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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. Cachya for head tracking?

    Yes combination bluetooth adapter (mine is a Sitecom CN516) and the Wii mode is working much better then a MS VX1000 webcam (I even had removed the IRfilter, but still facing stutters and signal losses). It is very important to get the recommendated OSRAM/Siemens IR LEDs use the right Bluetooth adapter and a original Wii mode but all that info is on the freetrack forum.
  2. How things have changed

    Yep even in summer, why is OFF3 always so dark???? Any way to disable this darkroom feature.
  3. FYI: some RB readings here on Redux
  4. New aircraft and new skins

    Zeppelin, Curtis Jenny and the Bleriot. Do a search here and you will find them.
  5. OT: RB redux1.2

    If I take a look at the member page, just curious: are OFF3 OvS and Redux Otto van Stachel the same person inhere.
  6. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    In my youth, I was always interested in the WW2 aviation and I made a lot of plastic models, P51D and P47M were my favorite planes. WW1 was not my "cup of tea" In the Win95 period I got a RB missiongenerator CD from the local store, because I want to fly on my new PC and manly this game was only 5euro's. Printed out all the .pdf for reading, nice stories btw. From that time my opinion complete changed, never get that dos game running in win95mode but this was changed when RB2 was released. Collected/played a lot of [no jet] flysims, but WW1 is still my favorite.
  7. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Yep you are right about this, lot off good crowded forums were on-crowded because some trolls who can login on different names are provoking members, like what happened on RB3d Delphi or WoV forum and I think that is also going to be on Simhq. I made my complain to a SimHQ moderator and he wrote back that he had also problems with the persons behavior, but he had no plans to take any action on that, so here we go. OFF3 forum moderators thanks for your good work here and keep on going!!!!
  8. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Like OFF3, RoF is a great game, now Pat Wilsons RoF-Campaign manager is released. As a WW1 flysim fan you should have them both (and IL2-CK in 2012???) Keep in your mind, that even you have only the 4 out of the box planes, the additional planes are still in the game, it is only you can not fly them by your self. But I think it is simple inhere: if you have a internet from the stone age or a moderate PC then do not even think about RoF. In my opinion RoF is only a good runner on a Quadcore i7 (or maybe a i5) and the Vcard should be something like a GTX260 or a HD4870-1Gb to start at. I'm running RoF on a dualboot HD (500Gb fastest HD below $100,-- according to Tomshardware) with XP32bit (64bit OS is slower on 32bit games) this OS is mean & lean, did all the speed tweaking, removed all the not needed software/services and cleaned-up the registry, but still I'm monitoring that my system is running to the CPU limit when all is set to the max. this game is demanding a lot of CPU multicore power. CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ OC to 3.5Ghz 4gb Crusial Ballistix DDR2-800mhz 5-4-4-15 Sapphire 4890-1Gb VapporX
  9. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    You are right RoF has its own game engine, I think he is confused to the Canvas Knights a free WW1 ad-on game based on the IL2-1946 engine which is still a good game engine. All info on Canvas Knights ! It is still to released in summer2010 I think and the planes have a comic book look, more a less transformed RB3d planes, this ad-on could have a lot of potential to a higher level like OFF1 to OFF2 to OFF3, so who knows.
  10. OT Avatar the Movie

    It is a tool made by Nvidia 3D I'm going to visit this movie with my 2 sons, the youngest is 8years old, I hope It is not to scary for him!!!! Yes 3d is the future in both games and movies.
  11. For more info go to the BoB section and read: A2A I have stopped at something like 2.4 but I will upgrade it to the latest 2.10, and give it a new try.
  12. My Gaming Rig is Dead

    You should check on sites were they give you a advice like "best gaming PC for 1500,--" Pick out the components you need. Here some info on Tomshardware, I would always go for a Intel I7-920 socket1366 CPU because I think you will run high performance "4core designed" games like "Rise off Flight" now or in the future. Mobo: Mobo if you do no overclocking it will simplify your choice Vcard: Vcards If you want a directX11 Vcard then it will be a ATI HD5XXX serie keep in mind your OS must be Vista or Win7, because XP can not handle DirectX11. New games are now designed for DirectX11 so your ready for the future DDR3 ram: DDR3 RAM If it is out of budget then go can go for a step lower like Intel 1156 socket mobo and Intel i5 CPU or AMD socket AM3 mobo and AMD Phenom II X4 965 125Watt version. I would skip the old AMD AM2+ and Intel 775 socket. After the component choices always check if your PSU can handle this.
  13. Belgium

