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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Happy Birthday Wpnssgt

    Many happy returns!
  2. First Flight!

    Very nice! Slipped the slurly bonds of earth, have we? What kind of plane is that? Looks like one of the little Diamonds... LSA?
  3. That's awesome.... I'm thinking the base model might benefit from having a tailgun, though. Can you mount missiles on it that'll fire backwards? that would be neat. Otherwise, a 30mil would be handy. I can't wait for this one... it's on my list of "must haves" once I get a comp upgrade.
  4. the Olympics

    olympic coverage here consisted of all the events involving women wearing as little clothing as is acceptable on TV... There wasn't much other then Women's beach voleyball, gymnastics and diving. It didn't matter, though, because I spent those two weeks of televised mediocrity at the beach, or off dirtbiking, or sleeping.
  5. What do you Drive?

    Yeah! Two wheels or no wheels! @Gwar: Not every motorcyclist is one to do wheelies with their girlfriend on the back.
  6. Falcon is very extreme, and you feel a kind of fufillment and purpose in lif after you finally stop getting the bajeebers blown out of you and then actually take out an enemy. SF/WoX is just fun. It can be difficult, but overall, it's more for fun then for all-out realism. I think.
  7. Abbotsford Airshow Pics 2008

    man, I wish I was there. I went once a while back and it was awesome, but I haven't gone since. Too busy working on our house this year.
  8. What do you Drive?

    1985 Honda XL350R Loads of fun to drive (I'm not street legal but it is! My dad always takes it out, he says it's fun), dirt cheap to insure, gets steady 50mpg, accelerates as fast as or faster then most sports cars, sounds like a Ducatti. Kick start only, but it always starts right up, even -10 days. The pic is the one taken by the guy I bought it from... Since I got it I've raised the suspension, put on new chain and sprockets, new exhaust, new tires, all that good stuff. If it 'ain't got a kick start, it's a kiddy cart!
  9. that's the first thing I'm getting with the new computer.
  10. After getting the bajeebers blown out of me by a MiG-21PFM, my starfighter crashed near... this thing. I can't remember what area it was in, but I've done a lot of "ctrl+F12ing" and I've never seen this before.
  11. well, I found it again. This one was near "Qaitbay" on the original SFP1 fictional desert map, but I found a couple more in the mounitans and just to the west of most cities or oil drills. If I was in something with bombs then I would have blown it up, but I was just in a tomcat. I used to practice bombing on mosques and other random buildings in the cities, I didn't realise that it gave you a negative score! Or maybe I'm just a north american capitalist pig-dog who enjoys destroying holy places.
  12. grrr... automatic landing gear... you'd better not be modeling a Piper Cherokee Arrow, with the stupid landing gear that automatically retracts when you pass 110 knots (or maybe mph), but you can't go that fast unless you retract the gear!
  13. oooOOOOOOoooohhh.... VERY nice! Mine's no teaser, but it sure is funny! I like my AAA... crispy.
  14. I think it's about time....

    ...for a meaningless topic! THE "OOPS" LIST! Post your favorites, add captions, whatever. I've known of this site for a while, and I've added a bit too. for example: "Honestly, sir! It didn't seem that big a drop!"
  15. I can't resist posting this

    you fly those? they're really cool to watch over here, we see a lot in fire season, although I've never seen one with radials, only the turbine conversions.
  16. My Favorite Song....

