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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Happy Birthday hrntfixr

    Many happy returns, O Fixer of Hornets!
  2. Surprise for me

    that's a nice gun. REALLY nice. Congradulations, and happy birthday!
  3. My Cat Marty

    Really sorry to hear about that, I know how attatched you can get to your pets, and when they go it's like they take a part of you with them. S
  4. Good to be back

    It's been a long month. On August 10, our new computer arrived (more on that later), but we couldn't set it up untill we moved, on the 15th of August. We were supposed to have internet on the 16th. However, our internet/cable/telephone supplier informed us that their automated telephone system had called our backup phone number, and had been told to delay installation a week. The next weekend came, we waited for an installer, and nobody arrived. We called and were informed that all the installers were either busy or on vacation. Fine. We wait another week, a guy finally shows up, takes one look at the job he would have to do, decides that it's too much, and tells us to hire a contractor to do some prep for the job. My dad and I did the prep, called the supplier back, and were told that a tech would be there the next weekend. He didn't show. Then, today, we were called by a tech named Andrew, informing us he was on his way. He got here at 1030 in the morning, and he has worked like a dog all day. It's almost 1700, and he's sitting on the couch teaching my mom how to use the TV. If it wasn't for his effort and patience, I would be spreading all kinds of negative talk about the company, but he has been so awesome that I'm gonna keep quiet. It's been a long time in coming, but this internet is fantastic and the computer is infinately superior to my old POS (aside from vista). It's good to be back online. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go set up some real-world weather for Flight Sim. ps- new comp= Dell Inspiron 545, Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 cpu at 2.33 GHz. 8GB RAM, windows vista 64-bit (with upgrade to Windows 7). all told, it ended up costing $1,045 Canadian. Screaming deal. Now I just need to get SF2:V and E.
  5. Good to be back

    what'd you guys do to the site? It looks great, but I'm just a little disoriented... Where's the bathroom?
  6. Tofu

    mmmm... bean curd...
  7. Project Supercar (USAF)

    My extremely biased mind does not compute automatic transmissions as real transmissions. I much prefer a standard gearbox. Not that I hate automatics or anything, it's just that I like to see manual shifters and clutch pedals in cars as nice as those ones are. :yes:
  8. Funny Passport Application

    That's excellent!
  9. Abandoned Military complex

    well they look really weird. Like something out of 2001.
  10. Project Supercar (USAF)

    Awesome! However, I must object to the fact that neither of these alleged "supercars" have real transmissions. Unless that is some sort of sequential shifter in the middle of the Challenger.
  11. Abandoned Military complex

    Well, they have been sitting there for 23 years, but they are Russian... so just bring lots of WD-40. And don't forget your lead suit.
  12. Abandoned Military complex

    so much history just sitting there 'round Chernobyl, protected by the threat of radiation. It is creepy, but also amazing to see what would happen to our cities if we all just left... hey, what are those structures at the bottom of the third page there?
  13. Les Paul Dies @94

    A Guitar God climbs the Stairway to Heaven... RIP
  14. Egads! It's backwards AND upside down!
  15. There's nothing quite as involving as a good, challenging air battle. F-4/MiG-23 action is pretty fun too. and welcome to the forum, peconpie32!
  16. The Super Hornet really CAN do everything

    All we need is for the entire navy to be running Hornets, then somebody comes up with a disproportionately effective bug spray...
  17. The Person Below Me

    True! I'm the only trombonist in my school. I also know a couple things on bass guitar and some chords on guitar and piano. I'm no MAB, though. The person below me plays a small plastic instrument attatched to a video game console.
  18. Joe Gibbs Racing driver Brad Coleman hits coyote

    I think that calls for a commemerative paint scheme.
  19. Sounds to me like the easiest way to get a more realistic model is to have a max-G/speed graph with a curve rather then a slope. For example, it reaches it's highest G turns around 250-300 knots. Below that the G's are lower because of lack of airspeed, and above that Gs are lower because of lack of boosted controls. That's funny, I get the feeling that I'm stating the obvious here...
  20. Looks almost like a TSR-2. Maybe that's why I start to drool every time I see a Vigilante in that euro camo...
  21. Happy Birthday Soulfreak

    Happy birthday!
  22. Beautiful! That's my kind of mud mover!
  23. you could also try reducing the weight a bit. You'll have some side-effects like faster acceleration and climb, but less weight means less wing loading, which means you'll be able to sustain a higher turn rate at higher speeds. I think the ReferenceArea, ReferenceSpan and ReferenceChord inputs may have something to do with mass centralization, but I'm not sure.
  24. Lancaster Coming

    I wish they'd bother to fly it across the rockies. I'd put up with a 5 hour drive to Vancouver just to see a real flying Lanc!
  25. Do you think UAV's should replace pilots?

    I used to have a matchbox toy of that plane! It was some concept that came from nowhere and went nowhere I think. Although I do remember running around in the back yard shooting down bad guys with it. But I digress. Don't want to be off-topic here.

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