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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. 'Fess Up Time

    I've always loved Lynyrd Skynyrd, ever since their first album. Probably because their album sound is their real sound, it's not edited, remixed and altered in any way. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to hear any of their new stuff. To iTunes... AWAAAAAY!
  2. I got a new joystick today, tried out the A-10 and got shot down. Tried out the F-4C and got shot down. Tried out the A-4, missed my target and then augered in on pass 2. Decided to try the hun in that sexy SEA camo. (sexy SEA Camo) What can I say? It was love at first bomb pass. CBU on tanks, took out half of them first try. Rolled in for rockets, and things just kept getting better. I know what my first SF2:V campaign is gonna be in...
  3. We're gonna need a bigger boat

    Quick! Deploy the Amphibious Attack Tigers!
  4. Here's another classic SF2V shot, unmodded of course. I just LOVE blowing things up! Unfortunately, this bridge was declared "Undamaged".
  5. Need advice on Books on Nam

    See if you can find any of the Rolling Thunder series by Mark Berent. It's not 100% true non-fiction, but I find it's a nice balance between fantasy and reality. There are 5 books: Rolling Thunder, Phantom Leader, Steel Tiger, Eagle Station and Storm Flight. The last two are more ground-action based, but the first three have some excellent combat scenes.
  6. I always loved the Hawk, and it looks REALLY good in that scheme. I'd say the stripes are worth the trouble, they look that good. That being said, somebody PM him every couple days to make sure he doesn't go mad. That would be a shame.
  7. Google Find

    Besides the F-16 (which looks like a tiger meet paintjob) and the F-102 (look where the intakes are) I spy an F-94, two T-33s, a C-47, a Convair, a B-57 and a Beech 18. Oh, and an F-4. And there's a BAe 146 on takeoff. Did I miss anything?
  8. (*Rambler wakes up*) Oh yeah, this too: "I wanted to see exotic Vietnam... the crown jewel of Southeast Asia. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of an ancient culture..." "...and kill them."
  9. Random Pic Time

  10. His spirit will live on in all the wonderful mods he assisted in. RIP. The good die young.
  11. Pe-8 WIP

    Veltro, do you ever sleep, or do you just make planes?
  12. Random Pic Time

    Is it just me, or do most of our topics based around random pictures and spam usually end up being about hot chicks with guns? just sayin'... Anyway, here's an attempt to get this thread back on topic: Back-up vocals: FAIL
  13. Drop Tanks

    Apparently, FS 2004 allows you to use ejectable drop tanks. Anybody happen to know how? I'm trying to figure it out for a CFS2 P-40 that I'm running in FS, because it comes with it's own tank, but I have no idea what to do with the files.
  14. Drop Tanks

    Yeah, i've got a button mapped, and I have planes with tanks, I just can't figure out how to make them drop visually. They even drop physically, because if I only drop one the plane suddenly becomes unbalanced, but both tanks are still visually attatched.
  15. The first kill is always the sweetest, and this was no exception. After a beautiful 6-on-4 dogfight, I get mine in TW's F-8C. It's good to be back!
  16. That's the exact AN-124 that was up here in the Great White North a couple of weeks ago dropping off some Mi-17s. Those Russians do get around, don't they?
  17. Gotta love Area 88... I did a mod and campaign based on that show with SFP1 when I first started playing. With everything set to "easy", the TW sims make for fun arcade-style gaming, and the SFP1 desert map was a good stage too.
  18. Do you have a favorite?

    I had it set to the USAF theme because I like the falcon over the eagle, but now the dark theme, just 'cause it's cool. Unfortunately, with the dark theme, the icons below each member's picture don't show up. :(
  19. The P-40 is actually a CFS2 plane from simviation, by K. Malinowski and J. McDaniel. The one there is version 2, and I'm currently having some problems getting the updated version 3 to work properly. It's worth it for the nicer flight model, though. Fantastic plane to fly, but a bit of a b!tch to land! Is your second-last pic there an Auster? Looks nice. And I HAVE to know what kind of graphics card you're using.
  20. Gustav, where did you get all those gorgeous airplanes? Those are some of the nicest screenshots I have ever seen! Anyway, I just discovered that (some) CFS planes work in FS9, so I took out this fantastic P-40E. Great plane, but a bit difficult to land with that massive nose! "Sure, yours is more eoconomical, but mine is a heck of a lot cooler!"
  21. One very big @$$ bomb!

    Oooh, can we say "Tactical Value"? In that aspect, it's worth it's weight in gold... Anybody timing how long it will take for somebody to model it in a TW sim?
  22. none of the above, still waiting for paypal to process my request for some moneh with which to buy SF2:E and V. And Maybe First Eagles Gold.
  23. Gunther Rall passed away

  24. I need some help...

    Hey all, I'm working on a project on Billy Bishop (Canadian WWI ace, don't ya know) for school and I was hoping that some footage from FE could be the icing on the cake of our video. Unfortunately, FE won't run on vista and the windows 7 update is a long time in coming. Furthermore, Paypal will take 8 days to process my transfer of money with which I was going to be SF2:E, so I can't even just plunk some FE planes into an SF2 sim for the visual aspect. I even tried to install SFP1() and update it to the latest standard in hopes it would work, but it didn't. Damn you, Vista! Anyway, I was wondering if any of you guys might have FE and gamecam or fraps, so that maybe you could send some video my way. Reply here or PM me if you can help. It would be appreciated more then you might imagine. Thanks!

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