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Everything posted by Erwin_Hans

  1. Here is the BOX Su_35_hud_box.rar
  2. Any example? Any InI edit for the number? I have done this Part.
  3. Su-35BM HUD-2

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  4. heading in degrees... How can I make this
  5. Good work! Mordened Flankers need them.
  6. No..no....it comes from here: Advertisementnew of Russian's Su-35BM http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHCwQquUFI&...feature=related
  7. Su-35BM HUD

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  8. JJ-8II Finback

    You know..........I always be a magician.
  9. JJ-8II Finback

    I'v got MAX of it.
  10. why don't belive in Iran?

    Yep,we all don't want see the evil nuke
  11. why don't belive in Iran?

    Some MiGs.... and..........Tmocats.
  12. Où pouvez télécharger le hélicoptères Black Hawk?

    What.......what is this ......... 拉丁文?
  13. r-77-pd.JPG

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  14. Update: New Cockpit and Radar,you will see a Rangebar for the new R-77-PD Break-X of the new radar: And new R-77-PD
  15. su-27sm radar.JPG

    From the album INSKY's WIP


    From the album INSKY's WIP

  17. RVV-AE-PD.jpg

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  18. Spitfire celebrates 70th anniversary

    It seems....did RAF wish give F-35 a name called "Spitfire II"?
  19. Spitfire celebrates 70th anniversary

    Spitfire,happy birthday!
  20. Yes.........I have nearlly forgot it ........... But.........Awesome!
  21. I'm working on Su-27SM's new radar. Later,I will show you a magicly radar. like this And a news, there will be new R-73 and R-77 3D model...And! new R-77-PD missile. :yes:
  22. SU-27SM_Radar.JPG

    From the album INSKY's WIP

  23. Another very eazy way...... Zip the WeaponEditor.exe..... And,try to open the ziped WeaponEditor.exe in WinRAR Then.... ....Success

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