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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Skins, add-on Aircraft, additional stock campaing, much better textures(stock) and as TK has stated tools to be released for the modding gurus to do what they do best. oh additional AI planes.
  2. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    But a whole lot of other consumers are not sad but true
  3. By the time the B-29 was hitting japanese targets enemy fighters with good pilots were far and few between WWII showed that without good fighter escorts Bombers were toast.(Early 8th AF) But I guess WWI did not have capable fighters or pilots (lol)
  4. Any good pilot would find and attack the weak points, from below
  5. Battle of Leyte Gulf

    What got me was our main force chasing a decoy leaving a big hole for the japanese big ships to exploit.
  6. my goodness it's just a BIG target for fighters
  7. We finally made it!

    Hope it does not find its way into the 'wrong' hands.
  8. Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Now the story of night ops by the Big E is on. This is great stuff!
  9. My thoughts as well! a dedicated strike wing oh yes!
  10. Oh my! this is good to know! The almost invisible Phantom! (Evil Laugh in the backround)
  11. Excellent work my friends! Excellent!
  12. If you are getting hit by IR missles then you gotta keep situational awareness and clear your six or have your wingie cover your six.
  13. The Person Below Me

    Very false! 19inch flat, hate all things soap operas no gold earings, 3 small diamonds, Don't smoke or drinkThe person below me loves the history channel!
  14. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    A direct result of Microsoft cutting 5000 jobs, 1400 on thursday.
  15. I saw on thursday that microsoft is cutting 5000 jobs for the first time in the companies history. The state of our economy is hitting most everyone hard.
  16. I go up north a lot and got hit a lot lessons learned for me are hide for as long as you can, the two afored mentioned places are bad news I try different things depending on where I have to go. I start with studing the map and locating areas where I can use the terrain to my advantage, I always dip and dodge If you stay low the zsu's WILL chew you to bits if you stay hi the sams will be in comming and then it is dodge city so find what works for you based on where you have to go. Stay fast, drop the radar sited whenever you get a chance do not hang around shoot and scoot.
  17. I believe that 'bobbing' is based on their skill which is represented by a number, I have noticed that the more skilled the ai pilot is the less bobbing and weaving they do but as Nicky said in real life no one flies straight and level it is a 3D world right? dynamics and all.
  18. Quad core question

    3rd wire sims do not utilize dual or quad technology, very few games as yet make use of this technology. it is used for multi-tasking that said the future will bring games and sims that make use of two or four processors. as far as your system goes if it aint broke don't fix it. Do some investigating on line at some of the tech sites. I was surprised at the stuff I found out.
  19. Great work in updating the Navy Rhino!

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