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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Yeah, it is NO fun when your energy is very low AND the SAMs keep comming
  2. I've only made it as far as mission 4 WOV is no joke flyin into the north
  3. good point, i used ctrl+D but all the stuff including the target box was gone It is very hard to see target box with all that red writting in the way lol
  4. it is in the download section under utilities dated 2/20/08, it works with the oct patch no problem
  5. problems...

    Is any one else getting re-directed to another site? I put combat ace in My Favorites and now im getting redirected to some other combat ace i have ALL the tools to stop this kind of crap but it just started this morning.
  6. my F-4E does not even have chaff just a puny ECM pod that doesn't really help, i'm lucky to get into the target area with one or two planes even if we hitthe target getting out is still trip through hell
  7. and i still notice all the sam launch calls and the insane rwr chriping lol and planes getting blown out of the sky including mine lol
  8. he said that he has yet to try any campaing yet. So sams have been reduced from insane levels to regular death levels? lol
  9. thays right damed at high level from sam's chewed to bits at low level from zsu's and mr big mm guns lol lol
  10. he has yet to meet Mr. SA2 or Mr. Mobile SAM lol We all have been shot down many times over the north... it is a bad scene up there the chirping of the RWR, and who can forget "Sam Launch" over and over lol
  11. Well you are doing the right thing in learning the sim when you are comfortable try a campaing in a F-4, F-105 or A-4 then let us know how you did.
  12. Seems strange to me since the missions over Hanoi are just really crazy with all the sams and things yeah those Linebacker missions are insane in the F-4 or A-4
  13. Happy birthday to...

    Happy B-Day!!!
  14. The Person Below Me

    True! This has been going on for a long time. The person below me would like to figure out the New SF II.
  15. I'm Back!

    Merry X-mas to all. Just a quick up date; I have relocated to Endicott N.Y from Southern Cali, I had to replace my mother board and power supply and im waiting for the great DS mod to arrive. I have missed you all! Wow Strike Fighters II ? How cool!
  16. I'm Back!

    Nicky? you changed you 'handle'? Wow! Good to hear from you!
  17. I'll say it again the Rinos are still BEUTEEFULL!!!!
  18. I'm Back!

    Hey Dave, I saw some very intresting stories about classified goings on there at WP...hmmm Mako, glad to here that the juice is back on that storm was a dusy!
  19. Speech Pack

    got a message that the file is corrupt
  20. Oh Boy here we go again! I can just hear the questions now...
  21. Air Sharks.jpeg

  22. who ever is hosting the co-op mission has the ability to set the weather
  23. A Pack.jpeg


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