    Got both their albums. that one and Jeramiah Weed are my favorites.
  17. Google Chrome

    It's started.... Google and Apple are conspiring together to take over every coputer on earth, then they will launch a mass virus to destroy every little bit of programing, and in mankind's plight, they will emerge with new systems and will manipulate them to controll mankind!!!!! So I'm sticking with firefox and Explorer.
  18. Buying the stairway to heaven Or, "Yo ho, Yo ho a Pirate's life for me!" edit: YOINK! broke the chain!
  19. man, I can't wait to afford WOI. And a new computer. I'm also looking foreward to the SFP1 patch, although I am a bit dissapointed that it's the last one.
  20. Rambling

    Flying DACT was loads of fun. It's just like dogfighting, except you can't get killed. The best part, though, was the planes you fly. I was assigned to flying F-21s and Aggressor A-4s against F-15 and 16 squads that were cycled through every couple weeks, and the odd navy squad of F-18s, or even 14s. It was great work, but it felt a little uneasy flying with such a carefree attitude over a country that we had just liberated. It all started with the alarm, which we had been fortunate not to hear for over 5 months. I was in the mess hall with a couple other guys, none of them pilots. We took off into the dugout while we heard the booms and bangs of a CBU attack. It was a good thing that they attacked now, because just the day before there had been a squadron of Eagles on the tarmac. After the attack, there was bad news at the ops shack. Despite the fact that most of our planes escaped damage-free, Paran had declared war on us. Again. There was a counterattack in the works, and we'd be flying the agressors. After a couple doays of careful planning, the mission came together. We wouldn't have the element of suprise that the enemy MiGs and SUs enjoyed, but we did have more experienced pilots. I was to be heading a flight of F-21s. "Okay guys, you all here?" "Two's up" "Three's up" "Four's up" "great. Now takeoff is at 06:53, rendevous with the attack flight at 07:14 and we'll be over the target to clear the MiGs out at 07:37. Got it?" We were one of two flights of four Kfirs, callsign aptly "Lion", each with four AIM-9Js (because we didn't have 32 of anything else) and a big drop tank from an Eagle jury-rigged to fit properly. We were decoys to lure the MiGs up and keep them busy while the elderly A-4s and F-4s struck the airfield. I was a bit worried because of scattered cloud and the Kfir's lack of radar, but at least it had ECM and (a couple) chaff and flare. Cruising along at angels 10, I continued to be impressed with the delta's stability. It was like halfway between a scooter and a starfighter. We got a couple sams launched on the way, but none of them really tracked, thanks in part to the clouds I guess. About 30 miles off AWACS informed us about an incoming flight of MiGs, so we climbed up a couple thousand feet to get above the cloud. Not long after, we saw more then "a couple" MiGs. MiG 23s, to be exact. "Dammit. Watchtower, requesting assistance, about 16 floggers coming our way." "Lunk, where the f*** are you?" "Ah, I'm coming ram. 16, you say?" "yeah" I rolled in above them and my flight followed. They hadn't seen us yet. "Well, they've been trying to lock us for some time now, and we're running out of chaff." "Missile Inbound!" "Lunk, they just launched one off. it's headed your way. Engaging." "Lion flight, engage. Fridge, cover me." we were above and behind the MiGs, and me and Fridge got tones. "Fox Two" "Fax Too" While his hit the last guy in the formation, mine miracuously snaked through the MiG cloud and nailed the fourth guy from the front. "s**t." In the split second of silence after he blew up, I could have sworn that I heard the Weapons master swith click on in all 14 remaining cockpits. Then, MiGs darted every which way, wings swung foreward and the s**t hit the fan. I hauled the lion cub up and around on a wing and dove down after a split-Sing Flogger. as he pulled out and I followed, the RWR started blaring. Knowing that there were a half dozen floggers trying to hunt this lion, I broke off my attack and pulled a quick 6G turn, forgetting I was in a delta. My speed bled off faster then I have the pride to admit. Instantly, a pair of MiGs took advantage of my plight. One overshot right away, but the other stuck. "Fridge! I'm lowandslowandwaxed!" "On it" through the top of my canopy I saw one lion split-S down and behind the advancing flogger. "too eazy" fridge drawled. I had the J-79 firewalled and I was zig-zagging