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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. I need some help...

    I would, if Paypal didn't take weeks to do things...
  2. Awesome! The cat is probably the most graceful ugly plane ever to fly. Can't wait to do some recon at a screaming 120 knots!
  3. Upgrading by Downgrading

    Hey all, I'm now on a new computer here, and it's a quantum leap over my previous machine. 16 times the RAM, 100 times the HD space, and a proper graphics card, even though it's still an ATI. However, I can't help but suspect that the performance of this machine is being held back by the system I am running, which just happens to be Vista Home Premium 64-bit. To tell the truth, there's no specific reason that I dislike vista, it's just the fact that I would much, MUCH rather have XP. Less automatic garbage, I guess. But I digress. The thing is that My brother has a new notebook on the way, and it just so happens to come with XP Home Edition. I was thinking of Nixing Vista on this machine and then loading XP from the disc provided with my bro's notebook. First of all, I'd like to know if this would work. I'll have to research if I can use the same drivers for video card, sound card, all that stuff If I were to run XP. If any of you guys out there could lend some advice, I'd appreciate it immensely. Second, there's the fact that this comp qualifies for a free update to Windows 7 once it becomes available. Should I give it a try before reverting to trusty old XP, or will it be more of the same Vista rigmarole? All I really want is a lightning fast Flight-simmer, web surfer and file modifier. I don't need 8 different programs for playing DVDs, a billion useless Windows Live abominations and more trial software then I can wave a cursor at. I've even noticed that since Vista has been (automatically) updating itself, Start-up and loading times have lengthened noticeably. Please help, I don't want a big, bloated system bogging down my awesome machine.
  4. Upgrading by Downgrading

    All right, I'm supposed to get Windows 7 on the 17th, and I'll give it a chance. I'm looking forward to getting SFP1 up again. Thanks for the advice, and I'm sure I'll be back when I try to dual boot or something.
  5. Can't do that in fixed-wing

    If only it was a Tim Horton's that they stopped at... That would have been perfect.
  6. Can't do that in fixed-wing

    Canadian Military FTW.
  7. A-7F

    ooo... pretty... Looks like something that could be done with some .ini edits, unless there are any dramatic physical differences between the F and the other models. The leading edge extensions could be put in by the "fake pilot" canard method.
  8. Random Pic Time

    I like this thread...
  9. hey Dave, is that stock SF2E/WOE terrain (with some add-ons, I presume), or some other map? ...looks like my FS9 terrain...
  10. Today is......

    Happy Birthday!
  11. With SFP1, I used to do campaigns with the Phantom because of it's versatility, but I would usually start out with F-100s, which weren't too bad. Once I learned how to bomb, I also liked to campaign with the A-4s. A nice forgiving plane for a change...
  12. What's in a name? Would an A-4 by any other name not fly as sweet? That being said, I would like to, at one point, score a hit on an Ahit.
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. Just go medieval and your BVR problems disappear!
  14. AN-124!

    see video HERE and story HERE A couple of months ago I posted a topic about a NATO 707 landing at our airport. Today, it was totally blown out of the water by an AN-124-100 which landed here carrying 3 Mi-17s for avionics retrofits. I went out to see it, and it just dwarfed everything else around it, from the 727s to the hangars. EDIT: added video.

    I say we get Dagger to do the comic page. Or line- whatever.
  16. stol competition

    now THAT is a spectator sport of the first order.
  17. Grandsons first deer

    Boy, is it great to see some youth who have real skills, not just halo skills. Congratulations on an excellent shot!
  18. Husband Down!

    oh dear...
  19. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    Airplanes make me happy. As do motorcycles and cars. Everything else is just pleasantries and neccesities for getting to a point in my life where I have nothing but Airplanes, motorcycles and cars. People are nice too, and it's mostly my friends who make me happy. I don't really have much of a family, although there's nothing that I love more then working on Airplanes, motorcycles or cars with my dad.

    Support the troops, but oppose the war. Damn duality!
  21. Russian police in action / police brutality!

    Awesome. They couldn't have chosen better music, either.
  22. Hey Silverbolt, which 'stang is that? Looks nice.
  23. Rambler <3 flight sim 04, now that I can play it again! Going to Calgary in a CV-580... ... and fooling around with the spit off of Dover.

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