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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Well, I went and did it...

    Hey, i was gonna say that! All right, another biker! I thought I was the only one here! Although my XL350R isn't that... shiny.
  2. Spitfire funny

    Man, I've seen that a million times and it still makes me laugh!
  3. Women in uniform...

    Nice first post!
  4. Happy Birthday

    juys? Happy birthday! Buncha April fools...
  5. I was playing around with my A-7 and I was on a strike mission escorted by a bunch of F-4s. I noticed that my Corsair, loaded with four LAU-10 pods and 2 'winders, cruised at 503 knots, while the F-4s, with four sparrows and 'winders each, cruised in the high 400's. Does the A-7 really cruise faster than an F-4? This raised another question. I noticed that most planes that should be able to go mach 2 or so only get up to about 800 knots. According to my calculations, Mach 2 is 1,322.9 knots, but I have never used a plane in SF that can reach that without being modded (heheheh...). So is the airspeed as displayed in SF the actual speed your plane is going? It must be accurate in the lower speeds, because stall is usually more or less where it's supposed to be.
  6. Infidel of the week

    I thought he was that guy about a month back who went out on a suicide bombing mission but fell down some stairs and went boom. Premature detonation!
  7. Earth Hour 2008

    We just put our lights back on. Why couldn't they have it during the day, when it's light out? We had do play uno by candlelight for an hour.
  8. F-18Fs for RAAF confirmed

    Oh-ho, you didn't see the CF-188 that "landed" here last year! 4 Landings and an arrival. The pride of out airforce didn't flare and hit the runway going down 200 feet per minute! bounced like a Basketball!
  9. Pilot hurt in jet breakup sues Boeing

    Hmm. Disposable fighters being used long-term. Therein lies the problem. And there's not much that can be done, with small military budgets and expensive fighters. At least they all have ejector seats.
  10. F-18Fs for RAAF confirmed

    Well, even though the hornet is nothing special, and it'll be a step down from the F-111, it's probably a good choice for Australia. Athough I still don't like hornets. At least you guys are getting NEW ones. We had to settle for a bunch of old beat-up F-18s handed down from the US NAVY because they were too old to land on carriers.
  11. Pilot hurt in jet breakup sues Boeing

    what a load of BS. Just because a plane crashed it doesn't mean that it's the manufactuer's fault. While he's at it he should sue the crew chief for not maintaining his plane, the Air Force for giving him a defective plane, and the state of Missouri because it's air broke his plane apart. Besides, he survived, didn't he? most people would be happy that, of all things, the ejector seat didn't defect.
  12. Joint Dual Role Air Dominance Missile

    don't the Soviets (sorry, Russians) have a general purpose missile? I know that they have the K-13, which can be equipped with radar or IR seeker. A universal missile design would be a good idea, but it'd have to be modular.
  13. Rambling

    what do you mean by context and in-cause?
  14. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    dah, I should have guessed. It's disgusting how some of the best, most timeless shows and songs are beign brutallized in an attempt to make them moderen and popular again. We saw Thunderbirds go down, then Speed Racer, then Rocky, Rambo, Indiana Jones, now Knight Rider. Hopefully the new A-team will miss the mark and end up being good. did they at least keep the same old Knight Rider theme song? EDIT- another addition to my list of ruined classics. Remember that groovy 70's song by Charles Wright calle "Express Yourself"? Well it was redone by some woman pop/soft rock singer and it's horrible.
  15. yep. Same here. I think the reason the TW series gets low ratings is because TW is a SIM, not a game. And those who play it are pilots or want to be pilots, not gamers.
  16. ok, I think I understand. I definetly know the IAS and TAS, I learned that from my dad. I looked up the corsair's universal cruise speed and put it into the ini file so it's nice and slow now . Also, at the altitude I was at, Mach 2 was about 950 knots TAS, and I was going 820 knots indicated. in that situation, I was going 928 knots true (if my math is right), so i was pretty close to mach 2. I was also in an F-14 with weapons and a pretty full fuel load, so I think the top speed was accurate. Also, I'm gonna keep that chart.
  17. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    yeah- and we want pictures too! If you can take photos of your dinner ( ), we want to see that photos from your party. :yes:
  18. Women in uniform...

    Dah, you don't want to get involved with those spaniard girls.
  19. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    I wonder if they're gonna use any of the original cast members? After all, Hasselhoff is still Michael Knight, Stallone is still Rambo and Ford is still Indiana Jones.
  20. AWACKer for 23 Mar 08

    lol "Good Lord.."
  21. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    actually, Chuck had a prototype called Cluck. The two battled and Chuck sucessfully roundhoused his "brother" into the 7th dimension. I got the two mixed up.
  22. The funniest movie on Youtube

    yeah, and it could have special hardpoints for Bat-bombs and Bat-rocket packs.
  23. What airplane are you?

    aw maannn! Both these tests got me completely wrong!!! The first one said i was Baron 58. I flew in one last month and hated it. Guzzling, heavy, noisy and not much better preformance than a 182. The second one said I was an F-15. I've never liked F-15s, too big, noisy and heavy for me. Also, The F-15 is popular and known by everybody; it's like the default fighter. That's not me. At all. and my fortune cookie was wrong today too.
  24. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Cluck Norris broke the land speed record in the Flinstonemobile.

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