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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. how to...

    Hello all yes I am a newbie so please be considerate, I just downloaded WoE and would like to know how to select different weapons and how to deploy them I'm used to seeing the ccip but on my first mission in the f4 i did not see the ccip plz help. ok if now one is willing to help could someone plz direct me to where the freakin level bombing info is located?
  2. Mud movin II

    Hey, I'm back to ask a couple more questions on advanced bombing, at what altitude should i start my dive? at what distance from target? what is a good angle of attack 45 degrees? or steeper? this pertains to the f4 trying to hit small hardened targets with 750lb, 1000lb and 2000lb bombs. it is the '68 campaign and it is just mission 5 and almost HALF my fellow pilots have been lost! OMFG!
  3. Anyone wanting to play multiplayer I'm on hamachi Room:(viper6) password (chris) fridays thru sunday night. I have WoE, WoV, and SFgold.
  4. Rgr that!!The list is great but what about that all wooden two engine WWII British bird, she had great speed and could turn on a dime and with those 8 guns in her nose...lawd!
  5. Remember

    Rgr that!
  6. What are you packing in COD4 MP? Huh?

    I use the SAW with red dot, the m4 with red dot and the M203.
  7. To My Friends In The Army

    That is a BIG negative Chief! Go Army Sink Navy!!!
  8. Another MOH Winner Dies...

    The courage and fortitude displayed by these type of men have made it possible for others to go forward to complete great missions. A big heart felt salute and Hoowa! God bless him and his!
  9. Who's ready for COD 4?

    Jeez! I have played just one mission in SP, I'm so hooked on MP I'm just at ssgt now with all the red dot addons and such it is such a blast! with higher ranks you unlock more types of maps and a bunch of other cool crap!! I still fly the 3rd wire stuff...just not as much
  10. She works fine in my SF gold, I just wish I could pack more HARM's
  11. Who's ready for COD 4?

    I've been playin MP on the 360 for two days and i'm at sgt. there are a lot of unlocks and in game tasks on MP which lead to making your weapons and soldier class really great! I play domination a lot! I cant figure out how some of the players talk after the matches
  12. Here! Here! Rgr that! I'll be onboard til the hubcaps fall off! And the best part of all this is that the great modders and campaign builders will do their thing and we will have even more great times with this title.
  13. Being the F4 lover that i am, This is lookin so good! I wouldn't care if the G carried rotten eggs :yes: , It still looks great!!
  14. Any More Activity?

    RGR that, I'll play more tomorrow night.
  15. Veteran's Day

    To all my fellow combat vets and to all vets world wide, thank you for your sacrifice and for doing the things that have kept this nation free since day one!!
  16. lol the two weeks thing was said 4 weeks ago by some other guy lol!
  17. Well I was ready for the release as soon as it was announced!
  18. Any More Activity?

    I've been playin since 01 jamonC is my handle, 21 honor it is a great game but it is hard to find a server to play on.
  19. you guys are too funny! Is there more than one way to import a photo into the pilot photo log?
  20. can this only be done with photo shop?
  21. The lazy dog is a kinetic weapon where the particles fall to the ground building up terminal speed to crash thru anything in their path. thay have no explosives so this is why you don't see anything.
  22. I have installed the new e-geforce 8500gt and now my WoE and strike fighters gold CTD when ever i press the fly mission button, My WoV however, still works great. any and all feedback will be GREATLY appreciated.
  23. ok now all seems to be well, i'm going to try the campaigns, because the single and instant missions work fine in all the games.
  24. I have all 3 titles and i'm going to go to 512megs. I have my eye on the Gforce 8500gt PCIE 400mhz card is there any know issues with this card? I looked thru the base and did not find any posts about this but wanted to run it past you guys before i bought it.

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