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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Rollin.jpeg

  2. Sic em.jpeg

  3. the only things i can thing of are to try different set ups to see what you get like, horizon to near, water to low, radio chatter effects fps as does ground items i had a problem like this in WOV while in high ground target areas SAMs and AAA, over Hanoi and haiphong
  4. Never Forget

    Two of my life long friends were lost in that blast. To ALL fallen Marines,Soldiers and their families God Is With You!
  5. 25 Years Ago

    I lost two life long friends in that attack. I joined the Army while they chose the Corps. to ALL the fallen Marines,Soldiers and their families God Is With You!
  6. Live Leak: Korengal Valley, B 1-26 "Vipers"

    Do what you must to come out of there in one piece!
  7. And for ALL the reasons mentioned I will ALWAYS buy TK's sims!! While I can not give any money as of yet but when I'm able I do plan to send in my support for all the great things i get from him AND this site
  8. ABSOLUTLY AMAZING!!! To ALL that worked on this mod THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! This is rockin my simple freaking world
  9. I don't think there should be carriers involved because the combatants dont have any major carriers, Russia maybe a small ish few for attack planes and it is a land locked area right? The ideal sounds great!
  10. Investments...pilot style...

    Man, hind sight IS 20/20!
  11. LAN

    Hamachi is a free program that allows you to play multiplayer. you both also must have the same aircraft in the sim that is being played not just using the same plane but must have the same planes in the game.
  12. LAN

    You have to have a 'medium' like Hamachi and you both must have the same aircraft.
  13. The best SEAD for today

    Make mine the QF-4G!
  14. Under fire in my own backyard

    Hey Man its good to have you back safe and sound. The fires are done for the most part but some have sustained total damage and one person was killed in a evac crash on the highway. It is good to know that your unit has your back!
  15. Thirdwire Sneak Peaks

    Well looks like WOI is going backwards in time. The good part of that for me is that there will not be any SAM's.
  16. Mr.Carter is correct in the WOV SEAD missions. The SAM threats up north are INCREDIBLE!! Im in Linebacker II and it is a mess! I never go in with less than 8 AC's and i give them all shrike's even then it is really hard to do any real damage. I've lost 4 pilots already
  17. The Person Below Me

    True that But I have short term memory loss! The person below me has nothing better to do then to play along.

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