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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Happy Birthday JSF_Aggie

    Happy B-day to you mate! Now get back to work!

    To all here at CA the best of all years for you and yours!!
  3. Diamonds might be a girl's best friend...

    No way in .... would I ever want a slaptop, I love the ability to EASILY reconfigure hardware and upgrade and since i don't travel a lot and just love really big monitors make mine a honking desktop baby!!
  4. you can host a multiplayer game and select the type of game it will be like dogfight or strike within these missions will be primary flight and escort flight same goes for the Enemy flights
  5. quick hello for a noobie

    It is ALWAYS great to have real Fly Guys here! Welcome. I too love The F3 and the other models of the Great Attack Queen!
  6. It's too bright! Shoot it!!
  7. it took about 3.4 seconds to load for me.
  8. I think that it would depend on the missions you'll be doing A2A, A2G or both? there are pro's and con's to both. A-4 is a better turner while the A-7 can carry more weight and is faster. it comes down to you will be doing
  9. The Person Below Me

    False! I think this thread is perfect for padding your post stats lol. And now the person below me is wondering when the new desert storm mod will be released.
  10. My question is if you can make a vid like that can a vid be made of one entire mission? if so how?
  11. found in my loft !

    Oh My what a Gold mine!! I remember running from seven Migs in Fleet defender! I also remember being surprised at the size of the Falcon 3.0 and 4.0 manual You have some great stuff there!!
  12. Happy Birthday Moonjumper aka Crusader

    Happy B-day and let those candles burn baby burn!!
  13. Check the knowledge base in the update section to find out all the info.
  14. AND then you need to keep the target in the zone cone
  15. I just got hit by a sa13 with no warning from my rwr oh btw it was mission 3
  16. Quad digits!

    Wow! 720 I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible!
  17. I'm having the same problem with ALL the SAMS it seems as if the ecm pods are waaay too weak to do any good AND the Rhinos dont have chaff so the options are either turn up the jamming power on the pods or add chaff to the rhinos.
  18. Happy Birthday To Fates and SayWhat

    Happy B-day guys! Wow, we hardly ever see fates any more he is a 'real' counsel grounder pounder!
  19. Quad digits!

    lol, we are, Our 'posting' age
  20. Quad digits!

    Here is mine to add to the pile lol

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