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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. The funniest movie on Youtube

    Was that a Bell model 47 with batwings?!?!?!? Now I've seen it all...
  2. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    and began copying the work of old biffers. What's next? M*A*S*H? Green Acres? Three's Company? The Beverly Hillbillies (Matt Damon as Jethro!)?
  3. LMAO! For F-14 Lovers!

    this is my favorite F-14 video. WAZZUUUPPP?!?!?!?!?!!!?!
  4. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy B-day to the big daddy of CombatAce! See, all the good people have birthdays in march. There IS something about june...
  5. I think lights are the main weapon of the sex intercepter- just fly over the target's bedroom and light it up for all to see!
  6. Red Army Choir gone redneck,

    I think Stalin just rolled in his grave
  7. I Love It When a Remake Comes Together

    nice! I wonder who's gonna be B.A... I REALLY hope that don't mess this one up.
  8. Boston Dynamics Big Dog

    that's cool. I couldn't stop laughing when the guy kicked it!
  9. Right. 'cause it's got the long slanty windscreen with the single bar down the middle.
  10. come on, I could have told you that! I had major lag probs with a bunch of planes, and they all had reflection .tgas. as soon as I nixed those, everything was fine.
  11. man, makes me wish I had a 200 gig HD instead of 5. :cray: WHY MUST YOU RELEASE SO MAY FANTASTIC MODS?!?!?!? also, what plane is that pit from back on the first page?
  12. I always thought that the only thing an F-15 could outmanuver is a KC-10. ok, ok it's not that bad. Not any worse thatn the Mirage III anyway.
  13. Rambling

    I liked the A-7. it was kind of like a cross between the A-4, the F-8 and the A-6. It was more of a plane for flying than for fighting, though. Too soft for combat. And only 2 'winders. I had trouble with it at the bombing range, i couldn't hit a tanker with 500 pounders, let alonge 1000s. So they put me on anti-ship missions, using rocket pods, with which my aim was second to none. LAU-10s, 33s and 61s were all we had, but there were plenty. After a couple of practice sorties, I was ready for a real mission. Flying an average distance, fuel was no problem. I was to fly wingman to an F-4J that was going to cover me and act as a "fast FAC" for another two A-7 coming in to strike the docks. New setup. I didn't like it. flight out was uneventful, my cute little Sluf had little problem keeping up with the big Phantom. The GIB in the '4 wouldn't stop groaning about not having a proper wingman, though. Loser. about ten minutes to target, with radars off (to keep stealth-yah right!), the Phantom climbed up and sighted the target, a single oil tanker. He told me to take it out. As he said this, his RIO started screaming something about two MiGs at 9 o'clock. The Phantom told me to get the tanker while he held off the MiGs. There was a flight of four F-4Bs coming in on CAP in a minute ot two. What we didn't know was that there were also four more MiG-21s along with the ones the Phantom had engaged, and there was a flight of MiG-19s coming in from the east. I had a feeling there was trouble on the way, so I decided to get out before this whole operation went to hell in a handbasket. The Phantom got one MiG with a 'winder, but I knew he couldn't hold them off for too long. I made a quick one-pass, salvoing off eight rockets, blowing the tanker (BIG explosion) and then I made a quick check for other ships before dumping the pods and tanks and immlemaning at full throttle to get some altitude. What I saw wasn't pretty. About 5 miles away was a white dot with a smole trail, the Phantom I assumed. Behind (read: around) him were four little silver dots, long and skinny. MiG-21s (F-13s, as I was later to find out). Without thought, i knew he couldn't make radio calls, either he's been hit or he was too pre-occupied. I told AWACS we needed backup, and, engine roaring (read: whirring), I dove into the thick of the fight to save my leader. right away, I was able to get behind the MiG that was right on my lead's six. The A-7 was a steady dogfighter, it took Gs well, but the lack of a burner was annoying. I popped off a 'winder just as the MiG lined itself up, and I forced him to break off. Thank God the missile didn't track on the Phantom. I saw a prime oppritunity to knock off this MiG, he was high and slow, and in burner. I had a tone. At first I wanted to go in for guns, but I remembered that I was only supposed to be keeping my lead alive untill the cavalry arrived. I fired off my second, last, 'winder, and it went off just behind his tailpipe. great, I thought. It didn't finish him. Then I saw a spurt of orange as he flamed out and started to spin. No time of confirm that kill, I've got bigger fish to fry. I pulled up to get some altitude, and I saw my lead flash past, followed by three MiGs. Three Migs. Three Migs? where's the other--- oh crud. I tried to look behind, and i was suprised by the rear visibility, or lack thereof. I knew he was back there. I had to think fast. I can't out-manuver a MiG-21 or outpower it. The only thing i could thing of was scissors. If anything, I could out-slow him. I cut the throttle and pulled up sharply, putting on AoA. my airspeed dropped, but not enough. I could feel the MiG's pipper on my fuselage. Thinking of my flight instructor and Area 88 at the same time, I crossed my fingers and pulled the airbrake. No sudden deceleration, but it was enough. I looked straight up to see the belly of a fishbed, full burner, with it's airbrakes out, not 30 feet away. I pulled back, hoping that the Sluf still had a little "up" left, and pulled the trigger. I had a fleeting glimpse of tracer going into belly and right wing root of fishbed. Then it was gone, and I head a muffled "whumph" over the shrill sound of the stall warning. Two down. I flipped over back, and as I was diving down, regaining speed, I saw a MiG-21 off to my left and below me, going the same direction as I. I ruddered in behind, and as he saw me I let off a long burst which blew his wing off. He spiralled in. No chute. I did some quick math. 5 Migs, he got one, I got three, that leaves one. now where is he...? "I'm hit, ejecti- WE'RE TAKING DAMAGE!!! OH GOD!!! WE'RE GOING DO- (*whoooooshhh*)" the Phantom had bought it, that stupid RIO had started screaming just as the pilot pulled the "uh-oh" handle. Two good 'cutes. good. Now where was the one who had gotten them? tallyho. I was in a dive, still picking up speed from my stall kill. I saw the fishbed flash overtop of me, going the other direction. Gently pushing the throttle into full military, I pulled a lazy left turn, building speed, and went after my lead's killer. He was RTBing, in a slow climb. there was a hairball was about 7 miles away, with the F-4Bs taking on a group of newcoming MiG-19s. This MiG was trying to get away unnoticed. Must be low on gas or ammo. Or courage. I was closing steadily, suprised by the power the A-7's Allison had at this altitude in a climb like this. I took lazy aim, fired a round over the cockpit and then put ten rounds into the MiG's engine. It suddenly exploded right in my face. No chute. now up at angels 16, I swung around to take a look at the remainder of the battle. The hairball had split up, both sides out of ammo or gas or both. then i saw a fighter pilot's dream, a lone Mig-19 scudding away along the water. I had enough gas. Diving down from 16 grand, I pulled out about 500 yards behind him, closing fast. I punched the trigger and my guns roared, firing about ten rounds. They all slammed into the body of the hapless MiG, and the pilot punched out as his plane nosed over and went sploosh. Hah. Splash one. I swung up over the battlefield, looking for american pilots treading waster. As if on que, a Jolly Green Giant lumbred under me and began the work of plucking the pilots from the sea. There were four american dinghies and four soviet. that means we lost one other phantom. Later, I learned that we had lost three F-4s, one J and two Bs. The second B had gone straight in, no chutes. However, we had 9 soviet planes taken down, 4 MiG-19s and 5 MiG-21s. The only soviet survivor was a single fishbed that had come in late. The other A-7s had RTB'd as soon as the dogfight broke out. I got chewed out by my CAG for letting my lead auger in, but then he went and bought me a whole lot of beer.
  14. is your game all patched up to the current standard? Also, does the camera split your plane in half graphically (so you can see the inside), or is part of the plane just out of your field of view?
  15. looks good! so good that maybe I, a long-time disliker of all things F-15, will try it out. how was dinner, 'MTL?
  16. 5 Years

