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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. He has done a few books all were very good as well as Dale Brown
  2. Funny, i saw a very negative ODS post very early this morning and i answered it but i no longer see it. I'll know the person by the patch he had as a avitar
  3. Cyber "Warriors"

    And there are MANY of us in various states of that condition some of us that still have our limbs are dealing with the mental side of combat that NEVER goes away and effects all of our families and loved ones some of us can not take it any longer and end our lives some of us seek help and have to take a lot of pills just to cope day to day. I'm willing to trade all of this to anyone who wants it any takers?
  4. That's because you're smarter than a lot of us.
  5. International back up your stuff DAY

    I'm on my way to beg a few discs so I can back up my stuff.
  6. Finally AGR

    Alright then man as you already know keep that head on a swivel and take ZERO sh*t roll on bro!
  7. Please tell me that you folks don't actually EAT this stuff right? :blink:It's like jungle school all over again!
  8. Finally AGR

    Is that something you want to do? Deploy? blessings to you in any case!
  9. Kicked some butt as an Akula

    I was under the impression that while intransit the BG always deployed its ASW assets and especially used helos to clear its baffels but like you said it may be a issue of the AI. Man, I pray some company would bring back harpoon. there was a short time where Harpoon 4 was being developed but it collapsed. I played Harpoon Gold to no end what a great surface warfare sim. it had everything.
  10. Kicked some butt as an Akula

    It is amazing that the Battle Group's ASW assets did not detect you Having played Harpoon for a lot of years and from the red side I never got close enough to get a shot off at any Battle Group. Well done
  11. Smoked Oysters anyone?
  12. Coot that is more like it! no offense Dave
  13. dang rovert wt hell?
  14. great work! im sure the navy would have a hard time getting her to fit on a carrier
  15. so instead of 2000mg's of sodium we now have 1500mg's :helpsmilie:
  16. the multi player thing is a bit tough due to all parties needing to have all the same mods to play.
  17. Cyber "Warriors"

    Some MOS's Idea of 'combat' is just being 'incountry' at the time of conflict some MOS's face the AWFUL HORRORS of ground combat everyday not just maybe now and then. In my experienced opinion a warrior is one that has taken down tango's personally and has had to defend from being taken down. My pops was a AF lifer and for flyboys to get shot down then have to survive or fight on the ground is a different story. For those of you who have never faced a tango on the ground in his own back yard do not know the meaning of combat. Pardon my rant but this warrior thing has gotten to me.
  18. I think this is a replacement menu screen not a aircraft
  19. waaaaayyyy too much sodium for me!
  20. COD: Modern Warfare 2 Confirmed

    oh yes! I hope it has co-op!
  21. looks great! but the Col. is losing his hair.
  22. joe my apologizes I did not know that there were discs I have 4 3rd wire titles and i bought them on line so they went to my hard drive.
  23. wich is the Best ACE COMBAT ?

    What? 99 missiles? wow how does a plane hold all those weapons? lol
  24. Some older planes were not made for WoI and have not been updated to work with the latest patch, read the read me file included with the download to make sure use the latest weap editor(by Date) There is a weap pack made for WoI it, says "For WoI only" No one here will tell you any way to "hack" a 3rd wire sim. do like we all have done buy it. once you buy it it is downloadable no disc needed. To get nation specific weaps you will have to read the knowledge Base or wait til wrench or some other very knowing person advises you. there are some steps you will have to follow. again some planes don't work in WoI because they were not made for it you can get them to work but you will have to wait for a person with a bigger brain than mine.

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