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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. SF2 tomcats

    Eagerly awaiting the SF2 tomcats... It's been the longest 2 weeks ever, but it is soooo gonna be woth it...
  2. Crab_02 Returns...

    Welcome back!
  3. Happy Birthday Dagger

    Many Happy Returns!
  4. Roastin' hornets

    now that's how you get sh!t done.
  5. Aviation Nation 2009 @ Nellis AFB

    sounds good! I know how hard it can be to sort through that many pictures, so no rush. I'm looking forward to some great pics, though!
  6. nice looking plane. Basing the flight model on anything specific?
  7. shows how i pay no attention at all !

    What's in a name...
  8. Taking my simming seriously...back in the day.

    heheh... I used to have lists of delivery techniques written out for all ATG weapons. That was back when I ran SFP1 with the weapons pack that had overwhelming choices for loadouts, so I needed to make notes in order to get any accuracy at all with anything... Now I just stick to the stock weapons and single weapons that I add myself, and for the most part guesstimate where i should aim (with varying rates of success). No more need for my written notes. That said, I do have a notepad document on my desktop devoted to handy finds in the KB or discoveries that I might use later, like pilot positions, radar settings and conversions. I'd really like to print off a big map of SF2:V and mark the SAM and AAA sites up north though... I don't care how nerdy other people would think I am, It'd be awesome to have a mini briefing room!
  9. that's what my flight lead does! either full left or full right aileron, and he always loses the bogey behind the bars of the pit!
  10. I don't think so. They seem to be part of the model. I couldn't find any .ini entries that would get rid of those pylons if deleted, so I'm assuming they're fixed. Still, the Phantom is a real dream to fly when clean. Sometimes I just don't feel like shooting people down, so I give my base a nice airshow
  11. Anti Radiation Missiles

    BUMP does the enemy radar have to be locked on to you, or do you just have to be able to pick it up with your RWR? Will ARMs work against Air Defense Radars (Bar Lock) as well as SAM radars (Fan Song)?
  12. I found that it was impossible to play at all unless I set sensitivity and deadzone both to zero. I guess that's what I get for buying a cheap Sector 7 joystick... but it works great anyway. If I put on any sensitivity at all, bomb runs become impossible because tiny corrections become entire rolls, and deadzone just makes things even worse.
  13. Random Pic Time

    ...and one for any Star Fox fans, especially if you've done multiplayer.
  14. Guns and early IRMs. there's nothing more awesome then diving in on a MiG, go into scissors, then vertical scissors, then hamerhead, then it's AIM-9Bs and Ds and guns. I'll also use sparrows, but that's about it. I always fly in the 60s and 70s with NATO and US aircraft, so I just use the tactics I've read about and it's awesome. Those BVR fights are boring and tense, but when you get right into a hairball with burners and guns blazing, there's nothing better. The satisfaction of a guns or missile kill is so much greater too, because it's so rare with these big jets. In fact, this is what got me hooked on the TW sims in the first place. The awesome 60's-style gunfights.
  15. My awesome "new" CF-104: the stock SF2:E (or V?) AI-only CF-104-72 with the cockpit out of the F-104G in SFP1... what a great plane!
  16. Random Pic Time

  17. using every drop of fuel really makes the mission worthwhile. A little nerve-wracking on final, though... @FTA, is that photoshopped, or do you have some phycadelic shaders there?
  18. Korea...

    Stalin's left arm was shorter then his right arm. Is every dictator visibly AND mentally crooked?
  19. HINT: this pic wasn't taken at Camp Pendleton. (edit: brightened up the pic a bit... by accident )
  20. no, this is the stock SF2:V terrain. It is a combined install with SF2:E, though.
  21. you pretty much got it. I was talking about the Shilka there, which seemed to be on the American side. I even did some low, slow fly-bys in my F-4, which no self-respecting AAA gunner can resist. He didn't even padlock me. That, my friends, is one seriously defected zipper. game glitch, perhaps? Anybody else seen this before?

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