    <S> .... <?>
  17. Happy Birthday......

    how could you run a computer on balsa wood and a rubber band? many happy returns!
  18. Su-30 & F-22 airshow maneuvers Sync

    the one thing I noticed was that the Sukhoi pulled all those off without ever going into burner, while the -22 was in burner for a turn or two. Really cool to see how those two completely different aircraft could pull off such similar manuvers.
  19. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris doesn't do pushups; he pushes the world down. (I hope that's a new one- It seems kinda obvious)
  20. just my slightly (ok, heavily) biased 2 cents, but I wouldn't feel comfortable refueling from an airbus, or for that matter, flying in the immediate area of one.
  21. Required Reading...

    I read that book. In fact I own it. I didn't really like the ending, but it had a cool story. I like the Rolling Thunder series myself, I read the first and the third book and really liked them. I've also been trying to find a copy of "The Delta" by Marshall Harrison.
  22. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris causes forest fires by looking cross-eyed at a tree and saying something that rhymes with "burn".
  23. what do you plan on doing with a peacemaker? it's just fodder for the MiG-17s!
  24. I built an F-104 that had indestructable wings, nosecone and tail. If you ran out of guns and missiles, you could take them out melee style! I have got a lot of MiG-23 kills with the wings of my F-14 in SFP1, too.
  25. I hereby second the F4D. Wasn't it the NAVY's first supersonic intercepter? Also, that XFV-12 have canard foreplanes on the lower fuselage- bad idea, In a climb, you'll lose lift because the main wing will be in the turbulent wake of the foreplane, and at any angle of attack you could lose all lift from the main wing.

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