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Everything posted by Caveman

  1. New guy on the deck

    Greetings m8 and most of us here are enlightened and LOVE the Cat... but there are still some unedumucated out there who think the Eagle is better J/k the Eagle ani't to bad.....
  2. Using the WHOLE runway...

    how do we know it was even loaded lol just kidding
  3. Ok here the set up i just had my harddrive redone and was reinstalling WoV... got it installed and tried to run it it said that there was and error in missileobject.dll....can anyone help plz!!!!
  4. oh YAY it worked it worked ty ty ty!!!! i started with sp4 and installed everything after that and it works!!!! blessed be CoolHand29 for thou art good
  5. ok i have found and DL'd a newer version of Direckx9c and still get the error.........the cd is scratched but not too bad......should i try the patches and weps pack in hopes that it will have a fix?
  6. i first had problems after i reinstalled with patches and weps pack and a coupla modded A-4's and the F-22a then tried a fresh install to see if it was the mods and or AC......same error msg..... i'll recheck the disk to see if its in really shape
  7. i'll look into a newer version of directx but this was on a fresh install no patches or weapons packs and i checked the knowledge base
  8. Rule of Two

    i finished Inferno bout a week ago diein to read Fury...still can't belive Mara...gone......
  9. New assault rifle

    hmm seeing that and knowing how that cute cuddly kitten is treing to take over the world one song comes to mind....There pinky and the brain LOL
  10. were those Chinese markings on the wing??
  11. Now Aint This A Kick In The 'Nads?

    glad to hear your son and his friend are ok(ish) and i can't say anymore hear that hasen't been said bout that asshat
  12. Cows=Carnivores

    LOL that was awsome!!!! i love cows even more now......brb gonna go eat a steak now
  13. C&C Generals: Zero Hour...

    hmm sorry m8 i have it but haven't played in a while....but i like the sound of what your doing
  14. I Passed......

    good job m8 and GRATZ!!!!!! no get drunk as hell(by now prolly already done) and wake up 2days from now with a well deserved hang over
  15. holy cow you mean there are still some of those flying somewhere???? i thought they all got retired well goes to show ya...ok i'll go back to my cave now
  16. yes yes i do live in a cave :) haven't u seen the Gieco comercials? we are up to date with tech but hey its ok..... just had never heard of the A-16 befor and when i tried to find some info came up no joy
  17. ok ok i have to ask what is an a16???
  18. Remember

    R.I.P <S>
  19. Operation Eagle Claw

    don't forget Chief Ortiz was in it and he comes back in another of Tom Clancys books Debt of honor...and i hope Without Remorse NEEVER makes it to the movies as they will only screw it up anyone remember the movie Clear and Present danger??? William DeFo (how ever it is spelled) as "Mr C" come on!! but who can forget the "bang stick" in the gut.....ewww
  20. ok as a former member of a JROTC drill team it takes hours and days of practice to do that stuff, and you still run the risk of screwing up, but man that is impresive and it brings back memorys.......
  21. My cookbook is ready!

    Dagger i never knew you were a writer well grats m8
  22. Ten Commandments

    and all the people said.......AMEN
  23. anyone out there have a mod or anything to make the 110 a flyable aircraft??? PLZ help.

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