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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. They're placed by the system, just fine. We've been using Hawks placed this way, for years. As soon as I finish what I'm currently working on, I'll conduct an experiment, one in which I'll Nike Batteries in their proper geographic (and historical)positions, on the GermanyCE map.
  2. Just copy the default SA-2 layout (offsets and all), and place it on the "allied" side of the terrain map. It's that simple.
  3. Just showing off what's shipped with, and what's available for this series. The terrain shader effect is a modded TW shader, set up to take full advantage of 16x AF.
  4. I'm using the default NoiseNormal that shipped with the October patch. I've simply forced 16X AF within the shader script, and forced normalization, to minimize any chance of chromatic "anomalies", with varying view and illumination angles. The latter was an issue with some of the normal files and shader scripts I was experimenting with.
  5. Uh hih uh huh huh huh....he said "lay pipe" huhuhuhuh.....
  6. I'd say that the biggest issue with static SAMs and the TW game-engine, is that it seems to favor a standardized SAM deployment, six launchers and one SAM-radar (ala SA-2 deployment), Have you tried using the SA-2 deployment scheme?
  7. img00002.jpg

  8. The potential was always there. Most sims are like cars. In stock form, from the factory (or software creator), compromises are made in their performance to allow them to suit the needs of the average driver (or system). We are analogous to tuners. We maximize the performance, by fine-tuning the product.
  9. The water & terrain shaders? Soon....just have to finish testing them. The S-300 will be available just as soon as MontyCZ decides that it's ready for "Prime Time"
  10. Gasp? Gasp???? Is that all you have to say? Well, here's a diarrhea-inducing diorama for you... 6 x 4 tube S-300 TELs, arrayed around their radar vehicles. None, that I've noticed on my system.
  11. Did you try this, first?: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34221
  12. OK Dave, enough is enough....you can pick yourself off the floor, now.
  13. Here's a secret film, of Dave undergoing his GS-8 training:
  14. for all you Ghost Hunters fans..

    They may have been out, fixing clogged toilets, or leaky faucets.
  15. That video was created using a fresh WoE install, with Brain32's GermanyCE terrain, and with the Oct 08 patch.
  16. To keep things neat, place it within a sub folder inside of the weapons folder. The sub folder should contain that tank's .ini file, the tank's .lod files, and any bitmaps used by that tank. The folder and .ini file need to be named exactly the same, as this is what is referenced by the weapondata.dat in order for that tank (or weapon) to be made available.
  17. The size and type of normal file may have some bearing on that. Try the shader effects I uploaded a while back, it uses a larger waternormal file, in an alpha-channel corrected .tga format. It causes the effect to appear to be semi-transparent.
  18. The speechsystem.ini goes into the Flight folder.
  19. Weapons effects must be associated with their related weapons. Depending on the effect type, you'll find those associations in the missileobject.ini, the bulletobject.ini, the weapondata.ini, or in the gundata.ini. You'll find the visual effect association for the nuke explosion, in the missileobject.ini. Regarding the damage caused by nukes in this series, you must keep in mind that trees and some buildings aren't objects at all, hence they will not be effected by any explosion, irregardless of yield. OTH, solid objects have a damage value that can be adjusted, but be aware that if you make them vulnerable to a shock-wave sort of an effect, a single .30 cal round would probably destroy them, as well.
  20. Old news, easy fix: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32500

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