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Everything posted by MaverickMike

  1. Quick question are the s300 and sa11 sams new to this version of the mod. As far as I know I have never run into them in previous versions..... The SA-11 is an absoloute nitemare! Mike
  2. Few random screens from my current NF4+ campaign with the Canadian 439 Squadron.....
  3. Carrier Life

    Wow. Those are some awesome pics. Those ducks don't look terribly appetising however
  4. I have been trying to add the pave spike to the canadian 421 squadron in the awesome NF4+ mod and, (beeing the 1st time ive tried any ini editing in the second gen sims) I noticed that the squadron loadouts are not at the bottom of the ini entry for the campaign. Can someone tell me where to find this entry or how to add the pave spike to the squadrons loadout Cheers Mike
  5. The pave spike appeared in the campaign loadouts aswell after editing the aircraft ini. Sorry I forgot to mention that the aircraft is the CF-18 Hornet. I manually added the pave tack to the squadron but now that the spike is there I have no intention of using it. Going to take it out now actually. Thanks for your help anyway guys Mike P.S. As an afterthought can anyone from the NF4+ team clarify whether the loadout is correct for the squadron. They have GBU's but are unable to use them due to a lack of designator. Just wondering if this has been overlooked or something. Excellent work though. Started a few campaigns and im loving it....
  6. Just had a really weird experience. On a CAP over germany in my CF-18 I was engaging a MiG-29 head on and he also had a RAF Phantom on his tail. I locked him up with a sidey and fired from around 2NM, At this exact point however the chasing RAF Phantom overshot the MiG and went straight into my AIM-9!. CHECK FIRE CHECK FIRE!!!!!
  7. Sorry to waste your time guys but it looks like I sorted it. I edited the aircrafts ini to allow the centerline station to hold LP (laser pods) And they have automatically appeared in the campaign loadout. Thanks for your help anyhow Mike
  8. Ok just had a look and I couldnt seem to find the Pave spike in the weapons folder, however I found the pave tack. Is this a designator? The reason im asking is the squadron has GBU10s and GBU12s in its loadout but I cant use them due to the lack of a designator for the aircraft. Thanks for the quick reply Daddyairplanes Cheers Mike
  9. First mission in NF4+. Mid air collision with a MiG I had just shot down.... Still my pilot survived the ejection and was wounded and hospitalised.....
  10. Wohoo. DL now. Its my birthday on Sunday too so this is an excellent early present. Thanks Guys. You have made my week!
  11. Range time

    "Just going down the range honey"
  12. Stupidness: Your story.

    I actually done something stupid yesterday morning. I was going to make cheese on toast so I started grating the cheese and noticed that I had used the last of it, after finishing with the grating I then proceeded to throw the grated cheese into the bin..... Dont ask me why I did it because I honestly dont know. I had to have scrambled egg instead. Mike
  13. First shot in SF2:I. Mirage 3 of 117 First Jet squadron on the way home from a succesfull strike against egyptian target. Loving the new graphical tweaks in this game....
  14. I agree. Im not going to be able to get this til 5:00PM TOMORROW EVENING. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Work should be banned when TK releases anything new...... Mike
  15. Maybe one of the ex-soviet countries?
  16. This ought to stir up a little talk

    I think it comes down to the fact that they broke the rules. Irrespective of how stupid or pointless a rule may be, they are there to be followed and anyone not doing so should be punished. Pretty cool fly-by though Mike
  17. A Tornado F.3 of No.5 Squadron interceps an enemy MiG-27D over Hamburg. FOX 2!!!!
  18. Im sure I also read somewhere (maybe on here) that harriers rarely take off vertically simply because it tends to damage the surface of the runway/taxiway they are taking off from. Don't know whether its correct mind... By the way very informative post with the numbers FC . Ive never taken the time to work that one out. Mike
  19. Do you have a favorite?

    Its gotta be the CA Dark for me. Love the sort of carbon fibre effect of the background
  20. Phantom FGR.2s of No.1 Squadron on a CAP over West Germany 1968...
  21. Strange aircraft sightings

    I was recently out my back garden when I heard a chopper flying overhead. I tried to spot it but after around 5 mins of searching I saw nothing so I assumed it had flown over my house and I couldnt see it. I then spotted it and couldnt believe my eyes. Now im not much of a chopper guru but what I saw resembled an Mi-35! It was quite far away but Im pretty sure it was one because as far as i know there are no choppers that look like it in the british forces? Question I have is if I am incorrect then what other chopper could it be? Are there any gunships in service that look like the Mi-35? Unfortunately I didnt get a pic as (like i said earlier) I was in my garden at the time. Could anyone shed any light on this? I live not far from a air to ground training range so maybe a coalition chopper was doing some training or something? Cheers Mike
  22. Can NF4+ be installed onto a stand-alone install of SF2:E or will it need a merged install? I know its slightly off topic but I think its still relevant to the last few posts. Cheers Mike
  23. The demise of Col. Stepan Bahaev

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