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Everything posted by Fubar512

  1. Just tested it on the Udaloy, works fine for me.....or perhaps it was pulled down by a Russian Water-Tentacle!
  2. The Cat extractor came out on Wednesday, Kreelin
  3. On third-party ship models, you can create a collison LOD by copying that model's first or main LOD, and then renaming it (utilizing the Third Wire naming convention, just to be safe). For example, using the Ulyanovsk as a testbed, I came up with Ulyanovsk_COL.LOD. Ordnance no longer simplypasses right through it, without exploding.
  4. That most likely tells the model to fold its wings, and/ore open its canopy, when parked on a carrier deck.
  5. Yes, manually edit the AGM-84's data.ini, and add the following lines: SeaSkimming=TRUE TerminalPopUp=TRUE And that should do it.
  6. AFAIK, the A-6E did not have a TEWS RWR until 1988 at the earliest.
  7. That's because you most likly may not have added it as a Component entry, under the aircraft data section section, like so.... [AircraftData] Component[010]=Hide1 Then, just under the stabs, and above the "crew" entries [Hide1] ParentComponentName=nose ModelNodeName=Fuel_Probe DestroyedNodeName= ShowFromCockpit=FALSE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE This will hide the FUGLY, low-poly third wire refueling probe node. Of course, you'll have to wait for TK to release the cat extractor for SF2NA in order to accomplish this on the E-model.
  8. I thought PFunk's review was honest. What he did not mention: A: Third Wire is more of a boutique sim shop, as opposed to larger entities, such as M$, ED, or even 1C: Maddox. While this limits their budget, it also allows them much more flexibility. B: SF2:NA appears to be every bit as moddable as its predecessors. That's the real strength of the series, and one that allows SF2 to be practically anything the end-user wants it to be, from a "sim-lite" with the emphasis on casual play, to a sweaty-palm sort of a survey-sim, with fairly realistic flight dynamics, that pits one against acceptably aggressive and capable AI opponents.
  9. Said Polyphemus, to Kirk Douglas....
  10. That's sort of tough to claim, especially when one takes into account that the TW mission editor (released as part of EXP 2) has only been out for a little more than a year (December 2, 2010, to be precise) NA allows one to select a carrier-based aircraft from the drop-down menu, and it will start from a carrier, no mission editing required.
  11. FYI, the current mission editor has a "carrier battle group" bug, it will place as many as 6 copies of your carrier in the same location. If you edit an existing and working mission, it will screw it up, by removing any additional ships in the taskforce, and replacing them (again) with carriers, at the same coords.
  12. Not yet, Professor Lindenbrock....
  13. The NJ's RQ-2 helps zero in the 16" 50 Mark 7s And a few moments later, more than 24,000 lbs of steel and explosives find their mark
  14. BB-63 shooting over the horizon...... BB-63.wmv
  15. Whoa....nice OHP model....we get both an early version, and a later (1982) long-hull! And Sid, this Big Boy shows up every time I need it too!
  16. Really flat? Because it's tried going a bit too deep?
  17. I'm talking maybe 27 years before Biohaz even existed.....
  18. "A thousand screamin' trucks, and eleven long-haired friends of Jesus in a chartreuse microbus...." Sorry, that's waaaay before your time
  19. There was a cheat out a while back, that supposedly allowed one to play DX10 titles in WinXP. It was an emulator, sort of like a Glide wrapper. It did not work very well, and for a good reason. DX10 (and DX11) are integral components of Windows Vista and 7, in that they allow direct hardware access, ergo, the graphics drivers for them are very different and cannot be ported in any way, shape, or form into an older OS. Simply copying over, say, nVidia DX10 graphics drivers dll files will not work (irregardless of what some may claim).
  20. And its reflection is there, as well..... BTW, TK & company added a new dll file....crusiemissile.dll
  21. Squid, If anything, you are consistant in your apparent lack of comprehension. TK has continually stated what his goals were with this title (and series), and I've seen you respond to him....so, now you're disappointed that NA turned out to be pretty much what he said it would be? (Even though he threw in a few pleasent surprises) You remind me of someone who would buy a Morgan Plus 8, and then criticise it for costing as much (or more) than a Porsche 911, while not coming close to the 911's performance or comfort. That's not the point of it....the Morgan has a soul, the Porsche is a bloody Cylon by comparison. So, please go off and play your souless, sterile games... That's all....I've said my piece
  22. Here's what I do: In my merged install, I access everything through SF2.
  23. I did that once with an SH4 mission (Battle off Samar), replacing all the DDs in Taffy 3 with a squadron of fast battleships (Iowas, North Carolinas, and South Dakotas). It wasn't pretty for the IJN Because your weapons and ships are probably not using the latest parameters, and we won;t know what they are for sure, until we get a suitable cat extractor.
  24. The new parameters are contained in the dll files (aircraftobject, groundobject, missileobject, etc.), so if you're in a hurry, get out your hex editor and read them. The only drawback to that method, is that one has no way of knowing how and where they apply, and whether they're a simple binary statement (ie, TRUE or FALSE), or a numerical value.

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