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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Microsoft Flight Sim Discussion

    Yeah, that works. Takes a bit of field, but it works. As for the wind, I found that at about half throttle, the J4N will windvane pretty well right into the wind, so if there's no ATIS, I do that. Unfortunately there are none of the usual clues to indicate wind direction (flags, smoke, trees, grass, cows, etc.), so it can become a guessing game. I just finished a nice two-hour IFR hop over some mountains in a Convair 580 (Thanks, CalClassic Propliners!), my first full IFR flight. It's fun, a sort of addictive fun. The plane is awesome too, I love the high-aspect wing and those big Allisons. It's even better because my Dad used to do the wiring in CV 5800s, the stretched version of the 580. Anyways, It's a good first airliner, seeing as I can't stand flying 737s. [shameless plug] http://www.calclassic.com/ [/shameless plug]
  2. New Bike

    There's nothing wrong with enduros!
  3. Plane Sunks in Rio de Janeiro

    now THAT is what I call "Water Injection".
  4. New Bike

    Dude, that's one serious hotrod. I've seen one similar to that motoring around my town, making much noise and smoke and not going very fast. Oh, and just for the record, my Bandit is back on one piece again, and running awesome. I'm gonna try to get a video up on youtube soon. Needless to say, I'm beyond ecstatic. =D
  5. Hey it's actually fun

    I always have a blast with Flight Sim, though I only run FS9 and never do the missions. I just love the whole kit; from taxi and takeoff to navigation to landing, I love every minute of it. A big part of that is probably the excellent 3rd party planes available.
  6. New Bike

    I ride too! I've got a '91 Bandit 400, but it's currently in pieces, undergoing a much-needed tranny rebuild. Turns out Mr. Previous Owner liked to shift clutchless, and sucked at matching revs. Here's my most recent pic of the complete bike, before I changed handlebars and some other stuff: ...And here's it's current condition... =( @ MajorLee, that bike looks seriously immaculate. CBR600F2? @ TurtleHawk, that's a pretty slick bimmer.
  7. YES! That's my all time favorite paint job with my all-time favorite nose art on my all time favorite fighter. I NEED that skin!
  8. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    I like the classics.
  9. The ultimate shovel

    I know what I want for Christmas. Also, that was a strangely epic soundtrack.
  10. CF-18 Crash in Southern Alberta

    Looked to me like plain old compressor stall. Usually there's a puff of smoke or flame with a bird strike or blade failure. Then again, I have been wrong before. The video on the Global TV Calgary site is a good one, but I can't hear the engines over the Bee-Gees that were playing on the loudspeakers...
  11. Commercials I'm so tired of ...

    makeup and tampon commercials during football games. COME ON, REALLY?
  12. Story of A Woman Marine Pilot

    Possibly the best first post I have ever seen.
  13. Come on...you know you want it......

    I hope a museum near here bucks up for that engine. As for me, I want the Martin-Baker from the Canberra they have for sale; Good flight-sim chair!
  14. Well, I just got flight sim 04 re-installed, with my new rudder pedals and full-size joystick (pictures later), and the first thing I did was get the IRIS P-40 pack. I've taken a few flights, but i really wanted to know what power settings to use on the engine for climb and cruise and such. I did a quick google search, and found THIS. It's (almost) everything you need to know about flying a P-40, and I found it pretty good to watch.
  15. Canada Buys 65 F-35s

    YES! F-35s! SHINY NEW FIGHTER JETS! HOORAYY!!!! I'll bet they end up at Alert Bay. Do Lockheeds work in cold weather?
  16. CF-18 Crash in Southern Alberta

    Was that a CF-18 doing the Sabre Dance? Damn... Glad he got out okay. Don't worry, man! We have 65 F-35s on the way!
  17. try higher cruising altitudes to increase your range. Your indicated airspeed will be lower, but your ground speed will be much higher and you will burn less fuel as well. I usually try to cruise as high as I can get. It's also handy if you run into MiGs.
  18. Knocking down Bulls in the Skyray... something I've been waiting to do for a looooong time! They didn't shoot back, though... I'll have to fix that.
  19. A pic taken from ISS

    Never seen the northern lights from above before...
  20. The Person Below Me

    (Aw maaannn, I wanted to be the one who killed this thread for good!) ^False. Soccer is one of the many sports that I am much better at watching then playing. And I fall asleep whenever I watch it. The person below me has the summer off.
  21. Oh Boy, I've missed a lot. All these beautiful WWII and early post-war planes, SR-71 and F-117 WIPs, the NEW CAT IS OUT, the TSR-2 is out, and SF2 has it's own board. whoa. Overload of awesome. Anyways, I rigged up my joystick yesterday and re-installed SF2 V and E today; got a few good shots in, but I severely need to get the ENBseries mod working again. Here's the angelic F-4C I posted by accident on the SF1 board: And here's my first flight in the new 'Cat. My heart belongs to the F-14A.
  22. SF2 Starfox Speech Pack

    Sorry, but I don't plan to. However, you could install it and I believe it would work to some extent, but I also think that SF2 has a few extra phrases for the AI, so some things might be left out.
  23. SF2 Starfox Speech Pack



    This is a mod that I have been working on with the intent of replacing the generic wingman voices with those of the Star Fox team, as in Star Fox 64. This means you'll no longer be flying with "anonymous wingmen #1, 2 and 3", you'll be flying with Falco, Peppy and Slippy. It's a bit of a tribute to SF64, because it was one of the first games to have full voice acting, rather then just text. Some of the voices and quotes are legendary as well. I have tried to fit in as many phrases from SF64 as I could, and replaced some calls and responses with generic chatter. You may have to play Starfox 64 (or at least know something about it) to appreciate this mod. don't forget to read the README!
  24. Mirage Factory F-14A and F-14B Tomcat

    I can't think of a way to express my unbridled joy, seeing the new 'Cats out. Thank you, all of you!

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