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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. Pol did not say anything on that, only I think it will be the plane set, that some guys were making an half year ago and then sudely did stop. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4371787/1 BTW, I’m still hoping for an Belgium escadrille. I also did buy FC, but still does not have the immersive factor as WoFF still does have. I hope that will be changed as I did buy an VR headset. If this VR is a succes then I geuss I wil stick more to FC and BoBpl.
  2. Same here, while moving from CAF to SimHQ, because of one problem, while SimHQ, and I could tell this on before hand, is a constant source of troubles. . No connection to the server Login problems Ads that are complete block the text No showing of posting date And so we can go further, I do hope OBD is reconsider if this buggy SimHQ site is the right place for hosting WoFF/Wotr. I hope they will go back to this CAF or SOH.
  3. I know it can be done, but forgot on doing how.
  4. Albatros D.II "Bavaria"

    Not only the pattern is incorrect, but also the black rear does have an error.
  5. reduce the TAC size

    Sorry I'm not going to correct this forum nor defend on what I do noticed here, if you like this method then do what you please. I still think it is now being rather complex for doing an quick search if wanting to get more WoFF subforums included, without the extra [un]check select handling that is normally only for the advanced search.
  6. reduce the TAC size

    Same happen on the retired section! here you can not be on the upper root and have to go through all the subforums to get the search results. It would be very handy because some info is stored on multi subforums.
  7. reduce the TAC size

    I had selected "this forum" and "topics" , if opening the drop down these two do have an black V. If going straight to on subforum like home>forums>over flanders fields> off/woff 1 2 3 ue - general discussion , then it is working and I do have the search results. Only now I do not see this forum in the search dropdown menu, so topics has been selected. So thats indicating the search does no work on the main Woff forum root! edit, To make sure it is not my fault, home>forum same "tac" I can not select this forum so only the big V on topics. And now I do get search results. So again it does not work on the main woff root.
  8. reduce the TAC size

    Wow you are lucky, I go to home>forums>over flanders fields, in the hope to get all the woff sections, use the search box on top, fill in the "tac" word and did recieve nothing ;-) edit, I'm using the ipad
  9. WOFF Logo

    So the news section is also being removed. I know we had some harsh discussion about a needed forum reorganization, but I hope you agree something had to be done. The Woff forum looks now more inviting for new posters and repliers.
  10. WOFF Logo

    They cleaned also the Woff forum by reducing the dead sections, think the news section could also be moved, because OBD has moved and is not longer using this forum and last posting is from 2014
  11. How many of us still fly WOFF?

    I'm still goingon, every weekend mornig 7:00h, so twice a week a campaign mission. Rof still on the disc only PW-CG is rather boring if being compared to Woff UE campaign. Online Rof did give it a try, but always the server list is complete empty, or blocked by a password.
  12. The other forum show an internal server error, on both my desktop using Google and on my Ipad. Same happen an couple of days ago.
  13. Tomorrow I'm going to fly my new Italian campaign!!!!!!
  14. Inspired by another topic and my search to French WW1 aircrew, I starting to read this old book https://www.amazon.com/High-Flew-Falcons-French-World/dp/B000H4627O Also new info about who did shot down Guynemer and info about Eugene Bullard.
  15. I would be great if we could get the place, date and time. So I could check what is going on, can not see anything on this screen shot.
  16. My last book : C39 squadron

    Geuss not in English, sounds al to me a very good book.
  17. Albatros windscreen question...

    I think WoFF is a perfect sample on what modders can achieve to a game, starting from some additional CFS3 WW1 planes to Woff UE. Same we see in IL2-1946, Clod-TF or what happen to RB3d.
  18. Albatros windscreen question...

    Even the carreer mode is closed. Still think if they open this for an dedicated modders it could even be better then Woff own campaign mode.
  19. Anthony Fokker's Movie Footage...

    https://collections.ushmm.org/film_findingaids/RG-60.3352_Historian%20Lance%20Bronnenkant%20on%20Fokker%20films_en.pdf He guys think this link is the full report for this movie?
  20. Fokker parts: Mix n' Match...

    Two V13 (D6) took part at the Adlershof fighter trails jan/febr 1918, besides the Superieur V11 (D7) Only a few jastas did use this plane (jasta84) and After the arrival of the D7 all went to trainings duties. It is indeed the Dr1 in combination with a wing design, that were later also being used by the D7 or were used from the D7, here it become unclear to me. From the handbook Fighters 1914-19 K. Munson.
  21. Our devoted silent following...

    Finally, it seems the dead wood will be removed from the trees, so the forest can grow in healt.
  22. Our devoted silent following...

    First of all I'm not an English speaker, so things could be explained rather different, while for some it all sound rather rude, never did write down you are an incompetent guy btw, only blind for things that are changing and need therefore attention. Only if you are happy to run into a dessert forum for WoFF, I would advice, keep on and do not change. I still think this forum is in my case always being trouble free and do like this much more than the official Simhq forum. Moving was a bad choice from OBD, so it's hurting me, that once so crowded forum is fading away. Something we have to do, to stop this, right guys??? Now to the explanation for you: Clean up the whole OFF section, why, because now it is not inviting for a newcomer , if nearly all of the 10 sections do have a last posting from 2015/2014/2013/2012 and within all the sections most of the pinned topics have links that are not working or obsolete. Yeh it is strange, but if a site looks crowded, links are working and decent pinned topics, more views and reactions are entering the forum. We have put in a couple samples on how to do this, Hellshade and others with all different point of view. I know they will react, so letts start with Dutch POV. OK here we go the easy way: I would personally, merge the 10 sections with the last activity dating from 2015 to one section as a read only history. So that is counting now for 8 sections and the general and help sections would be open. In that two left ones I would also take a close look at the pinned posts; is it still actual or are the links working. The best solution would be moving to the WW1 section WoFF UE [and not OFF] besides FE and RoF. But this could be for most WoFFers a bridge too far I guess.
  23. Our devoted silent following...

    @Olham, did read you are not active into Woff anymore, what are you playing lately?

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