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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Astronomy...

    yeah, me and my dad tried to turn our 150mm telescope into a death ray by shining lasers through it. this thread prompted me to pull out my "Pocket Guide to the Universe" book of astronomy and find some interesting stuff, like the double star of Alpha/Proxima Centuari or the sperate galaxies around Andromeda.
  2. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I've been looking high and low for that game. Where'd you find it, and what do you need to run it?
  3. Post-Apocolyptic Society

    I think we honestly didn't need to know about that one.
  4. yep, wherever it is, that tire should be pretty low. Is it true that the A-7 had almost no teething problems in the prototype stage? (unlike the tomcat...)
  5. Astronomy...

    naw, everybody here just uses their telescopes to spy on their neighbors. My dad's an astronomy nut, and I've seen many a planet up close through his telescope. I know my way around the sky, but nothing worth bragging about.
  6. Don't buy EA software in Australia...

    obviously some kind of strange phenomenon caused by the northeren hemisphere water in the ice being confused about what month it is and weither it should be warm or cold.
  7. Don't buy EA software in Australia...

    or maybe it's some very, VERY well educated ice.
  8. Russians kill georgian UAV

    That's cool... I donno weither to bookmark it as "neat stuff" or run and take cover for fear of WW3
  9. Rambling

    uh-oh, my lead's on the site... I knew my freedom wouldn't last long...
  10. the hardest part of being a wingman is not shooting your lead down when he does something stupid or insults your sister over the radio or even threatens to shoot you down. jeez...
  11. Check out this plane CA-15

    yeah, but what else could you call it that would make somebody say "Hey, it must be Australian!"?
  12. Aircraft Camouflage

    then how come all the fighters and bombers I see these days are low-vis grey?
  13. Check out this plane CA-15

    Bah. Kangaroo. Boomer. Whatever. I though the Kangaroo should be a smaller plane, and this big sucker the Boomer, but I seemed to have overestimated your naming skills.
  14. Don't buy EA software in Australia...

    Wow, the aussie dollar is pretty close to the Loonie, which is 98.0777 cents U.S. as of today. As for 62 degree ice... 62 degrees Kalvin perhaps? (That's *C starting at absolute zero.)
  15. Hunt for Scuds

    Kinda reminds me of the V1 and V2 missiles in WWII, and the Skeeters they used to take them down. Really good story about that in a book I've got here, maybe I'll post it sometime.
  16. Aircraft Camouflage

    I think camo should be used, but it should be changed depending on the task of the planes. Make high-fliers light blue, make mud-runners camo, make euro planes low-vis and make Navy planed blue. Maybe if they could devise a variable camouflage system or something.
  17. Check out this plane CA-15

    If I recall, wasn't the Boomerang (original name, guys) from early WWII based on the P-36, or am I barking up the wrong tree? It seems that the most unlikely places come up with the coolest planes. I'd like to fly that thing, like a super mustang. Maybe call it the Stallion ore something. Wait... it's Australian. better call it the Boomer.
  18. Don't buy EA software in Australia...

    huh? anyway, what's the Australian dollar at these days? I heard that a new title there runs ~$100, which is pretty steep in Canadian dollars, where games run about $60-$80 new, so unless the Aussie dollar is $1.25 Canadian, which I think is still pretty close to that much American, you guys are getting a bum deal.
  19. Plane Spotting

    naw, that's at Disney land under the pirates of the caribbean ride. Hey, what's the avrocar doing there? we consider it a miserable faliure and a disgrace to the once-proud Canadian Avro Company, builders of the magnificent CF-105 Arrow and what should have been the world's first airliner, the Avro Jetliner. Also, how come you eastereners get all the nice museums?
  20. Let's see who's on the ball...

    Kudos to whoever can figure out what happened here. I can tell you it sure was interesting.
  21. Well, this stated with the F-14s. I couldn't download them so I found a comprimise. But then I tried to download the Jaguar and it didn't work either, same problem as both tomcats. I tied all the from both here and column5, but they all gave me an error warning telling me to "Make sure that the disk is not protected" while my antivirus informed me that it detected "Adware.Win32.Eshoper" and had to "Quarentine" the file. I tried the MF F-16 Block 10 IDF, and it downloaded fine. I'm gonna continue to try different MF planes, but I've got a hunch that it's only the non-high-def planes that I can't download, which is a bother because a) the planes I want are not high-def, and b) even if I wanted to, I can't run high-def on low-preformance computer. If any MF insiders could shed some light on this situation, I would be forever in your debt if I'm not already from using your planes.
  22. I remember taking down a flight of 12 jap bombers in a P-40... I got 6 and my wingie got 3, but I had to crash-land because of all the holes I took. Good times...
  23. Even if my computer decided to go "rogue", it wouldn't be too much of a threat, seeing as it lags running "Pinball". Anyway, I'm rather reluctant to keep probing to find a way around the shaw antivirus thing... When I right click on the icon it gives me a bunch of useless options and then one that says "Unload and allow all network traffic". I'm not sure if I should do that, seeing as I don't want to kill it for good and have shaw come after me with a "Contract Violation" charge or something.
  24. Just want to say...

    man, now i feel really bad that I've taken so much from this community but I have no way of giving anything back. The moment I can afford It, I'm gonna donate. But untill then, a HUGE thanks to the people who have already contributed to keep ComabatAce online. Way to go guys!
  25. Thank You MK2

    Huge thanks MK2, we couldn't do it without you.

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