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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Man that A-7D with the Pave Penny is a dream come true! It will be sweet to level those pesky bridges for once! Great work guys!
  2. I hope that I speak for the entire community in thanking you for your work!
  3. Pic Of The Day.....

    Now That is a great pic! Look at the time span of the Aircraft in the pic. Man, a Picture IS worth a thousands words!
  4. Happy Birthday FastCargo

    Oh my lord! Welcome to the '40' club! It is great to have you as a new member! I hope you are enjoying this special day my friend.
  5. As we all know you can't fly with out gas! Can I get my canopy cleaned while I fill up? Great work my friends!!
  6. Oh yes! I'm looking forward to movin some serious mud with this baby! Great work men!! :yes:
  7. Hey guys

    Hey Zag, You and your brother have already made us proud! Keep your head on a swivel and come on back to us!
  8. Did you view the error report to see what the error is?
  9. Ok I just gotta say that your mission was a freakin blast! I flew both the Karnass and Ahit. I got shot down in the Karnass after taking down 6 boogies What a huge furball! there were planes EVERYWHERE!! I managed to take out the runway in the Ahit mission but lost 5 A-4's out of 8 All in all your missions are GREAT! I hope that you will produce many more!!
  10. First of all I would like to thank you for your time and efforts in this work. I would be willing to assist you in the testing and Evaluation of your Beta project. You can PM me for my mailing info at any time.
  11. RAM

    maybe some of it is shared with other hardware
  12. About Damn Time...

    And ANY Combat Soldier KNOWS that IF AND WHEN HESITATION ENTERS THE MIX DEATH IS SURE TO FOLLOW!! It is them or us! Jarhead1 you have ZERO reason to apologize for you dead on commentary!
  13. About Damn Time...

    I'm feeling EVERY word! Every Freaking word!
  14. you are welcome my friend!
  15. Teen GI killed in Iraq awarded Medal of Honor

    Sadly, I have seen it done and know the men that were saved by actions like this one. Many of our Nam Vets have seen the same type of super human bravery. This man, This hero, Only reinforces what I already know; That Combat is NOT about defence of Country but of your brothers next to you! It pains me to my very soul that over and over we have lost young men and women to conflicts such as this one. It just brings back very sad and distrubing memories! Why! Why! OH GOD WHY!!!
  16. i played a dogfight match against the AI with a friend in WOE thru hyperlobby or hamachi last year in august.
  17. I found some info ,says they were delivered to the USMC in 1998
  18. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    Jug, Very well said! Very well said indeed!
  19. I have tried to Download some skins from C5 and all i get is jumbled mess! Has anyone tried downloading from there tonight? Any Problems?
  20. And we all know that you can't win the fight without superior weapons!
  21. Way to pull victory from the jaws of defeat! This is yet another reason why this site is so great to get feedback from engagements to maybe use in a fight i may find my self in!
  22. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Yes and you are correct! P-47, P-51...etc
  23. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    Sounds like combat to me, While you did not have to 'put anyone down', you were part of everything else and at a very young age. Never feel sorry for not having any 'Real Combat experience' it is not something I would wish on anyone. 3 years in a Combat zone is a VERY long time!
  24. My Ranger Crushed ball cap off to you FastCargo! I did not Know that you were a True mud mover! Can this site get ANY better?

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