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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. B-52

    B-52H or B-52G addon both found here --> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...um=10&st=10 these are complete aircraft with models and everything, the other downloads require the .lod and some other files from the TW B-52 found in WOV.
  2. Post-Apocolyptic Society

    Well, I just got back from seeing Wall-E in the theater (with my 8 year old brother! I'm not THAT young!), and I actually enjoyed it. Not Just because of the cool animation, innovative storyline, dynamic characters or great ending, but because of the whole idea behind the movie. For those of you (most of you) who don't know, it takes place in a bizarre post-apocalyptic world, completely uninhabited by humans because of an overabundance of garbage and an inhospitable atmosphere, both created by humans in the first place. *******************WARNING: PLOT SPOILER BELOW********************* That's as far as I'll ruin the plot for you, because I'm talking about the idea behind the story. It sounds like exactly the kind of thing the human race would do to "Restore" the world. Let a fleet of robots take care of the earth's problems for us while we live on, totally carefree. It's not a "Mad Max" type of apocalypse, and it seems pretty close to what might happen to our world in the end, minus the robot that has some strange ability to think for itself and have feelings. Also, I really enjoyed the movie, it was just as entertaining for me as it was for my brother, and it is much more than just a kids movie. Although most of you would rather shoot yourself in the foot than get cought dead in a "Kids" Disney movie. Grow up!
  3. Who is this Bongodriver?

    well, by "thunder", I meant the drone of your little bird there. where do you usually fly?
  4. Using the WHOLE runway...

    dah, russkie aircraft strong like ox... little dirt, not problem! Big wheels!
  5. Who is this Bongodriver?

    yoink! stealing bongo's thunder! for those who don't know, the Islander is a little Britten-Norman plane of rather simple design. High wing, twin Lycoming six-bangers, fixed gear, and pretty short takeoff. Famous for their reliability, efficiency and general usefulness. There's also a three-engined version (the trislander) and a turboprop version (the turbo-islander. Duh.) here's the islander. Cute, huh? and here's the trislander, kinda like a mini, prop version of a DC-10!
  6. Got iPhone?

    Wings Over Imac? In that case, yes.
  7. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

  8. Pathetic...

    a terrible waste of 13 soldiers. kinda shows how vulnerable soldiers are though... Even in the realtive safety of a base. If the enemy could somehow find a way to sabotage showers or the water or anything like that, they'd all be done for.
  9. Favorite song

    well, I think this one is pretty self-explanitory. What's your favorite song? Mine is Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, I like to listen to it while I'm flying (Like in Iron Eagle!). I also like Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson. FREEBIRD!
  10. Favorite song

    Finally! Also, Sympathy for the Devil
  11. Favorite song

    maybe he also has tallestshoes, or maybe on weekends he changes into shortestshorts. ....
  12. California wildfires

    I remember back when we had the Mountian Park fire here. We got evac notice, and we were in the middle of the city. We used to stand on the roof of our house and watch the flames. There was also the Martin Mars water bombers droning around. Too bad they can't replace the old radial engines with some new turbines, because those bombers saved many a home.
  13. Favorite song

    wait... I was listening to Surfin' with the Alien while I was dogfighting, and then Flight of the Valkyrie in an intercept mission... way cool.
  14. Trip to CFB Komox

    good pics, it's too bad that all of the RCAF's coolest planes are mothballed. oh, and I think it's spelled with a C.
  15. Thank You MK2

    after looking over the downloads section today, I realised that it wouldn't all be there were it not for Mk2. Thanks again.
  16. Devil's Tower, Wyoming.

    I like the Northwest. I've been all over the place, but the mountians and forests of the NW are some of the coolest landscapes on earth. If you're going east-west, be sure to check out the Rockies, although it's not like you have much choice.
  17. My Truck

    wow, sounds nice. My uncle let me go for a ride in his Freightliner super-B fuel tanker back when I was 6, and ever since then I've always liked trucks, especially Freghtliners. The only make better is Westeren Star
  18. So...

    which is weird, seeing as he can save the world from a race of mutant mole people using only a nail clipper, three lego bricks and a blade of grass and the russian spies can't even get out of a garbage truck...
  19. Happy Birthday to.....

    many happy returns! :fans:
  20. My Truck

    VERY nice. Freightliner? What engine and tranny has it got? waddaya haul usually?
  21. I got "Rambler" actually before I bought SF... it's partly a misnomer because I hardly ever talk at all (I've gone whole days without saying anything and nobody notices ), and partially because once I get started on a topic (airplanes, cars, motorcycles), I never stop. That's why I have 500+ posts here! My good friend Ramrod got the name first from standing at full attention for an hour straight, and doing it again the next day, and later because of an interesting incodent involving a Victoria's Secret magazine. My flight lead got the tag Lunkhead because of his lack of social skills and common sence outside of the cockpit, and my friend Fridge got his name for his, er, circumfrence.
  22. Astronomy...

    I feel sorry for you poor saps with your cloud covers and beetles of doom and what not. Here we've had an unbelievable spell of hot weather (40+ degrees!), and almost every night has been clear like you wouldn't believe! If I wasn't spending all my summer vacation nights sleeping, I'd be up in the hills armed with a telescope, my star book and a dim red flashlight looking at who-knows-what! No bugs either, it's too hot for them! bonus!
  23. So...

    I always though that the pepsi symbol represents the world. Blue is good, red is evil, and white is Chuck Norris keeping them from fighting.
  24. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    If only I had the money now...
  25. So...

    MacGyver's theme song is better.

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