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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Canada orders the F-35...

    This whole deal is really ambitious, but rubbish. It seems that Canada doesn't necessarily have a specific mission in mind, somebody just decided that we need some new fighter jets because our Hornets are, well, dropping like flies. The F-35 wasn't really chosen because of it's specific abilities, but because it's new, multi-role, and likely to remain in service for a long time. If we were really serious about defending our airspace, we would have Typhoons or, more likely, F-22s, because of the pressure Canada gets from the U.S. I'm not complaining, the F-35 is cool beyond belief, but do we really need them? For the work our air force does, we could do better with some newer F-16s, Super Hornets or Eurofighters, all of which are quite a bit cheaper.
  2. Snowpocalypse 2011

    FC is right... up north here, and we haven't had snow for a month, we even had 10 degrees celcius (50 F) for a couple of days. It's dropped back to ten below (~14 F) lately, but no snow at all. to be honest, I'm a bit jealous of you guys...
  3. 63 and Tired

    it's refreshing to see that someone had the gall to say this. Helps put things back in perspective, seeing them from both sides, perhaps?
  4. Coolest, funniest, worst callsign/s you've ever heard!

    Doesn't really count because it's a Navy nickname, but a friend told me about an ex-Canadian Navy NCO he met whose last name was Tater. When he was a Petty Officer, he was "PO Tater".
  5. That was quick....

    If I had the money, that'd be my new commuter. No more traffic jams, and I pity the moron who takes my parking spot!
  6. Old School Jet Retooled to Slay Stealth Fighters

    Jedi's right, but when and where would F-15s be engaging stealth fighters, such as the PAK FA or this new Chinese thing, over SAM-infested hostile territory? I was under the impression that if a flight of anything saw the huge dots indicating F-15s on their radar, their first choice wouldn't be to engage, especially if there are more Eagles then there are of themselves, which is totally possible for some time into the future. There hasn't been a lot in the way of head-on fighter-vs-fighter combat in a while, and I'm just saying that for the current goals of the U.S forces worldwide, maybe a bunch of new stealth fighters isn't totally necessary.
  7. Old School Jet Retooled to Slay Stealth Fighters

    Viggen... don't remind me. I may cry. Anyway, I don't like how anything that isn't stealth and new is badged as "old school", aka outdated. The F-15 is a sound design, with lots of room for improvement, and there are plenty of them around to boot. As for the Navy, with all these budget cuts and the lower demand for an interceptor, I understand why the Tomcat was taken out of service. I don't agree, but I understand. However, somebody has to decide whether the U.S is going to keep trying to upstage the east with new technology, or if they're going to try to save money. It's starting to look like they can't do both... ...that being said, I'd say that a flight of four Eagles would be enough to do away with a couple stealth fighters. There is a point where quantity of an aircraft and quality of training will defeat quality of aircraft alone.
  8. New Ace combat

    looks more like "Call of Duty: Helicopter Barrel Roll Warfare" to me (1:13). Apparently there's a level where you're a door gunner. I understand that it's not supposed to be realistic by any means, but did Ace Combat really have to sell out to the CoD fanbase? I miss Ace Combat 4.
  9. A nice sunday drive

    Shifter carts on Laguna Seca? Definitely on my bucket list.
  10. Cars 2 coming in 2011

    Wait... are the bad guys an AMC Pacer and Gremlin? ...those are definetly bad cars.
  11. Hey guys! Long time, no see! Anyways, I've found myself with some free time, and I want to get back into SF2. I did a fresh install with Green Hell 2, but no HDR mod, because I wanted to do some gamecam filming, maybe make a movie or two. I have Gamecam 2.0, the full, paid-for version. It works fine with FS9 on this system, aside from the lack of sound recording. However, in SF2, it won't record anything at all, showing a constant black screen. Something tells me it has to do with DirectX or Windows 7, because I remember Gamecam refusing to work at all with the DX9 HDR mod. To make matters worse, without the HDR, my ATI HD 4300 card averages out at 15 FPS, and with a quad core and 8GB RAM, I know I could be getting better. Anyways, I'm going to contact Gamecam, but I just thought I'd check if anybody here has any tips. Thanks!
  12. Gamecam and SF2

    All right, I'm going to make sure DX11 and my graphics card drivers are up to date.
  13. THe Ultimate War Sim

    My apologies if this has already been posted, but I got a good kick out of it. The description of the Ultimate War Simulator. http://www.cracked.com/article_15660_ultimate-war-simulation-game.html
  14. Do I hear an "Airwolf" revival inbound?
  15. Top Gun 2 in the works!

    Top Gun - Tomcat = Lame Hornet Propoganda I could see it done with maybe the F-35, but anything else, no. The thing that set Top Gun apart from the rest was the F-14.
  16. That's interesting. I strongly doubt that it will be taken seriously by the U.S though, unless Antonov really blows the doors off of anything that stateside companies can offer. It will be a long time before the USAF buys a Russian plane. Can we say "political landmine"?
  17. A6 Intruder?

    To my totally untrained eye, looks like EA-6B Prowler, with the rear windows and everything. Have they been totally removed from service? Perhaps on their way to scrapping? Looks like long-range EFTs under the wings.
  18. CombatACE Facebook Winner - Week 2

    shaungriff, I applaud you on your original username. Congratulations!
  19. BEST aircraft paint schemes EVER!

    So much for low-vis... maybe the idea is to get into visual range, then make your opponent die from laughing. I'm fine with this for now, but the minute that Pokemon start showing up on Tomcats, I'm out.
  20. Aircraft and military stuff turned into furniture

    Cool, but sad to see. For me, airplanes, and their parts, represent a sort of freedom, and to see those parts demoted to desks and furniture is just... not right. I donno. Also, why does Tom Cruise qualify to be a "Living Legend of Aviation", as seen at the bottom of the page there? The legendary bit of Top Gun was the Tomcat...
  21. Helicopters vs Jets

    I don't care. "Yeah, but at least when I get shot at, I can run away at mach 2." (if anybody knows where this quote is from, please tell me!)
  22. One Shot one Kill... new scope design for Snipers...

    That's cool. CCIP for snipers. You'll still need patience and iron nerves as always, though. Something tells me these cause many missed shots too.
  23. GRAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! FFFFFFUUUUUU*************KKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had the most awesome mission, a deep strike over haiphong, and I even got a MiG in my thud. Then, after landing and quitting the mission, the game crashed and it didn't save! RAGE!!!!!! :angry2: :fu2: :fu2::angry2: EDIT, TO AVOID TRIPLE-POST: Lt. Frederick completed two more missions today, a SEAD over Hanoi and a strike over Dong Hoi. On final approach from the latter mission, F-105 #492 suffered an engine fire and Lt. Frederick was forced to repeat the emergency landing that destroyed #490. He now commands #493. This is weird. I've never had an engine catch on fire spontaneously before, let alone twice in four missions. And now the squadron is getting short on thuds.

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