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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. And Now For Something Completely Different

    loved Monty Python! The Thug gang nuns skit was great! The Holy Grail was funny as well
  2. Huge Breasts

  3. Huge Breasts

    when it comes to REAL ones there is no such thing as too big I have large hands and in the past could palm a regulation sized basketball.
  4. you have to talk or 'find' someone who will host a game using hamachi, then that person must set up the game and give all players his IP address and password if any to his lobby then all players enter that info in the multi player it can be LAN or Ip connection type that is up to the host.
  5. Huge Breasts

    now if they were real I'd be impressed and in love!
  6. Bomb Hippies? No way man!! Where is the Bud smoke comming out of the windows?
  7. Huge Breasts

    Now that's what I'm talking about!!
  8. Good and bad, good cause all the old mods still work bad cause you are missing out on A LOT OF GREAT STUFF a lot of items have been updated to work on the new patch AND many things have been improved; avionics, radar, weaps etc come on and "get on board for the big win"
  9. I did not even have to use the editor with the Community pack I just installed as per the read me and that was it all weaps were there and available
  10. what game? If you have a host on Hamachi others can play as long as ALL THE GAMES ARE THE SAME EXCATLY THE SAME. and you know the host ip address.
  11. upgrading graphics card

    I too am running the 8600gt 1gig got it on sale for $100 it is great. Not a problem, just needs at least 22amps on the 12v rail.
  12. Battle of the Bulge!

  13. Battle of the Bulge!

    worshipping has begun!
  14. My F-4 can carry the 3000lb bomb with ease and I don't care about damage I drop it over Hanoi and Haiphong and I don't care about collateral damage
  15. upgrading graphics card

    I made the mistake of upgrading to a 1gig card and not upgrading my power supply, you can get a great card for the money you are willing to spend look at fry's.com or other sites that sell pc parts. I'm running e-GeForce in the PCI-E slot and have zero problems or stutter even on high and unlimited settings while over high item areas (WoV Haiphong, Hanoi)
  16. Battle of the Bulge!

    I'm sure yours is just great!
  17. Battle of the Bulge!

    Nothin wrong with that from my point of view!
  18. Oh yes! All those missile kills will drop and if your FM is on normal you will have to fly one step ahead and smarter than your opponent . I use the F-4 a lot so I never get in a turning fight and I keep my energy way up and I hit from a distance and get out of dodge!
  19. PLANE Stupid

    I also believe this is why the navy have 2nd and 3rd generation Aeigis defence screens. in any case I'm sure DoD and DoN have something in mind to defend the fleet more than likely a Supa Hornet that can carry a powerful long range Radar with a new long range missile to deal with a potential carrier killer bomber/missile package.
  20. um.. where is the read me? I'm not that smart as to know how and where to install it
  21. PLANE Stupid

    F-14 purpose was fleet defender no more long range cruise missle carrying bombers so cat go bye bye. no more real air threats to carriers so hornet mission changes to whatever and she saves space so more can fit in the carrier. budget cuts? yes but hey we all have felt the pinch even the military take a look at russia when you spend too much on one thing the rest suffer (economy)
  22. OMFGOD!!!! I just finished flying my first mission (F-4E MIGCAP) Flight of 4, lost one right off the bat (SAM) lost #2 to fulcrum. I took down 2 Mig 23's and a Fulcrum(AIM-7) but i had to dodge sam's all the way and hide behind F-15's to keep the 29's off me! Hair raising fun. This Mod ROCKS!!!! To ALL the men that have made this possible words are not enough!! This is absolutely beautiful!!
  23. Happy Birthday ST0RM

    Take the day off!! Happy B-day!!

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