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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. MS Live HotMail

    I wish my internet/computer was fast enough so that I could use my hotmail account to it's full potential. I could instantly free up at least 5, maybe 10 GB of disk space!
  2. good idea! It's like an educational, non-violent version of a military game, but still with the fun of flying around and dropping stuff. Very neat indeed.
  3. TSR2

    too many good planes have ended that way... Aircraft development is too important to be left to politicians.
  4. damn! that's one nice-looking plane! looks like part Raptor, part Rafale, but it's long and lanky like an SU-27. I REALLY like it! This might be the plane to compel me to use russian jets as more than just targets, as I haven't the heart to shoot down something as pretty as that. VERY nice job, guys!
  5. Anybody know what the node name is for the "Labs Timer" in the stock TW A-4C through F pit? I was hoping to change it to a distance counter to the next waypoint, like the one in the A-4B pit, but I don't know what the name of the instrument is. It isn't used in the stock pit (it just stays at 000), but in the gauge.bmps, it doesn't have any numbering, so it must be a usable gauge. take a look at the attatched pics. here is the guage as it appears in the pit... and here it is in the skin for the panel. (the upper left one, of course.) anybody know?
  6. Mystery Gauge

    Bingo! found it. I didn't think of looking through the cockpits section for some strange reason. I see that the .lods had to be changed too, so I probably never would have figured it out myself. I'm glad I asked. Thanks for the help, guys, and thank you Crusader/Moonjumper!
  7. whoops, I didn't even know about that! I guess I've been moving too much mud and not doing enough high-speed stuff.
  8. Very nice! I've been waithing for this for some time, I even attempted to make one myself, but I failed miserably. Thanks!
  9. well, if your engine has sound right up untill you engage afterburners, then it goes quiet, it means that there is a problem with the afterburner sound. Check the data.ini of each plane that this happens to. Open the data.ini and scroll down to the [sound] section. It should look something like this. [sound] EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner DamagedEngineSoundName= FlapsSoundName=Flaps AirbrakesSoundName=Airbrakes GearsSoundName=Gear Now, look at the "AfterburnerSoundName". It should be the same as the name of a sound in your game's main "Sound" folder. If there is no sound file that matches the listing in the .ini, the plane's afterburner will have no sound. Also, if there is a typo in the .ini, the sound may not show up either.
  10. the october '08 patch is a huge improvement on the stock game, you might want to try a fresh install and then patch that up to '08 standard and just play the stock game with limited add-ons. I've been doing that for almost 6 months now, partially because I want to and partially because it's the best that I can run on my lothargic computer. And Wrench, boy do I envy you.
  11. Human? Nah. Sycophant. The EELS made him do it!
  12. Just noticed this.....

    or maybe the bunyap weapons pack, or possibly even the original MF F-14A.
  13. there wouldn't be much harm in setting it to 125 just to see what happens. Worst case scenario, you'll CTD or your squad will be a bunch of aeronautical dunderheads. the scale probably only goes too 100, though.
  14. PCs still the biggest gaming market shock

    A somewhat respectable societey of gamers? No, wait. A whole bunch of flight simmers and Counter Strike players.
  15. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    True! Many happy returns! All the cool people have march birthdays, so it seems.
  16. The Person Below Me

    That's all I needed to hear! I DON'T WANT NO TEENAGE QUEEN, I JUST WANT MY M-14! The person below me knows what I'm talking about.
  17. looking good! One of the many planes that I have always wanted to fly.
  18. Klavs, do you ever sleep? what about eat? Actually, do you DO ANYTHING EXCEPT CREATE AWESOME AIRPLANES?
  19. anyone think this is a good idea?

    Rambler's DG (Damned Good) cookies 2 cups packed brown sugar 2 cups butter/margarine (softened) 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 eggs 4 cups flour 2/3 (that's "two-thirds", NOT "two or three") cups cocoa 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 (one half) teaspoon salt (DON'T FORGET IT!) 3 cups (if you dare) chocolate chips/chunks 1 cup mini marshmallows OR nuts OR more chocolate chips OR anything else you think would be good and that you might happen to have handy in your pantry OR any combination of the aforementioned. Heat oven to 325 degrees (Fahrenheit. I'm not THAT Canadian). Beat brown sugar, butter, vanilla and eggs in (very) large bowl at medium speed untill creamy. Stir in flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt (DO NOT FORGET BAKING SODA AND SALT). Stir in chocolate chips and marshmallows/nuts/miscellaneous stuff. Place dough in 1/4 (one quarter) cup-sized(ish) blobs about 2 inches apart on a baking sheet. (you can make cookies bigger or smaller depending on your tastes, but then watch them in the oven so you don't overbake them.) Bake 13 to 16 minutes, untill cookies appear dry. DO NOT OVERBAKE. Let cool 1 minute, then remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack (I find that a coutertop covered with a couple paper towels works well). Makes about 40-50 cookes. I suggest you half the recepie if you have small kitchen equipment or not enough people to eat 40-50 sizeable chocolate cookies. Also, these things are NOT HEALTHY AT ALL. Enjoy!
  20. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    Mustang, I can't tell you how bad I feel about this whole thing. I've seen it happen 3 times, from different perspectives, but never as bad as the situation you have to deal with. The truth is that as long as people stray from the truth in their thoughts and words, things like this can happen. Terrible. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the opressed from the opressor, but sometimes, there is no need for anybody to be opressed at all.
  21. Jizz In My Pants

    LOL i looked that up last night, I remember seeing the last part of it on SNL a while back, for some reason I remembered it last night and looked it up, now it's here too! IT'S HILARIOUS!
  22. Remember, it has to fit through the Panama Canal. 'Course, at that size, you could probably just ram through panama...
  23. If I ever get a sh!tload of free time, it's one of the many things I want to try. I have a list, you know. :yes:

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