and barrel-rolling for my life, and I was slowly putting some distance between me and my attacker. "I can't get no tone" "Then gun him! Jesus!" just then, the MiG kicked in the burner and before he knew it, he had an american missile shoved up his tailpipe. "there 'e goes" "Nice shot" I glance at my fuel gauge and saw that my external tank was empty but still there. I punched it off and climbed back up to see a thick trail of smoke, but there were no victory calls over the radio. I expected the worst as I climbed behind another flogger. "Four's got one but his radio's out," said three. "Good." I was closing on the flogger when he punched in the burner and climbed off. I couldn't match his climb rate, and just as I was about to turn away my RWR started blaring again. I looked back to see a little dot at my 7, and I immlemaned up and over. Just then the blare got worse and I saw a white snake of smoke coming twards me. Fast. "One! Missile inbound!" I rolled left and popped off a volley of chaff and flare while I bled off speed and turned twards the snake. then I firewalled the J-79 and pulled the tail around. The missile flashed by to my right with not much room to spare. Too close. "Fax too" I pulled up and cut out of burner as the MiG that launched the radar guider was hit by my wingie's sidewinder. The plane started to roll over, and the pilot ejected as flame started to come from the tail. I pulled around in an ascending right turn as I saw a MiG dive in on my wingie. I quickly rolled over on my back and the big MiG filled my windscreen. I fired a quick burst of guns and I was met by the strange "WHUMPWHUMPWHUMPWHUMP" of twin 30mm cannon instead of the usual "VRRRRRRRRRPP" of a vulcan. Nonetheless, I still got the kill. "Nice shot!" "much obliged" I pulled around in a climbing turn looking for everybody. I picked up 3 circling above and 2 was on my wing. "Where's four?" I looked down and to the left and saw him chasing after a lone MiG-23. He must be out of missiles. Without word I rolled in and dove. The MiG was in burner, wings back, and was outrunning the Kifir. I got in behind and above him, but I had no tone, I silently cursed the stores guys for not just giving us mixed armments, but then the MiG turned just enough that a tone came up. I fired off two 'winders. Their relative speed was fairly low, and one slipped under the flogger's wingtip, and before he could turn to evade, the other cought his tail and sent him into a nose-down powerdive. "Lunk, you there?" "Rambler? You won't believe what happened." "How many did you guys get?" "Six." "Seven." I saw three contrails above us headed the other way, but we didn't have the gas to engage, and the high-flying MiGs must have been in the same situation. After getting back to base, we learned that Lunk's flight had lost two kfirs, but that the strike had been sucessful. Dhimar and Paran were undergoing negotiations and Isreal was not happy that we used and lost two of their planes. A wing of F-16s came to replace the Kfirs, and i was amazed at how lucky we were, to take on 16 Floggers without taking any damage. Then my crew chief walked up and walked me over to my plane, where he showed me two neat holes, about an inch and a half wide, through the left elevator. Too close.
  21. This is your captain speaking (Monty Python)

    ah, yes. The classic. The Airline Hijacking one is good too.
  22. I think it's about time....

  23. The whistles go WHOO!

    everybody's trying to be all serious about it and that guy's just like "WHOOO! W'WHOOO! WOOO!" nice. sounds like a stupid thing to put in your car, though.
  24. well, with sparrows, it's best to get a lock and center your target in the radar screen, and keep it that way untill the missile hits the target. They're not "fire-and-forget". Sometimes they won't track and will miss their target completely, and sometimes they will blow up as soon as the booster goes out because they can't find or track the target. This is just becuse they are not 100% reliable, and they won't work perect every time. As for dogfight tactics, movies don't show actual tactics that well, so the best way to learn is to practice! Just remember, there are three dimensions that you dogfight in, so you can easily kill a bandit who is only turning by climbing and diving. I believe the manual outlines some basic moves as well. Also look HERE for more basic dogfight tactics.
  25. Fortunately, I have no desire to play intrecate campaigns in full HD. I'll probably just yoink a couple of planes for single-mission use

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