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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. I approve of those pictures. :yes: Very nice!
  2. New Years Plans?

    Skiing for the day/evening, then flight sim for the first hours of 2010. Can't think of any better way to welcome a new year!
  3. It's Crusader's Birthday!

    Many Happy Returns!
  4. dang, that looks like the muffler off my grandpa's tractor. Is there a RATO download, or is it incorporated into the aircraft model? Either way, I like the idea. I was under the impression that it was fairly widely used by the Soviets in the cold-war era.
  5. Indian Navy Upgraded Sea Harrier Pic

    Isn't exactly a new bird, is she?
  6. I used to have a problem with my plane taking very light damage (2 rounds of .50 cal AAA), and my pilots being "dead" regardless of where the bullets hit and if I returned home or not. I found that increasing the thickness of the cockpit armor solved this problem, though there's probably a more... scientific method. That being said, are you talking about pilots being able to survive in damaged aircraft, or aircraft being able to survive more then just one hit from enemy weapons?

    you'll have to install and ocean before you install a carrier. Is there a terrain out there which comes with carriers and missions built in?
  8. Happy Birthday, Erwin!

    Happy Birthday!
  9. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Merry Christmas. I hope all of yours went as well as mine.
  10. After buggering around with strike planes with no gun (the CF-104, to be specific), I find myself doing something that I believe is frowned upon. Since my beloved Zipper only carries 2 bombs, I commonly find myself bracketing my target (One bomb short, one long). Normally, in a Phantom, Hun, Scooter or anything else, I'd either have my trusty "Just-In-Case-I-Miss" rocket pods, if not a cannon or two. Or a couple more bombs. However, I only ever carry fuel tanks and sidewinders on my CF-104 along with the bombs, and since there's no onboard gun, I vent my anger by... well... rolling in and firing 2 unguided 'winders at my target. I usually hit it with at least one. Sometimes, if a target of opportunity presents itself after my first pass (parked aircraft...), I will spike it with a 'winder too. In one of the Rolling Thunder books, I remember the main character getting in some sh!t because he used two unguided Sparrows after running out of ammo on CAS. I was wondering if there are actually rules against using air to air missiles to strike ground targets in real life. ...regardless, I'm still gonna do it in the sim. It's just fun.
  11. OMG WTF?

    Is nothing sacred? what are they gonna remake next, Dr. Strangelove? WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE HAPPY WITH MAKING MEDIOCRE ORIGINAL MOVIES?!?!?!?!? WHY MUST THEY ASSAULT THE CLASSICS?!?!?!?
  12. Is that shark mouth a decal? Every Phantom looks good with it.
  13. After 39 years, there still aren't any fighters that come close. Long live the Tomcat, baby! btw, nice angle on that shot.
  14. The Past Decade

    I didn't enjoy it. Looking back, it was a real roller coaster, and fortunately it has ended on a high. Joined Cadets, got new house, new computer, quit my $hitty job. Looks like it'll stay here for a while too. But I'm still here, so I can't complain.
  15. YOU just scared the cr@p out of me. I think I may die without downloads from here. Anyway... Speaking of things that scare the cr@p out of me... this: ..ow.
  16. heheheh... oh After a closer look, they are 90 degrees off. Thanks for the fix, I never would have realized otherwise. On another note, here's a Thud blowing up a bridge. kthxbye
  17. Brittany Murphy died, aged 32

    So sad to see 2009 claim another big name... RIP
  18. funny you should mention this... i happen to be working on a mod for the SF2 games that will give you the wingmen from Starfox 64... the principle just so happens to be the same. As for the force-feedback in the new patch... what?
  19. well, that does seem to be the way it goes, although the outer fins on the tank are the wrong shape. It's stock TW anyway. http://www.ejection-.../CF-104-807.jpg @Silverbolt, LOVE that last one. I can just see the Su-22 pilot flipping the bird to the overshooting Phantom.
  20. Yet another great reason to loathe Wal-Mart...

    Ah, yes. The MAN, trying to make a quick buck off of the armed forces personnel...
  21. Gotta love the stock ThirdWire CF-104! Plunk in the F-104G pit from SFP1 and you've got a fantastic little zipper. Just avoid CAP, fighter sweep and intercept, this is a Starbomber. No gun, you see. She's also fun to use over 'Nam.

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