    Its only one, its name is Baarle Hertog his Dutch equivalent twin village is Baarle Nassau. Founded when Belgium became separate from the Netherlands. Lot of US guys have indeed problems when it becomes to these "ala Chimay" facts. During WW1 the Netherlands was separated from Belgium by a electric fence, one of the first, you can still found some left overs here. The Netherlands want to be Neutral during WW1 and all the planes that landed were claimed for the Dutch military forces. I do not know if pilots were taken as a prisoners of war, but I do know that some British were sent back after they have given instructions to the newly formed Dutch airforce and shared their war experience/tactics. So for them it was like short holiday, away from war and danger. BTW Belgium airforces, this will give me a BIG argument to go for HITR.
  14. Am I getting old?

    Old US westerns or Barack Obama, dubbed in the France language are the most funny of them all!!!! There is even a yoke made by a Belgian comedian Urbanus about this. I think the problem with dubbing is that you must learn besides your native language another decent language, which now a days is English. Dubbing like in Italy or France does limiting children in reading and the English language skills.
  15. Lucky day

    No problem in flying the Hanriot in QC, S.J. made a good job inhere, it is not like the Gotha, that is flying like a scout. That will be great some Belgian Escadrille in OFF3!!! :yes:
  16. Lucky day

    http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8730 Good luck!!!!
  17. Cachya for head tracking?

    They are some adapters that convert gameport signal to USB. BTW there is also Freelook and a shooter tracking system "glovepy" or something, but Freetrack seems to be the best for Combat fly sims, I'm still in the start phase to install it, but until now I can recommendent you to use the Bluetooth/Wii combination and not the Camera system like I had first [MS-VX1000]. Do a search here and at a CFS3 forum like Simouthouse lot of info can be found.
  18. One thing I missed about RB3D

    I do not know this guy, but if his name was spelled as Bedweter, this is Dutch for somebody who knows it always better.
  19. Uk free track users

    Never mind we all trying to help each other
  20. Uk free track users

    Unclean, he only want to know were to buy the LED's in the UK, rest was only additional info from my point of view and maybe this was not interesting for him. Redkite sent me a PM, I reduced my sending cost for Conrad and this "trick" is maybe also possible in the UK.
  21. Uk free track users

    Nice to know because I'm also trying to start a freetrack syteem running . farnell , RS , Ledshop Got these links from the freetrack forum maybe if you do a search there you will find more on-line shops, I had mine from Conrad, before I had ordinary LED that did not work well, so get these Siemens/Osram's. I would strongly recommend to go for a Wii/bluetooth system, this is working better then my first MS-VX1000 (removed IRfilter) try. My Bluetooth is a Sitecom CN516 with the Toshiba software. Good site for resistor calculation is LEDcalc I prefer parallel setup because if one LED failed you can easy track the one that is damaged. There is no need to equip every LED with a separate resistor like you will see on the Freetrack forum for building a parallel system, because LED's now-a-days are build in narrow tolerances one resistor like in LEDcalc is sufficient. Do not lowering the watts from the calculated resistors, like I did, because it can be running hot . BTW, I use 1.5Volt and 60mA for the resistor calculation!!!! Track me at the Freetrack forum you will find all the info, because I had some problems as you probably also will be faced to, during your freetrack adventure.
  22. Dual video

    I have worked at a company using Dells for 24h/7days for monitoring the production lines, all the PCs were 4years old only problem were some TFT Screens. dualcards
  23. I'm running off line campaign early period on German site and for the first time it looks if I'm going to survive [thanks to the simped pedals] . I would like that noting interfere this grrrrrr. If I am using the Hat in the ring will this have some negative influence on my German carrier??? I'm not interrested in the US ad-on, but I like the improvement on graphics and the EV. BTW, Payments can this be done by credit card or Paypal????
  24. Hat in the ring

    Thanks you all I think I should not be in any worry because it sounds very plausible that when the download is available, I'm already downed by a allied plane so the campaign will be ended and I can start HoR without any risk!!!! Was very lucky last night, a terrible fight, could reach my German site but that was the only thing to be proud of!!!!!!! I love this campaign mode in OFF3 . flying away you will live another day.
  25. Albatross Albatross...

    Ok thanks means no problems on my rig here.

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