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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. My present cloud shader is simply an HDR Bloom shader, as diffuse-mapping added strange effects, shadows that were opaque, etc.
  2. img00005.jpg

  3. On "Hard" flight model. It's simply of question of flying the right profile.
  4. img00003.jpg

  5. img00002.jpg

  6. Try setting the time to noon. then climb above 50,000 feet. Pay attention to the sky...
  7. F-22 RWR

    Even I miss one, now and again.
  8. sound issues

    LOL...the setting both littlesmoke and I mentioned is not adjusted through the game. You need to adjust that setting in Control Panel / Sound and Audio options.
  9. Even LOMAC, which is probably about the most stunning visual combat flight sim, uses X-type trees. Unfortunately, this series is like any other flight sim, in that it's only going to get more demanding of hardware, as time goes on. Try lowering our horizon view distance to "normal", and see if that helps.
  10. Two solutions. Either place the editor inside of a zip file and execute it from inside there, or, if you're really knowledgable, you can place the editor in a folder that will force windows to treat it as a system file I'm not openly telling you which folder to place it in, becuase someone might mess up even a simple operation like that, and hose their system in the process.
  11. F-22 RWR

    Because nothing would see you, which is the purpose of sealth, to begin with
  12. F-22 RWR

    The RWR does not warn you in the case of an IRM being sent your way. It is, afterall, a Radar Warning Reciever, and an IRM is completely passive (it simply homes in on your heat signature). You are simply being painted by an enemy's radar, because he acquired you visually, but cannot get enough of a radar return off your ac to guide a SAHM or AHM. Stealth is all or nothing in this series, unless its been fixed in the latest WoI patch., so setting the RCS value above a minus value will make you visible to every radar in-game, irregardless of your range from the unit. Setting it to a negative value will make you invisible to all radar, and it makes no difference if you decide to use -0.00000000001 or -0.9999999999 for a stated value. Setting the "MaxVisibleDistance" to 2000-3000 will probably give you a somewhat more reasonable approximation of the real aircraft's low-observable characteristics, as the enemy AI will not spot you, nor will their controller, until you are inside of that that range (even at night). Admittedly, its a bit of a cheat, but even in RL, stealth technology is best employed in low-light conditions.
  13. Awwww shucks....I guess I'll to just try to get by with my 6 year old 19" CRT at 1600x1200....
  14. img00064.jpg

  15. In a manner of speaking, it is both.
  16. There currently are (and have been) 20",21", 21.6", 22" and 24" LCDs that support 1680x1050 resolution.
  17. What are you doing Labor Day weekend?

    Well, since I already live in what is technically a vacation area (the NJ Shore), I'll be staying home, and off the roads. Traffic's usually a nightmare around here on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends.
  18. Even my wingman managed to nail a Blinder at over 65 nautical miles. AIM-54Bs had HOJ (home-on-jam) enabled for this video. http://forum.combatace.com/uploads/1219754...43_32287480.wmv
  19. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Thanks, guys. Oh, and C5, that was the Civil War...not the Crimean. And Dave, first came the dinosaurs, then they died, turned to oil, and along came OPEC.....
  20. The MiG-25 model will exceed Mach 2.83...just long enough to trash its engines.
  21. RB.jpg

  22. Cockpit Toggle

    Stig, anyone who wants to run this game in easy mode is entitled to do so, as they spent their money on it. While I may not agree with that, it's not my place (and cetainly not your's) to tell them to do otherwise. Now, go sit in the corner facing the wall while we prepare the flaming benzene splash and burn mod for you
  23. Now, here's something that I've observed. I have a generic "pirate" cargo ship that I've armed with 12 SA-14s. I was, of course, forced to create a virtual launcher that used the missile itself for the pitch and yaw axis. This setup resulted in mostly rear-aspect launches....and a nasty surprise for my wingman coming off an attack run. Here's my "launcher" data: [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR DataLink=TRUE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=3000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,10.70 MaxVisibleDistance=45000.0 RadarCrossSection=1000 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=3000.000000 MinMissileRange=100.000000 PitchAngleRate=50 MaxPitch=90.0 MinPitch=0.0 DefaultPitchAngle=40.0 YawAngleRate=50 YawLimited=0 MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=10.0 YawModelNodeName=SA-14 PitchModelNodeName=SA-14

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