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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. it's really strange, this has never happened before. Oh well, I'll keep trying to get it going tomorrow.
  2. Spoke too soon! I downloaded the F-14 and it went fine, but now my antivirus is back up and it won't let me shut it down again. When I click "Allow all network traffic", which is what worked last time, it informs me that it cannot preform this action. Even worse, I don't like the Jag with the Avionics70 HUD, and I can't get the original with this stupid antivirus!!! Also, it gave me the same error report that says the file cannot be copied because it is protected, and it won't let me save it. CURSE YOU, SHAW!!!!
  3. yep, that did the trick. I'm now the happy pilot of yet another A+ aircraft, despite the fact that the dictators at Shaw are no doubt plotting my untimely demise because I undermined their beloved foolproff antivirus progarm.
  4. i've just got shaw antivirus, it's part to the package we get for internet. Do you think that turning it off will get rid of the error message? also, the F-84 downloaded fine, so my guess was wrong. It looks like it's jsut the tomcats and the jaguar. Maybe my comp has something against felines.
  5. Let's see who's on the ball...

    Well, thanks to Coolhand- er, MigBuster, I now have the required sounds for my FrankenVark! IOU1, Buster. Edit- Oops, sorry modders, this was supposed to be in the SFP1 General Discussion area. I didn't realise it was in the pub! (*runs and hides before USAFDave or other big scary admin comes in to appy discepline*)
  6. Some screens, just cuz (56k will not like)

    Whoa........ That A-10 is NICE! and I realy like that SU-27. go Ukrane!
  7. Let's see who's on the ball...

    yeah, I guess you're right... I really wanna try Falcon just to see how good it really is. yeah, and the sounds are USNstall and friends... I'm not sure which ones exactly, because I overwrote the original data.ini to put in J-75 sounds as an interm fix... I'd still like to use the real sounds though.
  8. yeah, he had a flying version before I left about 4 months ago.
  9. Let's see who's on the ball...

    it actually took a while to down this guy, I've got FM and AI on Hard with the superAI upgrade. The hardest part was lining up for the gun shot, though, 'cause the thing shoots down, not straight. Also, I need the F-14 sounds to complete this thing, but I can't download the F-14 from anywhere to get the sounds, it's possessed with all manner of demons.
  10. Let's see who's on the ball...

    pretty much. And no, it wasn't a 'winder or a ram kill (even though I took out the other MiG earlier with a 'winder). In typical "Rambler" fashion, I took a great plane and fooled with it, in this case the Vark team's F-111F. I mounted a gun pod and made it the ultimate attack plane. I was originally gonna try to figure out where an internal gun would go, but the pod works okay, aside from the fact that you have to aim with the base of the HUD, 'cause the gun fires low.
  11. What an absolute crock of sh....

    It's losers like that who make the world worse for the rest of us. I hate the way that the world is blamed for things that should never have happened if the kids had decent parents, like the ongoing video game struggle or even the recent removal of handles off of ice cream tubs because a 4-year old strangled themselves to death on one while their parents were who-knows-where.
  12. Fake speedbumps!

    well, your cities may have to fake it, but here we have the real thing! Some bumps big enough to beach Hondas and potholes that have a diet of smart cars and motorcyclists.
  13. How mature can a B-52 get exactly!

    Is it just me, or is this the plane I read about in a cheap paperback printed 20 years ago, but minus the laser turrets and charged-ion cannon? Another thing is how thay said the B-52 is the most versatile aircraft in USAF inventory, and it's a 50 year old leviathan of a bomber, the US equivilant of a Star Destroyer. If you ask, I'm sure the Navy will inform you that the most versatile aircraft they have is the F-18 (and it's various unholy devil-spawn that are taking over the roles of my favorite aircraft GRRR!!!!), which is significantly smaller, lighter, more moderen and more useful than a lumbering B-52. Not saying that the air force is out-dated, but it kinda looks that way, huh?
  14. Airbus A400M Roll-Out

    Damn, what a Frankenplane! Like Nesher said, it looks like a C-130 and a C-17 got busy in the back hangar and this came up! Looks pretty big for a turboprop, must have crazy efficiency.
  15. The British way...

