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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. I'll give it a try i was using the wrong editor i think
  2. The MF weap pack which was installed after the patch on a clean install is showing zero weaps in any of the load out screens before this it was the bunyaps pack.
  3. using xp home. i got it open and followed the instructions, but, nothing! btw, the controls in WOV are not the same as before the patchi tried to set them up in the options menu but they still dont work right as before the patch This whole situation is sad
  4. i tried opening the weapen editor and all i got was a black screen it is set to compatibility for 98
  5. So my card is crap? Darn now I have a 512mb 8600gt AND a 1gig 8600gt and both are crap!
  6. I followed this to the LETTER and my WOE STILL has ZERO weps to choose from
  7. She served us very well indeed! She will be missed!!
  8. Just imagine,,,

    Their wings pivot like little thrust vectoring nozzles which gives them great moves!
  9. Im using a 1GB Geforce 8600GT DDR2 PCI-E i get VERY little stuttering in a high target high effects area. Dual core 3.2 GHZ, Resolution 1024x768x32, 3gigs of RAM
  10. Fall Classic Has Started

    If you must wear sox they might as well be White!!
  11. Im not sure of my noobness, but, campaigns that dont require a new install or retriving lots of aircraft would be soooo greatly appreciated! and multiplayer would be even better!
  12. Time For......

    I see you have the 'sweetbaby's Rays' sauce excellent choice!
  13. We've been Hacked by Mr."T" Fool

    AND Rodgers goes down with a injury
  15. Is it as cool as living near Edwards AFB flight path or flight line?
  16. Changing of the Guard

    Thanks to all the 'Old Timers' (Said with much Respect)
  17. Just have Super Chuck sit in Mr. Hawkins chair and call the beyonders so they can bring their copy of SFP1 and get your 1.5 byte pc flying.
  18. The patch is great. now when ever I try to do some mud movin there are ALWAYS Migs waiting and closing from the rear I'm in my rhino and it is tough going just trying to get to the target!
  19. WAMU Fails

    Crap! Tell me about it. I just opened an account with them in march and now this? Our economy is on the ropes. Will ANYTHING good come from this?
  20. I have not tried single mission with the modded f-4, it is just trying to get it into the campaign, the process works fine in SF gold
  21. There are some issues with users that have vista pleas search the knowledge base for vista issues.
  22. Im flyin a modded Linebacker II, but, still tryin to get the game to 'see' my modded F-4 (no joy so far)

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