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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Should you switch to Blue Ray?

    get blu-ray only if you want to watch a movie I do like xbox only cause i like madden and huge hd tv sets
  2. Great news!! Well done to all involved!
  3. I'm glad to see the Rhino still in the fight!
  4. This Gave Me Goose Bumps

    But Why am I not surprised? Because it is this kind of service person that makes this country great and worth defending at any cost! Yet the media won't put this kind of story on the front page. No worries! Those that do serve do not look for reconition or glory. Serving with our brothers is thanks enough! God will keep them all! WHOWA!
  5. Man! That is so cool im just waiting for the 'How to do' instructions
  6. Pure class...

    OMFG!! That is tooooo outrageous! "My Mum"?
  7. Any more modern jet flight sim

    And with ALL that said I'm so thankful for TK and the TW series. With the great modders here the series can be turned into just about anything(with respect to the base code)
  8. Air Force Nap Time

    Right! I tell ya the media needs to get a life! Isn't there more important 'real' news they could report?
  9. Mr T.

    I almost forgot about the warcraft ad! that to is hilarious! Shut up fool! "maybe Mr.T Hacked the game"? that is priceless!
  10. Sunday Morning Downtime

    Hey, I missed 'CA Nap Time'? Well, It is good to have everyone back safe and sound with no lap tops or desk tops thrown out of any windows. Erik, We appreciate all your time and efforts. I'll send some cash your way as soon as im able.
  11. Mr T.

    and the cannon right in the guys face "You ain't hurt fool"! This is almost as funny as the 'doctored' missle test pic from iran.
  12. Missing a Member

    Hey! have any of the old timers heard from FastCargo? I have not read any posts from him in a while.
  13. Missing a Member

    ok roger that! great to hear from you man! Now to find the other misfits!
  14. Oh yes! From the #1 Rhino lover Great work to all that made this possible!
  15. And it will more than likely be crappy I'll pass.
  16. Mr T.

    ok now i have seen it all!
  17. Here is a scenario, All of Israel's enemys attack at once from all directions both land and air, the battle soon has Israel on the ropes, The US, UK and Germany must come to her aid in a all out air campaing to halt the enemy advance. Every plane we can muster is needed to halt the onslaught. The first week is nothing but around the clock sorties. day and night strike missions CAS, SEAD, CAP and fighter sweeps as well as deep interdiction missions. The sad part is that I have zero abilities to make this happen but maybe some of our gifted modders could think about tackling it?
  18. Download Managers

    Roger that!
  19. Download Managers

    I sometimes get a error message concerning my DL manager when closing windows. I have no idea why this happens but I too need a better one.
  20. Holy cow! the pic with the P-40 in it is insane! That terrain and clods looks soooooo much better! I only wished the terrains I have looked that great! Truly awesome!!
  21. BUFF Goes Down...Silent Post

    I heard that a B-52 carrying 6 crew members went down near Guam anyone have any details?

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