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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Your work is greatly appreciated! She looks marvelous!
  2. While all your work is greatly appreciated I too am looking forward to the Varks!
  3. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

    Well at least you AF guys have a few cool locations. Army TDY is not even a little bit cool!
  4. New Super Hornet sim

    Test? Any test with math is a bad sign for me!
  5. Air Force Nap Time

    Nap time? I too am a AF kid and This has got to be the media with nothing to report but some guys in a locked room with old codes that could never work, I too would have taken a nap time. A Old wise Sarge told me once that when you can get a chance to sleep take it because it may not be available again for a long time.
  6. New Super Hornet sim

    Man I hope that one does not have to be almost a real pilot to enjoy this sim when ever it comes out.
  7. media unbiased?

    It seems that who ever ends up CinC faces problems that need more than 8 years to fix. It looks like big corporations and special intrests groups have run this nation for a long time. We used to be a producer now we are a consumer. My questions are : Is it really that hard to provide good education, health care, and to keep jobs here? When the producer plays a tune the consumer must dance.
  8. Thanks for your time and effort to bring us another great Rhino!
  9. A-7E AAR

    Hey, Which title is that? I see the ccip so it has to be WOI with a different terrain? Great AAR in any case. Good job!
  10. War crime suspect Karadzic arrested

    It is about time! let him get what he deserves and all the cowards that supported him in the "cleansing" should get the same. Combat and war is horrible enough without the extra "crap" that always seems to be brought upon the innoncent.
  11. BUFF Goes Down...Silent Post

    So very sad. My heart and prayers goes out to all the families and friends of these Airmen.
  12. It is great to hear a update on this project. I have no questions or doubt that the team working on this is absolutely the best! You guys have made my experience with the TW series and CA the best anyone could ever ask for. . When Ever the team decides to release the DS project we all will be greatful for all your hard work and time.
  13. I use normal. I too like the realism so i try to use the settings that give me the most realism.
  14. Dayton Airshow 2008

    Great pics! Hey! they let the four of you in together?
  15. The anti puncture tires? the super secret anti sam mod? the flight lead, GIB, the GIB of GIB? The anti ice device? OMFG!! That is the most funniest thing i have ever seen!! The tears just wont stop!! my tummy and jaws are hurting!
  16. Airshow Pics

    Very cool site indeed!
  17. I would like to address the picture of the "MacnaPhantom" OMFG!! That Has got to be the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time!!! I would love to read the captions of the pics. Could you please make it bigger?
  18. You are welcome. BTW What I did to get around that was to re-install WOI on a different drive and not add the patch. This way you can play these user made campaings.
  19. The problem is that those user made campaings are effected by the latest patch for WOI, The person that created them said he would fix them soon.
  20. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    It would depend on the catagory of the music because I listen to a huge variety of tunes.
  21. All us Mud Movers just love it!
  22. Wow!

    Very cool indeed!

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