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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Sub and Surface Action Sims

    I have played ALL the Harpoon series, a sim called Tico (Ticonderoga), Fleet Command, 688 attack sub, etc... the list goes on I found them very interesting. They gave me a look into Surface and Sub warfare.
  2. MiG-29 Downed in Sudan

    My friend, Combat experience is ALWAYS the best teacher. I'm glad you made it thru those tough times, Welcome to the 'Club'
  3. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Ok here goes one; Why were some american fighter planes not given a "F" designation?
  4. I think I'll re-install my winzip and see if that makes a difference
  5. I thought the same thing, I'm still looking into anything i may have done inadverently. I D/Led some planes and skins today and all is well.
  6. ok i was able to download some skins, I'll try the planes again. Planes are a 'go' site seems fine.
  7. I was able to download a plane but still 'no go' with the skins. I'll try again later
  8. Harvey Korman Dead at 81

    Some of those skits(Most all of them) with Tim Conway were priceless you could see them trying so hard not to laugh! RIP! :yes:
  9. Happy Birthday Firehawkordy

    Happy B-day! Cheers!
  10. Thanks C5! Still 'No Joy' tried downloading some aircraft and still the garbled mess!
  11. Memorial Day

    In Rememberance to ALL my fallen Heroes, I plan to Visit as many Burial sites as I can to talk with the Men and Women that gave their all, to let them know that they are NEVER forgotten. To ALL my Fallen RANGERS; WHOWAA! RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!
  12. Something strange has happened at the Range in SFgold, While practicing my SEAD skills with a wingie, one of the other sam battery lanched a sam and hit my wingman! Is this supposed to happen? This was a first for me. Has this happened to anyone else?
  13. How exciting my civi job can be

    There are truly individuals out there with either serious problems or they want their 15mins of infamy, in either case it goes WAY beyond me as to why such individuals feel the need to take innocent lives with them simply because they can't find the solutions to their problems. I sometimes wonder how the human race has made it this far along.
  14. That DS reference has me raring to go! I'm lovin it! Very well said StreakEagle! I agree 100%
  15. I also would be willing to help in the documentation of downloads.
  16. Sounds good Kev Let us know how it goes whenever u get around to it. Thanks much my friend!
  17. and turn all options to 'Hard' try the Haiphong missions or downtown hanoi the MANY SAM sites will make it 'intresting
  18. First of all welcome to the site! Please look in the Knowledge Base for your answers, it is broken into sub-sections so you can find the answers you need. most of the terrains are designed for certain titles and can be used in other titles only if you follow certain steps.
  19. 80's Music/Movies Etc

    Anything I can do to help...
  20. 80's Music/Movies Etc

    Wow! After reading these posts it just reminds me how old I've become! By 03-80, I'm starting Ranger School. I remeber ALL the songs mentioned in this thread! (and then some) I also remember the R&B songs of the time as well.
  21. I felt the same way, I was thinking it was a glitch hearing the "SAM launch" call til I f6 to see my wingie's plane on fire WTF? Man! we are not safe even on our own practise range!
  22. Wow! That is awesome! yes those SA-2's are NO JOKE!
  23. It is GREAT to know that there will be more titles comming from TW! I for one don't care what comes first because I plan to buy them ALL!
  24. While on the Range? I thought the Range was just a practice facility

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