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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. The Person Below Me

    False, I've been to three. Well, four if you count Canada. The person below me was sure that he had a tone on that MiG, but didn't see the Phantom the MiG was chasing, and then blemished their record with a freindly fire kill.
  2. Thanks D, I've been looking for a pilot like this, but I didn't know which download it came with. You saved me a lot of trouble!
  3. HAL LCA Tejas Twin seat fighter/trainer

    looks kinda like a TA-4 + AMX + Eurofighter, with a bit of mirage 2000 thrown in for good measure. I like it's looks, it's not really beautiful, but elegantly functional. Though the big bubble canopy does seem out of proportion.
  4. Canussian

    You mean there's sports other then hockey and football?
  5. Canussian

    You'd be suprised how often that happens. In my city here I've seen mobs of people flying flags from Israel, Ukrane, Kosovo, Australia, France and Germany, just to name a few. You wouldn't see that in quebec, though. THey don't even fly the Canadian flag there.
  6. The Person Below Me

    False, I've had about 15 seconds so far. The person below me thinks "alot" is a word.
  7. nice touch with the Cubs to pick off... I'm thouroughly enjoying taking those ships down.
  8. "Okay two, find that radar site." "I can't see s**t. If you hear a boom, it's either me or the radar."

    well, St. Patrick managed to get the snakes off of ireland, maybe we can get somebody to do that with the eels.
  10. Now we just need a big black monolith in the middle of this canyon, 1x4x9. TMA-4.
  11. Useless Factoid of the day

    I was there last weekend. It's where they tested the "AvroCar". It was a miserable failure, for those who don't know.
  12. Useless Factoid of the day

    If you take the numerical value of every letter in a president's name and multiply them together, you will find that it is evenly divisible into the year that they were elected in. Using this formula, I have predicted that the next president will be named Yellink McWawa.
  13. When Dave Gets Bored

    Oh no, I see where this is going. First person to rent a movie theatre for multiplayer WOI gets a prize. Jeez, some of those pits are approaching actual size!
  14. It's that red lightning stripe. It makes anything silver from the 50's and 60's look good. Here's mine: testing some night bombing strategy...
  15. Well, is it possible to add weapons to SFP1 with patch but without a weaponspack? I'm asking mainly because my game will simply not run with a waponspack installed, but I would like to have one or two custom weapons. However, it seems that you can't add weapons simply by taking the stock WEAPONDATA.ini and .dat files out of the Objectdata.cat and then adding or creating weapons the manual way, with the editor. So does anybody know why it's not possible to add weapons without the weaponspack, but with the pack it is possible via the same method?
  16. Yeah, I had been using the gun editor and I wasn't having problems, so I never really gave the Weapons Editor a second thought. A folder for the lods and bmps and inis (oh my) isn't really necessary for me, all I did was add one weapon. And I didn't know anything about the .DAT file, so I just treated it like an ini.
  17. well, I'm fed up with trying vainly to bomb targets in the dark of night, so I decided to make a flare pod that would drop flares which would stay lit on the ground for ~5 minutes, just so I could light up the target a bit before blowing it to pieces. I'd like to start with a flare pod or countermeasures pod that drops flares for AA defence purposes, and I will modify the flares so that the effect when they hit the ground is the same as when they are in the air, and it will last for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good starting point in the weaponspack (nothing under "misc stores"), and I can't install it to my game to check for an existing pod. I was hoping that somebody could give me a name of a pod that I could start off with, and I'll track it down in the weaponsdata. Even a bomblet dipenser will work. Thanks!
  18. Yeah, I discovered that trying to make ground flares work is but an exersize in futility. I just made the flares very light ("Parachute Retarded") so they float for about 3 minutes before burning out, enough time to turn around, nail the target and then they go out on the egress to cover my butt from the AAA. Works pretty good.
  19. Okay, I now have a flare launcher pod that works fairly well, but I still haven't been able to figure out how to get the flare to stay lit on the ground. I was hoping that there would be a simple entry for an explosion effect, and I could just replace the explosion tga with the flare tga and increace the duration, but I haven't found anything. I might fool around with the "Effects Class" a bit though... Anybody know where the "SmallBombEffect.ini" can be found? Also, THE RF-4C PACKAGE TAKES UP MORE SPACE THEN MY ENTIRE SFP1 INSTALL! thank goodness for external drives...
  20. well, I think I am using an '06 editor, that would explain everything. And I always wondered what the .DAT was for... now I'm off to find new editor and kick myself... EDIT: Well, that was the problem. I suppose that I should make sure all of my stuff is updated before making a thread about it next time... thatnks for the help, guys!
  21. hmm... bunyap pack causing game crash... that's exactly what happens to me, but it's because I'm using a painfully slow computer and the hard drive overload of the bunyap pack is just too much... In the other thread I'm trying to figure out how to add weapons without a weapon pack to get around that problem.
  22. It's SFP1 with the Oct. 08 patch, but I'm using an editor from the previous patch... I thought that might cause a problem, but it's only an ini editor, and I figured that it's probably the same post-patch. If that turns out to be the problem, I will kick myself. say, where does one find a weapon editor for the '08 patch?
  23. Fly low and fast. Or if you get cought high, turn twards the missile and then break off hard at high speed. Nerve shredding, yes, but it works. Barrel rolling is good too, but what's the fun in that?
  24. The weapons editor itself is in the downloads section, under SF/WOx downloads\utilities and editors. I think it's on the 5th or 6th page. However, I suggest downloading a weapons pack, like the Mirage Factory's or the gigantic Bunyap Pack. they're under SF/WOx downloads\Weapons mods/skins. The Bunyap pack comes with the weapon and gun editors. I too bought SFP1 new on CD, but my copy was the last one in town. It was a great deal for $20!

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