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Everything posted by Caveman

  1. In memorium-my cat Mack

    I feel your pain m8 just had one pass on myself my they R.I.P
  2. Always sad to hear someone going out before there time... R.I.P sir
  3. The way I read the potato queue is ether a food line (which I find unlikely due to a food line mention) or a bomb shelter which seems more likely to me as if I recall corectly potato's are grown underground and after looking at the 2 lines grab the kids and see it through go and join the potato queue it seams to me that the writer is saying take my kids to the bomb shelter.... just me and I could be very wrong but thats my read on it I would also have to say that the 2 posts before mine are pretty well on the mark :drinks:
  4. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    So far there looking at fines around $2,000,000 or so from what i understand and about 10 years in jail if i recall corectly and the FAA is getting invalolved because of disruptions to the airspace of DIA... there were many flights diverted, canceled, approches rerouted, ect... yup there in a lot of trouble here, and I asked that day why are the kids home??? no answer on that one yet... it could be that they are in one of the year round schools here which means that they have a different "track" system than the traditional August-June school schedule that we are used to... not real sure on that one though (yeah its wiered)
  5. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    it just got more fun....no really it did http://kdvr.upickem.net/engine/Welcome.aspx?contestid=10987
  6. OK guys I've been thinking the past few days for a nice what if plane if someone wants to give it a try.... Hows bout a RF-16B?? I think it would be awsome eh?
  7. Cats Happen

    Dave you have my cat!!!! lol your Jinxy is the spitting image of my Butters in his prime
  8. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    http://www.kdvr.com/news/kdvr-balloon-boy-hoax-101809,0,4955306.story gotta love it...
  9. Found a british guy i like

    any other links to this the "peace lovers" have already takin it down
  10. Cats Happen

    this is my late orange tabbie named butterscotch...I'll load a pic of my calico later... shes my lil sweetie
  11. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    wow this is increadible listin to dads non answer towards the end I;m really starting to get the feeling that this was a setup just came across this as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBUvyL7iafY&feature=related
  12. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    Wow umm... ok they mean to tell the world that they didn't talk to the boy until they were on tv? sorry but if that were my son i would have asked him those questions and more before the tv...... just me though
  13. Random Pic Time

    LOL how true!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. well I would love to fly your fine lookin bird but thats just me its yours so I say its your call m8
  15. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    It begs the question when he will be ungrounded...
  16. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    they had to shut DIA down for a bit as the "craft" as the news here has been calling it got into DIA airspace... man this has been scary for me as I can feel what the parents of that boy were feeling as i have a 9 year old boy... one of my questions is why were the kids not in school.. as i write this the dad is being interviewed
  17. Thanks Storm and now I know and knowing is half the battle!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Rejected? Seriously?

    hmmm.... might have to look into some spray paint.... for my grill.....
  19. Last i heard on this which was awhile ago they were calling it the F-16CJ didn't hear anything bout blocks but I have been behind the curve before and it won't be the last time lol
  20. Damn Wrench you are the man! thats a nice lookin bird when I said I was thinkin more on the lines of the RF-4C I meant only in terms of looks not function but you idea is a LOT better
  21. i was thinking more on the lines on a n nose mod like the RF-4C but yeah a pod could work to
  22. that I didn't know lol and yeah something like that
  23. well at least a caveman can think it.. unfortunatly i don't have the skillz

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