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Everything posted by colmack

  1. It was the jarring of the landing, the piece of shrapnel shifted and cut his aorta.............. dead before spool down............
  2. My select and rotate "sphere" is gone 3dmax 2009 I still have the Gizmo(s) in all the other transforms even rotate but the sphere I have already hit "x" just cant find a setting for the ball's size if that is the problem.....I KNOW I KNOW........ thanks for any insight...
  3. just to say it was something simple a setting in preferences duhh, I was stumped for a few days some how the wrong box got checked I guess from my keyboard 2 thumbs ramblings
  4. Karl I have it haven't been able to do much lately, game wise tho I'll try to run it up tonight n see what conspires, I already have a mission set up NC/Iowa going at 2 Kongo's in a running battle NC always fell short I don't think it will now :-)
  5. hello well for the most part my sf2 instal full install, fully merged has stopped working ODS it just ctd's as soon as i start the mission, Europe starts but the sound dies and wont take screenies, NA starts missions loads but when i look at objects ships n such it freezes 1. should i reinstall from scratch? 2. do you think my Direct X is hosed i also play nascar2003 it went bad around the same time It runs but the sound goes off not to far in to a race and the graffix get a jumpy i notice FPS are around 70 then there is a slight freeze as the FPS drop to the teens it also CTD's I tried to install some steam games a while back from disks my friend gave me but the accounts for said game were used and Steam wont give me new ones even tho i have the disks I think that is when this all started i have since deleted the games
  6. CCleaner has seemed to fixed it as far as nascar2003 goes, I started new sf2 folders and every thing is working as advertized 0 mods tho..
  7. thanks i'll get one of the reg cleaners do you no of a good freeware one?
  8. I was wondering how a Royal Navy Unrotated Projectile mount could be simulated? I was thinking maybe a flair type or something like that? the whole concept just seems stupid from jump street seeing as how the weapon could drift back on you after launch cause she has 5 mounts
  9. yes that would be great!! hey maybe some day you could do Operation El Dorado Canyon..
  10. OHHH SNAP!! Once again to the breach!!! of out doing yourself!!
  11. Sims class destroyer= tasked in keeping the fleet safe in the early parts of the war.
  12. Thanks Man!
  13. Loss of Indian Navy Kilo class submarine INS Sindhurakshak

    Indeed very sad..
  14. I wouldn't go spend any money just yet.....I'm looking at my cfs2 model, it's a little worse for wear then the NC was when I got started with that .might have to rebuild the superstructure and what not...
  15. File Name: North Carolina class Battleship File Submitter: colmack File Submitted: 07 August 2013 File Category: Battleships the "first" release of North Carolina class BB-55 Click here to download this file
  16. Oh snap.................. Kjakker made some new guns i forgot to put in the DL i have now updated the package sorry folks
  17. Version V1.1


    the "first" release of North Carolina class BB-55
  18. About the Downloads and Subscriptions

    re-upped Dave i'll try to stay on track but, i'll have to stay month 2 month, so i don't use money i ain't got........ college is going to kill me I know but, its an investment in my kids future.. as is Combatace to my sanity
  19. Inside Combat Rescue

    This Video.. everybody should watch this.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4621926754257&set=vb.440106476051475&type=2&theater

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