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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Stay safe Mannie...

    Keep your family and friends safe Mannie!!
  2. Possible Dedicated WoV, and WoE Server

    any news from this front? hamachi lets me host but i can never join a pre set up match i'd love to fly a strike with human escorts.
  3. SRAM, When it and everything else has to be left in ruins!
  4. there are A-7's here in the download sections that are easier to mod and there are some at coloumn 5 which planes do you want to bring in? by coping folders you may crate a folder within a folder it is best in most cases to open the folder and then copy the files to the new location.
  5. When I first got this pc it had a 256 ati card and it sputtered when there many items to track, since I went to GeForce 512 then a GeForce 1gb I have had zero problems with high object tracking or FPS loss.
  6. Attention CA Members! Update Time!

    I would like less hair; Ears, nose ,back but the sleeker waistline I'd kill for
  7. How does your room looks like?

    My room looks great all my personal memories and gear!
  8. Cockpits...

    Wow! What a great price!!
  9. Cockpits...

    Are you kidding me? Mine looks like a wooden table and a plastic chair I do have mic and speakers and flight stick Man who could afford something like that how much does that thing cost? Hey Ghost how long did it take you to get the rig like that and the cost?
  10. As soon as I saw the title I was drooling!
  11. I agree, and the effects mods are ridiculous(CA_Stary) All the Great Rhinos,(wrench)and weapons(Fast Cargo) and weapons pack(CA Community) man my list goes on and on! Thank you ALL that have made these sims the best on the planet!!
  12. snap2327.jpg

    Astounding! She is one of my favorite Mud movers of all time!
  13. snap2325.jpg

    Great work!
  14. Check the Knowledge Base in advanced Modding
  15. Wonderful work my man! you have been busy today just pumping out the goods!
  16. I hope some of our great skinners will put the paint on her.
  17. Wow! You have been busy! any F-4E skins in that bag of yours? Oh, BTW GREAT WORK!!!
  18. Lawd! She looks Great!! I'd gladly load up my flight weaps manually!
  19. And all the above info works on all the Rhinos. also there is a excellent F-4_AUP(By Wrench) in the down load section! I now have 3 REALLY capable F-4's thanks to the info i recieved here!

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