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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Alright CharlieLima...It's Your Turn......

    Many happy returns, CL!
  2. Car on the fritz

    look at that. They even have seedy used car dealers on mars. What is the universe coming to?
  3. Lesson learns from the 50s

    I approve of this thread.
  4. I believe that A-bombs had much more radioactive fallout than H-bombs of comprable sizes, and you could get a larger explosion from a smaller H-bomb. The H-bomb is essentially the same type of reaction that happens in the middle of our sun, just not sustainable. It gives off helium and hydrogen rather then the large, unstable radioactive isotopes given off by A-bombs.
  5. Kid says "Homework is slavery"...

    Ah sh!t, 331, I didn't read your post before I posted mine, it sounds like I just shunned what happened to your son. I'm really sorry for your loss. EDIT: ok, I'm off topic now too...
  6. Car on the fritz

    I really enjoy driving around here. Lots of nice, deserted, twisty roads minutes from the home 20. Just watch out for gravel. And cows. Traffic is the extreme opposite, you can't get anywhere in 30 minutes during rush hour, despite the highways and local artery roads all over. The soccer moms in their 5-ton, $80,000 SUVs and gucci sunglasses are a bit scary, too.
  7. Kid says "Homework is slavery"...

    Homework isn't slavery, it's work. That's it. You can choose not to do it, but then you'll have to deal with the consequences of not doing it, ie you won't know the stuff, your parents will ground you and your grades will slip. So go ahead, fight the bonds of "slavery", but then you run the risk of ending up as a bum.
  8. That's interesting. I was lying in bed thinking of an F-14 with some sort of booster for a vertical climb to intercept bombers, and I thought of using gun recoil to make the thrust for the boosters, rather then another engine. Very cool that somebody went and did it! Nice job!
  9. The nicest looking airplane ever

    I agree with you there, except for the engines. Lyulka AL-31s for the win! I think there's a "what-if" American Su-27 in the downloads section here, and all those great Soviet skins work for it too!
  10. Aerobatics kills

    I've downed 4 MiGs in a PC9 simply by flying at top speed 100 feet off the ground, then when a MiG lines me up I wait 'till it gets into gun range, then reef into a high-G break turn. THe MiG either tries to follow me, stalls and crashes or goes back up for another try. Flying low and slow over allied AAA sites works well for getting rid of MiGs too.
  11. Rambling

    "RAM!" "whatdafuk?" "you sleeping again? some leader. DMZ in 1 minute" "Close up." Damn, these scooters are quiet. These deep strikes always put me to sleep, especially now that they took longer and the flight was downright silent. We were southbound, following about 5 miles off the shoreline, heading for an oil facility in the middle of nowhere that was still some 100 miles away in the desert. Four A-4Cs, mine and #3's with 500 pounders, my wingie with LAU-3s and charlie with nape. The reason of the loadout was partially so that 2 and 4 could take out AAA while 3 and I went for the jackpot. I dropped down to 1200 feet above the waves, to make it that much more difficult for the enemy to spot us. My flight followed obediently in silence, now that we were across the line. 300 gallon tanks were neccesary for lights of this duration, but we were advised not to drop them. Our supplies were low and our resupply was temporarily cut off, which also explained the mixed loadouts. The flight still cruised together nicely, though, so I trimmed the hawk and let it fly itself. The next 15 minutes passed quickly, and soon we were 5 minutes off of initial over the desert, still with no sign of any opposition. I took my flight up to 2000 feet. "Switches set?" "two" "three" "four" At initial point, with the oil site visible, we set up for the attack. I rolled in first. Down through 1500 feet, accelerating, a little too fast, nose up and brakes out, nose down, tracer from the right a little rudder line it up airspeed high aim short tracer is way off HOLYs**t THERE'S ANOTHER GUN WATCHYOURALTITUDE PICKLE! CHUNK CLUNK BOMBSGONE JINK LEFT, right, climb into the sun, vitals good, no tracer, keep climbing. "Two's in on the gun" "There's two of them" I turned around at 3500 feet and watched as two rolled in and lined up on the first gun. The Gun saw him easily. He was coming in beside the sun, and the first gun started to fire, but didn't lead enough. Two let go of a salvo of rockets just as the second gun got a perfect bead and fired rounds of significantly larger tracers. Two never saw the second gun. "Sha-" just as two's rockets hit the first gun, the 23mm tracer collided with the port side of of his fuselage. A full wing flew off while the engine disintigrated and Two plowed in to the ground 100 meters short of the gun he had just destroyed. Before the fireball that was Two could subside, four had already rolled in and was lined up on the ZU-23-2. He was coming from the sun, the opposite way that two had come from, and the gun had only turned halfway around when 1200 degrees of flaming death rained down on the gunner. "four's off." "Three's in hot." my bombs had hit the two main oil pumps, and three was going for the storage tanks. I circled up and watched three dive in and then watched four finish climbing off. There was a glint on the horizon and a puff of white smoke. "Bombs g-" "MIGS! MIGS! MISSILE! THREE, BREAK!" There was a huge explosion fromt the tanks that three had just hit, but I didn't even realise it. I went to full military and clawed for altitude as three did a quick break turn. The soviet missile didn't track, but the MiGs were now clearly visible, two shiny Fishbeds setting up for a "pincer" attack on three. I nosed over and lined up to cut off the second Fishbed in it's turn as I switched to guns. The MiG continued it's turn, so I prepared for a high-deflection shot. In a 3-G turn with the MiG hidden below my nose, I fired a long burst. I rolled the other way to climb up off the attack. The MiG had broken off, and three had easily forced the other fishbed to overshoot. Four was climbing up after me. "head for the front lines" "three" "four" I clawed for altitude again, while the other scoots turned tail. I saw the MiGs heading back towards my flight. I rolled over and in behind them, suprisingly with some overtaking speed. I lined up on one of them and pulled the trigger. One round from one gun, two rounds form the other. Jammed. f*** as i contemplated trying to overtake the MiGs and use my empty EFT as a weapon, The Migs sudenly nosed down and turned away. As they departed, I saw that one was actually trailing a fine line of fuel from it's right wing. I guess I got lucky. "chevy flight, we're clear. the MiGs RTB'd." I didn't sleep on the way back. Between thinking about Two buying it and the MiGs turning away when they were lined up for perfect kills, I was far from relaxed. I hoped that none of my future missions ended up being as memorable as that one was.
  12. The nicest looking airplane ever

