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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Now THAT is some fine sh*t! Outstanding!
  2. I too was a 'impatient' noob in my first post but I was 'taught' to Search the KB THEN ask (politely) about any questions. You will learn that the KB and searching thru old posts will work wonders for you!
  3. Happy Birthday HrntFixr

    Happy B-day! and to all Virgos Here as well!
  4. Trains collide

    We here in the la county area are in shock.
  5. Sept 11th 2001

  6. I have changed the aircraft in user made campaigns in SF Gold and i read a line in the ini that said unit upgrade, but i have had no luck doing the same with the stock campaign.
  7. And here we go...

    Yes a big collider or atom smasher I belive that there is nothing to worry about.
  8. Happy Birthday Wpnssgt

    Happy B-day!! Us Virgos (mine was friday)must stick together!
  9. Does any one know if the IDF Birds can carry Sparrows or AMRAAMS? If they can why are there not any in the loadouts? I suppose I can try to add them.
  10. Kev you are right, I did not see any of these types of weaps in the loadout.ini. No worries the falcon can out turn most of the bad guys in WOI anyway, so the pythons are a good weapon.
  11. Right I'm using the F-16 and there is no radar guided a2a missle in the weaps load out. I'll recheck the KB and see if I can change the load out for this bird.
  12. Ed W. Freeman

    Well Done ED, Very well done. RIP, God is your Co-Pilot now.
  13. The Air Force goes too far...

    Don't Hate da Playa, Hate da Game!
  14. The Air Force goes too far...

    Oh Lawd! That pic and all the comments are 'Off da Chain' I think it is cool! Pimp my Hog!
  15. What are you doing Labor Day weekend?

    I'll be in San Marcos, Ca. greatfully away from the heat that is Ontario, Ca. On the down side, I won't be able to fly the entire weekend To all; Be safe and enjoy!!
  16. Happy Birthday Fubar512

    Many more my Friend. By the way, What would the world be without us Virgo's
  17. Hands down it is the Rhino! She can carry all the toys you need and want and if you drive her right she can hold her own in a dogfight. Being a mud movin fool, I also enjoy Her Highness the Tornado and the SLUF(A-7F)
  18. Thanks for the awsome skin! Great work. This should spruce up the old girl a bit right?
  19. SAM map...

    Thank you for your time and effort! The SAM situation in WoV is insane! I even tried to mod my F-4 to carry a crazy amount of Chaff but to no avail it seems we can not change the vanilla campaings or birds used in them alas this will be helpful.
  20. Isaac Hayes Dead

    Oh no! First Bernie Mac now Isaac Hayes. God Bless them!

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