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Rambler 1-1

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Posts posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Hey all,


    While I was off flying gliders all summer, a bunch of my friends decided to put their time spent playing video games to good use- they organized a 96-hour gaming marathon, playing only Legend of Zelda games, to raise money for the pediatric unit of our local hospital. They're streaming it live online, all four days.


    As I post this, they've just passed the halfway point, when things really start to get tough. I'm heading over there eventually to provide moral support, and likely play a bit myself. The goal is to raise $1500 for the hospital, and we have $535 as of now. Tune in for a bit to see how we're doing, and if you feel really generous, feel free to donate via the link under the video feed.



  2. yeah, that's about right. Doesn't sideslip quite the same as a 2-33 either, but on final, set the attitude and modify your airspeed with speedbrakes, and my landings have significantly improved! The flare is just a little different...

  3. Hey guys, I'm back!


    Just arrived back from beautiful CFB Comox, where I spent the previous six weeks with the Air Cadets, learning to fly! Almost ten hours total time (three and a half solo) under my belt on the Schweitzer 2-33A now, and I can't wait to get more. The best part is, I'm only a corporal in our squadron, but since I've got my wings pinned on proudly, whenever it comes to talking about flying, I'm the authority! Sort of.


    Anyways, I have a week of free time before I start my AME course at the college here, so I've dusted off the joystick and pedals for some fun on SF2. What's the Phantom's best glide ratio again?


    PS- has anybody figured out how to plunk the SFP1 desert map in SF2? I know you have to change a few things in the .inis, (thanks, KB!) but I haven't had any luck in actually getting it to run yet.

  4. I've been suffering from a severe case of flight sim apathy as well. When my last semester started, I had to stop playing because of the workload. I just finished exams now, and I went to play some SF2, only to find that my joystick has died.


    So I've been playing GT4 instead...

  5. Apparently, all those hipsters who jumped on the Canucks bandwagon were sore losers... Riots broke out in downtown Vancouver, with several cars flipped, some cop cars lit on fire, stores looted and people beat up. The police tried to control the crowds using tear gas, but it didn't stop looters and rioters from making a general mess of the place.



  6. Talk about an anticlimax...


    I got a call yesterday from the recruiting center. They told me I wasn't merit listed high enough to be a pilot, and a bunch of other stuff. I decided long ago that if I wasn't offered pilot, I wouldn't jump through all the Officer Training hoops (especially not the 6 months in quebec to gain fluency in French), so I turned down their offer. I still plan on enlisting, but later, and probably not as an officer. Besides, the way the election campaigns are going right now, it looks like we might not be getting any new fighters anyways. I've never seen such beauty, technology and innovation considered as negative and evil before.


    Anyways, now I'm waiting for a reply from The AME school I applied to. My plan is to work towards my M-license, pay off my student loans, and then save up so I can get a private license.


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