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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. WHOA! Windows XP Service Pack 3!

    I'm at Microsoft site now about to download it are you saying I should wait to do so? If there is a major bug why is it still there for downloading? has it been fixed?
  2. Happy birthday Israel.

    Wow! has it been 60yrs already? Happy B-Day to Israel and a big shoutout to all of those that have fought to keep her alive!
  3. Man, How I wish that all skin installation was this easy!
  4. Attack Riding Mule

    Maybe, but mule should have a brand "Puma killa"
  5. YES!

    It's gonna be a hot time in the old town come saturday!
  6. Attack Riding Mule

    Who would have believed this story if no pics were taken? Truth is often stranger than fiction.
  7. YES!

    Thank you for the info, I'm ALL over it!
  8. Attack Riding Mule

    Look at the dogs expression it's like damn! that mule is the real deal! My guess is the mule has tangled with mountain lions before.
  9. did you apply the patch for it?
  10. 6000 under the belt

    Ok does he live in the Falcon? Great job!
  11. looks like a version of the P-3 Orion sub hunter to me.
  12. F-16 convertable? sorry i just could not resist!
  13. Here! Here! I get confused to which version of DX i have and when i got it. I have to put it on the calender each month to check for latest version
  14. As some even most may know, I've lost most of the use of my fingers and my hands shake too much to attempt to mod or even try to do some .ini editing, my wife does all my typing (Bless Her Heart)! I'd love to contribute something other than my financial support, but we do what we can right? (At this rate my wife could start modding soon She is a wiz at adding objects for me!)
  15. Hey! We all have our wish lists for this series and a lot of times we think how 'easy' it should be to put these features into the sim. as you can tell, it is more of a question of TK's vision and the balancing of resourses that determin the finished product. The best part to me is that the sim can be modded and added to to make a great even 'new' sim. I can't mod or do any of the great things that are a part of this community, but I can enjoy their work. It is never above a man to say that he is wrong or to apologize. It is still great to have you in this community!
  16. Happy Birthday 2

  17. Does your f-111f have a cockpit? for some reason all of my 'Varks are missing pits.
  18. CombatACE Forum > Downloads > Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) > Add-On Aircraft > Modern Era Aircraft > Tornado. Downloads > Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) > Add-On Aircraft > Cold War Aircraft > US Air Force Aircraft > F-111 Package. (There are muliple f-111's in the folder the 'f' is in there.) Downloads > Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) > Weapons Mods/Skins > Weapon Packs (Bunyaps is at the bottom of the list) Downloads > Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) > Object Mods > Ground Objects Mods > Infantry Pack. That should do it. Good hunting!
  19. Happy Birthday!

    Happy B-Day guys keep on truckin!
  20. Its a Glorious Day Comrades.....

    Until that 'wall' fell on their heads! The only way to beat us is to make a lot of crap we want! Then charge us hella prices for it
  21. How about being able to pick which mission to fly within the package? meaning the package consists of CAP, SEAD and strike. each would have it's own primary target and would have it's own leave times CAP and SEAD flights would leave before the strikers to clear the way for the bombers. I know that this is present in the series but to be able to pick which group to participate in would be nice.
  22. Out of Idaho in 6 weeks!

    Well having lived in the Bay area from feb of '02 til Mar. of '07 Parking in SF is a absolute nightmare! If you MUST go there take BART. Gas was $4 bucks a gallon when I left there. Bring pleanty of cash or plastic! I could tell you a lot more that you may not want to hear but where is the fun in that?
  23. Just check the knowledge Base you will find your answer there.

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