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Everything posted by Cali

  1. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    I was also a member of Biohaz, that was a long time ago.
  2. I still fly FC2 and I didn't say I'm tried of it, plus you threw in the kardashian comment.
  3. Go sit in the corner for talking about the F-16 that way! I've been flying lock on/FC2 since it came out and flying BMS is a very nice change. Only if and when DCS makes an F-16 and a nice DC. I must admit the DC in BMS is freaking awesome.
  4. Rumors are just that, we won't know untill it's released.
  5. Raptor is still sexier! I would love to hear the pak-fa start up.
  6. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    How much are you trying to get?
  7. Al Queda's new CEO

    I wonder if he knows why the other guy "quit"
  8. Congrats to the winners, hope you guys enjoy them!
  9. Happy Birthday Ken!

    Happy Birthday
  10. That's a 20 minute drive from my Mom's house, I have been on that base twice. RIP to the pilots.
  11. Laid off from work

    That sucks, sorry to hear that, what a bad way to starty the new year and month.
  12. Bedroom intruder video

    That song is freakin funny!
  13. Obutto Gaming Cockpit

    Nice pit, got a video of you flying? Lock on/DCS BS or A-10?
  14. F-22 aircraft overdue in reporting

    This time of year and they haven't found him yet, it's not looking good at all.
  15. I wonder if that's why Aggressor Vipers are block 25/30's
  16. Wish Her Luck

    Just sewed on E-6 1 Nov also, gonna be nice seeing that extra pay. Hope she makes it, best wishes.
  17. Honorable Discharge

    Congrats on that, you can retire any time you want now. Where are you stationed at and what do you do?
  18. Honorable Discharge

    US Air Force, stationed in Phoenix, Arizona......thx also
  19. Get it here http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.co...r=shop&lang=en
  20. Beta 2 is out for those that have A-10C already. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1018903
  21. Honorable Discharge

    Congrats, I still have 9 years to go....to retire.
  22. I doubt that, I have never heard anyone use that term, it's always been the "Bone"
  23. I meant to say that F-15C pilots call the F-15E the Beagle. And yes the F-15C is called the albino by some.
  24. Nope, US pilots call it that also, mainly the F-15C pilot.

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