    D'ya think they do that for regular ops?
  16. Gee Whiz...

    don't worry, slick. It seems like only yesterday that I was the resident new guy, searching the forum for a place to post and raise my status. before you know it, you'll be a valued member. Although it is strange that you've been around for three+ years and you're still "new".
  17. Just got this in my email...

    our neighbor had a dog like that. It was crossing the road one day and it ran over a Kia and killed it.
  18. Rambling

    It felt good to be back in my usual spot, the cockpit of a sluf sitting right behind my usual flight lead, Lunkhead. As much as I'm a better pilot, he's a better commander, especially in battle. Our mission was to take out some little enemy runway way hell and gone by the very edge of the map, and it required a fuel top-up both there and back. This marked the first time Lunk has had to tank it, but my third. Takeoff and the first hour of flight were normal. Our Corsairs were heavy laden with bombs and rockets and lumbered through the air like a flock of fat ducks. We went high over enemy positions, and one group of CAPing MiG-17s tried with all their hearts to catch us, but we were too high and they must have been low on fuel. Once we were past the worst of the Paranians, we made contact with the tankers. We all had basic tanker training, but for Lunk's first time in real life, it was not the best conditions. Fat planes and low fuel was not ideal. the tankers could fill us two at a time, so our tail-end charlie and Lunk went first. The operator, er, critic in the tanker made his usual comment about "Hey, I think your planes like us" when the probes came out, and it seemed to calm the situation a bit. Charlie hooked up second try, he had done this lots before. Lunk wasn't so lucky. "up a bit, keep it coming.... whoa, not that much!" "shut the hell up!" "easy on the throttle there, buddy. That's it. now..." "I mean it!" "you don't do this much, do ya?" "Don't make me come in there!" "I doubt you could." Eventually, he got hooked up, much to the dismay of the operator. The pilots laughing over the radio didn't help. I got in third try as did our #3, and just for good measure I kicked some left rudder in while unhooking and made the bloody critic wet himself. Once the refueling episode was over, we had to focus on our target. It was a 1200 foot dirt strip not far from the coast, and according to our charts it was lightly defended. Milk run. Lunk and I would strafe the grounded planes with our rockets while the other two holed up the runway with their combined 24 500 pound slicks, and then we'd finish the job with our 6 750 pound high-drags each. we also had an air force F-4D fighter sweep coming through to help with top cover. Piece of cake. about 10 minutes off target, things started to happen. we saw the F-4s, and as soon as we made contact, they broke off to distract a flight of 4 MiG-21s that were on the way. We dropped to a lower altitude and built up speed when we were told of another flight of 2 MiGs coming our way. We slid underneath, but then a ground gunner must have raised the alarm, because all of the sudden we had flak and SAMs like crazy and those MiGs dove in on us. "Lunk to flight 2. drop load and engage those MiGs so we can get that runway." "roger, lead. your mud-movers are going up." we each had our guns and 2 'winders apiece, but our 24 500s were gone. "Ram, you hole up the runway. I'll distract the ground fire." "Roger" I climbed up and did a wing-over to line up with the target runway. It had a taxiway making a T right in the middle, so I plunked all 6 draggies in that area. No time for an assessment. I cought a glimpse of Lunk twirling his sluf through the air, dropping 750s and dodging 3 lines of green. What a lunatic. "2's off." "ok, let's see what we can do about those MiGs." there was a hell of a racket coming from the F-4s and our guys who were taking on the MiGs. It sounded like an even fight. "Two, check six!" "Watch it!" "Fox Two!" "lookout, he's firing" "Guns! Guns!" "Get him offf!" "Break, three! watch it! Missile!" "I GAT 'IM! I GAT 'IM!" "holy s-" "dangit, I'm hit!" "hold on- I've got him- hold..." "Nice shooting!" "Ah!" "FOD" "Jesus- Watch it!" We climbed up and spotted an A-7 behind a MiG-21, but before we could dive in to help, there was a glint in my mirror. "JESUS! LEAD! CHECK SIX! TWO!" "what th-" Two MiG-17s were right behind us, a random glint off their polished finish had revealed them. "lead, break! they're