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Everything posted by Caveman

  1. Iran's latest....

    Damn it jarhead now i have to agree with a freaking Marine......oh well no loss there lol
  2. Oh good grief!

    there is no shame in that
  3. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    lookin good lookin good
  4. Birds of a feather....

    well thats alittle.....dissapointing...... man and i used to think that one was awsome
  5. Official 08' IRONMAN movie trailer

    NICE i just hope they do it justice
  6. lookin good sofar m8 can't wait to see the final product

    i'm sorry i was a few caves away did someone call??
  8. cooking on gas!!!!! ewww.. no no the ONLY way is on charcoal!!! yum lol
  9. We're...

    a duck...no no no wood lol
  10. nice work again m8 (not say you were right lol) but its all good :D
  11. SH4 Screenshots

    Tis a good one to grab...i'm lovin' it well this and WoW.......can't forget my WoV and Sfp1 fix ether lol
  12. no kiddin then we practicaly live next door to each other... anyway i just rechecked the site and here is what i found http://www.cobuck.ang.af.mil/UnitsPg/UNITS.HTM now don't get me wrong here i love to see the skins (bout time someone did them lol) and i'm not sayin hey your wrong!! naw i'm just sayin small minor detail...no biggie lol i just thought of something.... how old is that pick??? just wonderin if maybe in one of the reshuffles it got redesignated since that photo was taken????? ehh anyway good work on the skin m8
  13. good looking skin only 1 problem..... the only F-16 ANG unit in CO is the 120th FS of the 140WG.... i just talked my freind in the COANG to conferm.... but good skin m8 <S>
  14. Latest on TLG mod

  15. 1982 war video question

    that looked like a sam kill to my untrained eye...anyone eles?
  16. looks great!! make me wanna get in an XL and go joy-riding
  17. did anyone catch that 3rd plane almost get hit as well... could have been much worse at least noone on the ground was hurt RIP <S>
  18. Miss South Carolina

    you have to feel sorry for the good people of S.C. for have her represent them in that thing....
  19. anyone playing SH4?

    i just got it a few??? days ago haven't played anyting else since love it!!!!!!
  20. ehh i just got 2 words for ya FLY NAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  21. First Solo

    grats m8....wish i could get up fpr real......but i love hearing that others can so.....good luck and good flying m8
  22. ahh thank you gocad i did not know that... i feel sheepish now
  23. unless they work out a deal with the Russians to pay for them with oil......scary thought
  24. sweet i can't wait for it

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