massimo "X-RAY" Pilot Click here to download this file



    THE SR-71A UPGRADE PACK for TW’s SF-2 series sims. READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS 1)DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE SR-71A MODEL Is hosted at A-Team's site ,(This package doesn’t contain any LODS.)If you can't give me a call. 2)INSTALL INTO YOUR FAVOURITE GAME MODS FOLDER (Respecting the folder tree structure for Sounds,Effects,Flight and Objects with its subfolders Aircrafts,Decals and Pilots) 3)PUT THE LODS INTO YOUR SR-71A EARLY AND LATE FOLDERS (Otherwise model won’t appear) 4)FLY! TECHNICAL INFOS: Press P to activate canopies Press R to activate RSO and radar cycle button to operate his cameras (once activated a square appears on top right of your screen,cause pilot's cockpit doesn't have any camera screen) Press S to activate drag chute NOTES: This package contains 2 aircrafts folders the SR-71A Early and the SR-71A Late. The first splits the the Blackbird’s life from the beginning to early 80’s,the second from 1982 to the end of it’s career in 1997-98 including late 90’s airframes reactivations. This was made to let you use the respective style numbers and markings (early whites and late reds) and let the crews wear both early white and late pale orange David Clark S-1030 suits. Most of the skins are standalones aircrafts,USAF EARLY and USAF LATE are decalled to include many planes for AC type. Also included in SR-71A Early are Nam Kadena’s Habus (ICHI BAN,RAPID RABBIT,ROSEMARY’S BABY SAN) made for your SF-2V and SF-2VXP Pack installs. Splitted in these folders are included NASA’s birds too from the early YF-12C to the late plane that made the last historic flight. There's no pictures regarding real RSO screen sight,the .tga included is a mix between Alphasim's and the Call of Duty Black Ops Sr-71 mission image that inspired me drawing it like that. Model also can be used For TW's first gen users(just putting the decals inside the respective skin folders and pilots in Aircraft folder) CREDITS: CPL Engineering for the model Alphasim for the original freeware FS-2004 SR-71A Amokfloo for the 3D pilots Torno for the skin layout Spillone 104 to help me converting the plane sounds an pilot bits Pasko and Ordway for the F-106/102 pit base FastCargo and his Eagle team for the Eagle AB effects that I've used as a base for the Habu's JAT 81500 and Starfighter2 for the FM help ME X-RAY for plane,pit and pilots skins,decals,and to let this upgrade reach the light! SPECIAL CREDIT: This plane and it's skin ICHI BAN are dedicated in my father's memory,Habu was one of his most favourite planes,and he left this world last summer. So this is my X-mas present to all communities. Have a Mach 3+ X-mas and a happy new year! Massimo "X-RAY" Pilot
  5. As I've talked about in another thread,about first attempts in the A-12 project now i'm showing the last updates regarding the whole model prior its 1.0 release. All the people involved are mentioned in the previous thread named groom Lake 196X (Veltro2K,Pappy,and the long list of top secret keepers) waiting also Blackibird/Jat for their FM (anyway I've made my first FM ever for this and it's almost good permitting this beast to reach peak speed in proximity of Mach4) ,the last one in order that I'm gratefully mentioning is Amokfloo for his superb pilots. So now we can take a look of the definitive skins: A) The early in the silver/black finish with USAF markings B) The CIA's operational unit the 1129th S.A.S. "Roadrunners" in both standard white SN and "late" red SN (don't know about the last one,many restored planes show'em and I've included too) C) The early black USAF scheme Note on the skins: 95% Pete's with mine final tuning Note on the markings: My historical decals provide the real SN's for all the 13 (+2) AC's built from Lockheed's Skunk Works and set this plane Black Shield ready just out from the box,just need somebody that build a mission for it. Now we can take a look at the pit: The pit is the basic Pasko's 106 pit,than retouched by ordway for the 102 and now by me for the A-12 I've add and audio only RWR too (SAM security is never enough) I've mention Erikgen too here to help me making the scope that works like on his 101 just pressing the radar cycle button you can hide it or show it This is the Amokfloo part,the pilots: With standard A-12 pressure suit (.bmp visor down) With late SR-71 pressure suit (early white) provided with both .tga visor up and down A special note for the pilots,like the real the helmet is solid to the airtight collar,but the head is moving inside! All if it is up or down has double .tga visor clear and dark (pilot is always zipped inside) Reaching the mach 3+ envelope: The first is circa the normal top service speed,the second is the limit speed. the speed tables of this version of the Habu (yes I've said habu,cause the first plane that sports this name was the A-12 in Okinawa during Nam war earlier before the SR-71) remains classified but this is the fastest version of the whole family,some says that can exceed mach 3.5,so I've set limit to 3.99 and you can do what you want! Last thing before release will be a gift from Nghengo and his team so stay tuned!max 2 weeks,not jocking! As Spectre says in other thread i'm joining him saying: HABU LIVES!
  6. Agree with al the gents!GOOD WORK!
  7. I'm slowly going back in the saddle... My Bazs and Netzs are always hungry so when i've decided to add the foxbats in their environment (using the latest eburger's pack) i've started to skin 'em again or better...update their skins. Then with the help of Spillone we moved to update Florian's Soviet pilot too, removing the Life preserver and slightly modifying the helmet top, at that point we made both version of the VKK-6-GSH-6 high altitude combination The 1965 early GSH-6A (with the oxy tube on the left and cable routing to the front just below the visor frame, combination widely used in WP) and the GSH-6LP 1970's to present (with the oxy tube on the right and cable routing to the back) both version are skinned with the otion of the small tinted visor up or down and with russian-WP pilots and Middle eastern-exotic too for a total of 8, we also have made the version with the life preserver...not used in this flight combination (without VKK-6 coveralls) a few pics better will add asap: Pilots line up wit a 25 PU (skin updated - nose panels and colour match etc...) Syrian and Iraqi-Lybian-Indian and russian RB's updated (anti glare and texture) Soviet Mig-25 P and PU with updated textures and different radomes and numbers (right position and size) Also incuding Lt. Belenko's Foxbat (Don't shoot at this one plz :)) Lybian and other foreign countries PU's too
  8. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=195566083966474&set=vb.100005392513109&type=3 old video made by me with the first release
  9. http://www.news3d.eu/index.php/topic,67934.msg958453.html Take a look at this site,the 104 is based upon the SSW 104 made for FSX, 100% completely freeware,the N-3D modders have also released One of the best environments around for DCS-W called Effetto Erba or Grass Effect for all 4 season in stock and HD rez. same for the runways, all free. You can contact the admin modders (Taker or Extender for example) to let you download it, normally you have to register, then after a few posts made by yourself you achieve the VIP status and be able to download everything, such the AFW-08 or all flyable world for latest patch, they upgrade everytime the sim make a progress. They're also on FB and there's a SF-2 section too. Everybody speak english...so give it a try!
  10. just reinstallin again....to try the new F-104 FM and finally working pit

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