fast! forcceeeeeee----an overshoot" I stretched the word as my vision greyed in a tight 7-G turn. Sure enough, the MiGs overshot. Well, me at least. "Rammmmmbler, get thissssss guy of meEeEeEeEeE!" I saw lunk bumping through a turn, binders out, MiG in hot prisuit. No time to see where the other one is, I gotta save my lead. I rolled and split-Sed down about 200 feet below and a ways behind the pair, and I fingered the 'winder as I got a tone. Then I realised the risk. "Lunk, hold on. I'm going in for guns." "Boy am Iyyyyy glad to hear thattttt!" more g-force strained speech. I throttled in behind the pair and slid the sluf up behind the MiG. He broke off his attack, but it was too late. I had the pipper right in his path. BBBBBRRRRRPPPPP!! A one-second burst of yellow tore his Fresco into two. "thank God, ram- WHOA!" A MiG-21 whizzed right in front of him and he tore off, eager to make his mark. I Checked my mirror and found an unpleasant suprise. A fishbed had somehow got in behind. I was fast, so I pulled up and over while he had to roll to get level and follow me. I completed the loop and was in the process of swinging around to carch him high and slow, when there was a boom and a fireball where he was supposed to be. "Wahoo! I got one! I got one!" "nice, three" "chalk up one for me too." Lunk and #3 had both gotten theirs. I scanned the sky and didn't see much. "I think we're done." "ok, sound off, guys" "#2" "#3" "crap, where's charlie?" "think he bought it?" "I saw wun sluf go in" slurred an F-4 pilot. "how'd you guys do?" "uhhh, got 3, lost 2" "s**t. We're RTB." "Gaddit, slufs" Lunk and #3 climbed out while I circled to see if I could see anything else. Aside from smoking heaps on the ground, nothing. Then I saw it. The MiG-17 that snuck up on us and we didn't get. And he was behind lunk. "f***! BREAK! BREAK!" the two Corsairs peeled off in different directions, and the MiG followed Lunk. "Rammmmm, I'n gonna need some hellllllllp again!" "I'm on it!" "s**ttttt!! hurry, he's firin'!" sure enough, the little bugger was blazing away, throwing caution to the wind, determined to get his kill. They were both low and slow, turning tight. I dove in from above, popped the bimders and cut inside the MiG, who wasn't 100 yards from Lunk. Then it happened. Lunk made a bad turn, stalled, pulled out to catch it, and the MiG saw his chance. The green tracer tore through the sluf like a hot knife through butter. "EJECT! EJECT!" he didn't have time. The plane exploded. "NO!!!" The MiG pulled up, happy of his victory, and saw me close behind. I pinned the throttle, closing the gap. "Burn..." He was climbing and turning, obviously panicing. I was within 100 yards. "In..." He pulled up in an attempt to use his lighter weight to get away. Not this time. "HELL!" I jammed the trigger and sent round after round after round into the cockpit. I continued spraying intill a wing came off, then it blew up in my face. I got through the FOD cloud somehow, and I got a bearing for the tanker. I don't remember much else of the flight. two weeks later, I sat in my BOQ room. I was on leave, but I had nothing to do. Nobody to see. Nowhere I wanted to go. In my hand I held the DFC I had recieved for the mission that killed my lead. It hurt just to look at it. I looked out the window to the shore below and I threw the medal as far as I could. BURN IN HELL
  19. Rambling

    Ironically, I just completed a flight that I'm gonna write about.
  20. Rambling

    good thing too, otherwise I'd probably feel jealous of the other me. Thanks for the compliment, but no ammount of ass-kissing could convince me to write more often. Only when I complete a good flight do I write about it.
  21. It's Birthday time again...

    what the heck? when did we get a "happy birthday" smiliey? Happy birthday!
  22. Demotivational Posters

    Tombstone Piledriver... that's a good one. Ok, I'd like to see somebody look at Ironroad's 14A rated poseter and then try to say that the hornet's not gay.
  23. hold on... where does one find this "Shoot 1.6.4" program?
  24. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    that makes sence. Although there still should be a punishment for them so that they can't re-offend. I vote for castration. remember the middle-easteren middle-age laws? if you steal, cut off a hand. If you swear or verbally abuse, cut out the tongue. If you rape somebody, cut off... well, you get the idea.

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