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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Iron Man 2 Trailer

  2. I Dropped the Bomb...

    I've had this song stuck in my head for a week now. It's just so good!
  3. I Dropped the Bomb...

    I was singing it (involuntarily) while walking home from school today, I didn't realize there were people listening... I wish I could have one of their albums. Maybe I'll ask Santa...
  4. SAM Simulator

    hey, methinks this is a good way to learn something about our usual enemies... the more we know, the better. Know your enemy as yourself and all that... I did always wonder what the guys at the SAM site have to go through to shoot a fire-farting telephone pole of fear at us.
  5. None so far, but I only have the terrain, weapons, targets and ground objects from the expansion pack. The AAA is much more accurate now, it seems the radars will lock on to you and give the AAA guns pretty good aim. Almost got blown out of the sky over Hanoi faster then usual. One other thing I did notice: pre-patch, several (if not all) MiG skins were missing, now they're back.
  6. A400M Finally...

    Ok, who let the C-130 and C-17 share a hangar?
  7. Who Wants To Buy A Flanker?

    Ok guys, here's our chance. If every member here puts in a grand, we could have our very own Flanker. It even has a second seat for picking up chicks! ...Dibs on PIC for the May long weekend.
  8. Rambler 1-1, patch applied, all systems in the green. Had a small FPS drop, though. I think I'll lower the shadow detail and maybe the terrain detail...
  9. Happy Birthday Bongodriver!

    Many Happy Returns!
  10. Now that's just plain old awesome. Why hasn't somebody made a mission file out of that?
  11. Finally OWNED!

    ...wait... he got hit in the face with a model of a cathedral? Now I'd really like to see how that came about. Ok, continue discussion.
  12. Well, I liked the idea of a DID campaign, and seeing as my polict in the past has been pretty close to DID, just without the campaign, I thought it would be fun to give it a shot. I started a new Rolling Thunder campaign in my combined SF2:E and V (with Green Hell terrain and targets), flying the good 'ol F-4B from CVN-62 with the Jolly Rogers. My first mission was a basic strike over Haiphong, taking out a warehouse about 20 miles inland. My first carrier takeoff with a squadron was awesome. That's definitely the way to do it; you don't have to waste fuel getting up to speed and climbing out. As we approached the land, I told my squad to close up out of (bad?) habit; smaller radar target (?). My wingman swung very close very quickly, and before i could react, I heard a "BUNK" and my master caution light came on. Then I started to yaw back and forth uncontrollably. A quick F6 informed me that most of my vertical stabilizer was gone. I told my flight to engage ground, and my wingman to engage the target, and I dumped my stores and prepared to ditch. As I descended, however, the yawing calmed down, and through extensive aileron input I managed to achieve a steady (ish) cruise. I still had lots of dutch roll, and every now and then, If I wasn't careful, I would almost go out of control, but after a couple near-death plunges I found a nice safe cruise at 350 knots and 3000 feet. I headed back towards the carrier to ditch. As I approached the carrier (this was my first carrier landing where I had to fly the pattern and the approach myself), I found that the Phantom became more stable as I slowed down, so I decided to try and land it. Gear, flaps, and hook down and no death spiral. I turned base (massive amounts of slip- the most un-coordinated turn ever), and all was fine, but a bit fast. Turning final and picking up the meatball, I started to get dutch roll again as I slowed to landing speed. Some creative throttle and AOA, combined with desperate aileron action somehow lined me up for a nearly perfect landing. I stepped away from the computer s**tting bricks and praying thanks to Saint Jude. "I'm RTBing" "Ah $h!t" "Tomahawk 1-1, requesting immediate pattern entry" On downwind... on FINAL... touchdown! Sorry, crew chief... I'm gonna need a new flight suit... and I think my RIO is throwing up. I was gonna put this in the "Most Damaged Aircraft that Remained Airborne" thread, but I lost it. My pilot apparently died, btw, and my first DID campaign was over before I got to drop a single bomb .
  13. You can still find low mileage older cars

    A couple of years ago we got a '91 Ford Explorer from our great uncle in the U.S of A. It only had a couple thousand miles on it, and the paint and interior were perfect. Not a single scratch, ding, stain or smell. After a radiator replacement, a new ECU and a transmission, drive train and suspension overhaul, we learned that the odometer had already gone around TWICE. We put it around once more before we traded it in for our current vehicle.
  14. ...would NOT want to be in that guy's place right now. (Or: no weapon too large, no target too small!) WTF?!?!1? teh n00b hax! ...need to make the lethal radius of that nape a bit larger... or pack the NVA closer together. and finally, another classic hun CAS shot.
  15. Just had the most exciting double-pumper since I got the sim... The Green Hell terrain from the Vietnam mega pack in the DLs section and my favorite F-105D from 33rd TFS. Deep strike, loads of flak and MiGs, had to divert on the way home for lack of fuel. Long story, I'll type it up when I have time. My heart is still pounding! Pulling off target, WHERE DID THAT AAA SITE SOME FROM?!?!?!?!? On the egress, OVER AN AIRFEILD FULL OF MIGS AND AAA! half a dozen SAMs airborne, more then one headed for my a$$... RUN LIKE HELL ...And a safe touchdown, with empty tanks, a head full of grey hair and pants full of... well, you know. Oh man...
  16. Entering the pattern after my first mission in SF2+ Windows 7. Not working as well as I'd like, thanks to my video card and driver... Having problems with resolution, anti-aliasing and LAG But anyway, the mission went well. DID is the way to go!
  17. Iron Man 2

    I hope they have more "Iron Man blowing up bad guys" in this one. As cool as the boss fight was, I still like to watch total superhero pwnage. Definetly gonna go see this one, for sure.
  18. If Only They Would Run This At Christmas Time

    That was pretty good. Definetly gonna remember that for when friends show up for the holidays...
  19. Its That Time of Year Again

    I love repeat holidays! Besides, your guys' Thanksgiving blows the doors off of ours. We don't get all-day football. Happy Thanksgiving all!
  20. Nuns

  21. Navy SEALS Charged for Asault?

    Soldiers with clipped wings become sitting ducks.
  22. Sounds strange, smells bad, but tastes goooood !

    I have a rule for what I eat. It must appeal to at least one of my senses before I will taste it. That means it either has to look or smell good, or have an appealing texture. I'd also eat it if I was trying to impress somebody. But that doesn't happen often. And I'm not very cultured when it comes to food, so I won't try to contribute anything else. I can't knock it 'till I try it, which, judging from some descriptions there (and my own standards), won't be hapening soon.
  23. Caption This

    "Look, boss! dah plane! dah plane!"
  24. Russia buys French carrier?

    why do I hear sad strains of the 1812 Overture in the background?

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