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About cédric

  1. Hello, see that, it's very good and in your native language http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html Very Mery Christmas Good Guy One French Friend :
  2. hello , I don't speak english very well but name of campaign.ini you put your new squadron by exemple: [uSAFUnit001] UnitName=10th TFS, 50th TFW name of your new squadron ForceID=1 UnitID=1 same number in [AirUnit001] StartDate=1960 DescFile=10thDesc.txt texte of description history of your squadron StartText=CampaignOrNoirStart1.txt and in name of campaign_data. ini [AirUnit001] AircraftType=F-100D type of your new plane in data.ini of your type plane directory objects aircraft Squadron=10TFS name of new squadron StartDate=8/2/1960 ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=USAFSilver1 you can see that in data.ini of your type plane directory objects aircraft BaseArea=D4 Airfield RandomChance=100 MissionRate=1.0 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=16 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=16 Experience=100

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