    ok, now I'm really drooling. despite the fact that my patetic computer won't do justice to that bird and it's paint job, I'm gonna DL it anyway. EDIT: wait, is that a screenshot or a real pic? I can't tell!
  13. wasn't there a JAG episode where some F-18s intercept a 172 that's flying towards an american ship or something, and they down it with guns? Sorta like this. I imagine that the F-16s proably set up an orbit or something so that there was always one closing on the 172 from behind, to avoid having to fly at stall speed.
  14. Hello Folks, Welcome to the Part of the Show

    what are you guts moaning about? Spam makes everything better! And it keeps the E3LS and lazercats away. Baked beans are off. Oh, well, could I have spam instrad?
  15. I Like Square Butts!

    I don't think I'll ever be able to watch Spongebob again. With a straight face, that is.
  16. could you not also increase the thickness of the armor around your pilot? In some .inis, there are entries under [PILOT] that show armor material and thickness, do you think that making the armor thicker could make it more likely to survive a hit?
  17. Iron Eagle the glory years

    Yeah! Go Russian guys in F-4s! Kick some desert-camo Alaska-based F-16A or C butt!
  18. Wow, Sid. I have to say, I've never really been a fan of the F-18, but that skin makes it look really damn nice!
  19. MS Live HotMail

    look at that! those windows tech guys are everywhere now!
  20. The Person Below Me

    False, I love the little buggers! the person below me thinks that anything can be eaten if you try hard enough.
  21. Caesar, that can only be described as truly awesome.
  22. The Person Below Me

    True! our ceack team of mods is always ready to nix a thread that gets too political. The person below me pictures the people on this forum as looking/acting similar to their avatars/signatures.
  23. Right you are! Typo on my part. I was talking about the 580 with the allisons, and you are very right about them being so capable. There is also the CV-5800, a stretched version built by Flightcraft, a civil contractor. My own father used to install the wiring harnesses into those panes. He now runs a convair 580 simulator as part of his job, and that's why I would like to see this plane in a TW sim. I have a FS2002 model on a CD somewhere around here...
  24. Up here we have some big fires (some of my friends houses were burnt down in the Okanagan Mountian Park fire back in '03), and we had the CL-415s and the Martin Mars droning around, but the most common bombers were Convair CV-540s (with turboprops, of course) that had fire retardant tanks in a bulge under the fuselage. The body is pretty much the same as that of the electra, but the wing is longer and there are only 2 engines. If somebody plans on making an Electra, perhaps they could take the extra time to make an extra versionwith twin engines and longer wings..?

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